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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Searching for a Server

    You should of posted this in General Discussion or looked through the Private Hive Forum and chosen one from the many servers being promoted. I'll just move you over.
  2. boneboys

    What to do with an enemy camp

    Take loot, replace with empty cans and flares.
  3. Depends on what you are running, try the camaign with a high VD or even the benchmarks with the distance pumped up and everything on high ! I got a good machine, i5 2500k, 8go of ram, 460gtx, 24" 120mhz 3D Vision monitor,creative X-Fi gamer 5+1 speakers TrackIR 5, so yea, no real problem here. ToH, is another story.
  4. It was set to a lower level to reduce the possibilty to snipe from a greater distance. Turn off DayZ, set your view distance 4000 m (will bring many machines to their knees) go into the editor and test. Mission data, not server side. So I believe !
  5. boneboys

    Dayz yarn , The Beginning

    Hetstaine,,, you know there is a Stories Topic, why do you do this to me ? Go on then,..........
  6. boneboys

    My story about a -FRIENDLY- hacker.

    No ! It breaks the spirit of the game. This subject is not even open to discussion, I don't see why you need to ask the question. Let us see what happens (again).
  7. boneboys

    [30+Community]Dayz server

    Oh dear me, join another Server if you are not happy about the "script kiddie infested" situation. Why not get in contact with the server admins rather than "paint the town red". Locked.
  8. boneboys

    DE 2977 admins

    There is a Stickie for this sort of thing in the Private Hive Forum... Please read the first post. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/109098-community-private-hive-server-blacklisting/#entry1029351
  9. boneboys

    file not Accepted???

    Try and run ArmAII/CO without DayZ or using six to launch. Then try to join a vanilla server mission (Warefare). You need the PMC lite or full to run dayZ but the missions_2 pbo.pmc would suggest that you have the full version (or something that you have downloaded that should not be there) ! Anyhow, get the game running in vanilla MP before messing about with your files. You can check using the Steam tool provided. Game/local file/verify integrity of game cache. Might help, might not.
  10. boneboys

    thinking of buying

    http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/12/29/the-mod-of-the-year-2012-dayz/ nough said
  11. boneboys

    Can't play DayZ with PMC addon

    If you have installed the DLC after you have updated to the latest Official Build you will have to run the Offical Build again. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17252 Or so I am led to believe.
  12. boneboys

    Looking for people to play with.

    One Topic only please.
  13. boneboys

    Battleye Initialization Failed

    Hop on an empty server with a good ping, it helps. Done it myself a few times. Might help, might not.
  14. boneboys

    Questions about posting

    It is "in queue" waiting to be processed. Don't worry, I can see it. You can send PM's, btw, no need to start a Topic. Thanks.
  15. boneboys

    Terror has arrived

    Go on then, I bet you got one tucked away there somewhere, in yer bottom draw !......
  16. I think you had better re-install the game using the recommended method. Also, if you have a problem with DC you should post in the Stickied Topic in DayZ General... Sort your game out first is my advice, make sure you can run it normaly without dayz & or DC..
  17. Whats your problem ? Ping ? First thing to do is check your global ping, you can then choose a server location similar to that on which you play and verify the relevent ping and packet loss. Oh, btw, I never give copy & paste answers, this is something you will learn soon enough. "Here is the result regardless, as you can see nothing wrong." Now, what exactly is your problem if not ping ? FPS, check the benchmarks in SP Missions/ play vanilla MP ArmAII (Wasteland will do the job), see if you have the same problem concerning fps, set your vid mem to default in the in-game settings, try flushing you vid memory while ingame, check your permissions,,,, I could whip out a few more if I felt the need. I'm sure you will find a solution, somewhere. Pfttt, oh, I forgot, welcome to the Forums, please read the Stickies and use the Search options before making a new Topic. Thanks...
  18. Close all programs and run this.... http://www.pingtest.net/
  19. boneboys

    Terror has arrived

    Oh deary, deary me, I have never seen such an off-topic Topic in all my DayZ... Listen to Fraggles, he speaks teh truth. I suggest you take your debug monitor, rub in smoothly and delicately some exotic oils, be attentive of your partner's needs and stay on Topic (whatever that may be). http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103845-rolling-changelog-for-community-builds/#entry975981
  20. The first thing you need to know is what server is concerned. If you don't have that info then you are stuck. Then there would have to be a way to get in contact with the admins, some have a Forum and or TS. Not much else I can help you with i'm afraid.
  21. Contact the server admins. In the Title of this Topic, the server name/N° would help if the admins visit these Forums.
  22. Not a DayZ Mod problem. You will have to ask on the Steam Forums. The info is out there (even here if you bother to look).
  23. boneboys

    Horses for Transport

    You would get better support for your suggestion if you had chosen Ponies instead of horses. Pygmy ponies.....