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DayZ Hero
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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Where can I find Dayz?

    I know where you are from, not an easy task for you I imagine. Good luck.
  2. boneboys

    PC problems -HELP ME

    Before you install and use CC.
  3. In theory no, I'll check it out the next time I get whacked by a Z. Thanks.
  4. boneboys

    PC problems -HELP ME

    No problem. Download this (free version) and run the cleaner tool. You will be horrified by how much junk it will sweep. I run it every day at startup. Make a system restore point before using. http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner It will clean all of your cookies, including the one that allows you to log into these Forums, however this is not a problem, you can save your login cookies by going into Options/Cookies and select those that you wish to save by dragging into the right hand dialog box. Just get your computer up & running before trying to install ArmAII. Good luck.
  5. boneboys

    Where can I find Dayz?

    Welcome. So you have no access to Steam where you live or do you not have internet, is it a problem of on-line payment ?. DayZ requires an internet connection to be played. Can you explain a little more your situation. Thanks.
  6. boneboys

    PC problems -HELP ME

    First things first. Do not cross post, this is your second Topic today concerning your trouble. Ah, trouble, belongs in the Troubleshooting Forum so I will move this to the correct Forum : Troubleshooting. Now, your computer is just about fit to run ArmAII/CO and I mean just (I'm being polite). That is not the problem though, your computer is a mess, Flash Player is a common or garden application that everybody should be able to use without too many problems. So, have you kept up to date your Windows 7 build ? Do you know which Browser you are using by default ? Do you know when these *ecent error's started ? Are your HP drivers up to date, this may include video specific drivers (look constructer site). Get your machine working normally before attempting the task of installing ArmAII free/OA and then DayZ. As others have stated previously there are a lot of things that could be causing your different problems. Off the top of my head, I would suggest (if you know when all this started happening) to do a System Restoration from that date or a short time before. Then check your system for error's / malware and other (bad stuff). Clean your disk using the W7 tool, then, and only then... Free programs recommended by myself to keep your computer healthy... Avast, anti virus CrapCleaner, cleans cookies and more (read attentively the read me file). Malawarebytes, same as above. Just a reminder that this is the DayZ Mod Forums, not your local Mr Fixit shop. Get your computer working as it should and then come back and ask about getting DayZ working. Moved to correct Forum. Good luck.
  7. boneboys

    Kicked for Script Restriction

    #40 / #41 / # 45 and others. There are a lot of Topics on this problem. Just put script restriction in the Search bar and see what you find. Often depends on the Server and how it handles the list. Did you become a bandit or try to change into cammo clothing are regular reasons for example. Lack of details on your part + this should have been posted in the Troubleshooting section (if at all). In future, please use the search function before starting a new Topic. Locked.
  8. boneboys

    Missing Chernarus Files

    Sounds like you havn't started the game correctly. Please read the Guides. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/#entry104583
  9. boneboys

    Loot tables?

    Restarting this thread since the other one was overrun by fucking morons average, every-day forum-goers No, you are not going to start another Topic by insulting people. Just put it down to badly run servers.
  10. Moved to Private Hive Forum.
  11. boneboys


    The fact of the matter is that new Public Hive Servers are not recommended at this time, for different reasons. Look here... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22240-new-server-signup-and-ticket-system/page__st__100#entry1008497 Not much help I know but....
  12. boneboys

    Couple of moronic logic's that should be fixed.

    I'll just dampen the Flames. Locked.
  13. boneboys

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I really don't like your attitude here on these Forums. Your above post has nothing to do with the disscution in hand, something that I have remarked across the Forums in general concerning your posting tendences. I deem your attitude as trolling/spamming, call it what you like, it will make no difference. It is time you take a break. If you have a problem with my decission feel free to contact the Forum administator.
  14. I ask what version you are running ? This was in fact a known bug but I'm pretty certain it was fixed a couple of version builds ago.
  15. boneboys

    Graphics Guide for Noobs (Request)

    What are you asking for, a Video of different graphic settings ? That would not be an easy thing to accomplish given compression restrictions and internet transfers combined. Did you take the time to read the Stickies ? There is a very good guide which explains in detail the different manipulations that can be made. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28160-guide-how-to-set-up-your-graphics-properly/#entry271288
  16. boneboys


    Having trouble with the game are you ?
  17. boneboys


    @ spearia please read the Stickies and lôôk around the Forums, all the information is within.. http://dayzmod.com/f...elpful-threads/
  18. boneboys

    I need some help with installing.

    Would you please read the Guides. Everything you need to know is within, if you still have problems then ask for help in the Troubleshooting Forum. Thanks http://dayzmod.com/f...elpful-threads/
  19. boneboys

    Looking for a group or clan ..

    Do not cross post. One Topic will do. Read the Stickies before making another Topic.
  20. boneboys

    Map Questions

    You will know your position using a GPS. Wether you can see your position/use waypoints / see player id's depends on server difficulty settings.
  21. Yes ! Different game, different system.
  22. boneboys

    Lower End PC'S?

    No one knows for sure at the moment. You will have to wait and see I'm afraid.
  23. boneboys

    Could this PC handle dayz

    Please use this Stickied Topic. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/64576-can-i-run-it-ask-here/ Thanks.
  24. boneboys


    Please use your previous Topic.
  25. boneboys

    [Forum Suggestion] Shoutbox?

    It's nice and quiet here on the Forums at the moment, there are only 833 viewing 162 members on-line. When things get hot or there is an update 3000 on-line is not unusual athough a little rare nowadayZ Lets just say, 300 people shouting at the same time would be a mess and impossible to moderate.