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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Unexpected Timeout

    Might get a bit more response in the Private Hive Forum. Moved.
  2. boneboys

    Time of day?

    Couple of Servers have been posted today with 24h daytime. You just need to look in the Private Hive Forum.
  3. boneboys

    Need help from the pc builders/experts

    I'll move you to the tech department. Not an AMD man myself.
  4. One Topic please. Done.
  5. boneboys


    You wouldn't say that if you checked "Poor nick995's" other Topics. Oh, your post is off-topic, btw.
  6. Don't cross post all over the Forums. 3 Topics. I'll leave the other two.
  7. boneboys

    Death in DayZ and possible solution

    I do already. You could have posted this in General Discussion as far as I'm concerned. Moved.
  8. You should ask Bliss. Private Hive. Moved.
  9. boneboys

    Put a f*ckin' BANDAGE in the 2017 startup gear!!

    Not DayZ Mod related. Ask the 2017 people. Locked.
  10. boneboys

    DayZ Journals & Wasteland 3 Episode

    You are linking to the Wastland video. This Forum section is for DayZ Mod videos only. Please post your Wasteland video here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7295-wasteland-a-game-mode-i-found-and-enjoy/ It is a popular Topic so keeping it alive with videos is more than welcome. Link your DayZ vids in this Topic. I'll let you do it. Thanks.
  11. boneboys

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    And they do look Happy. :) Great news.
  12. Go into the in-game sound options ! Seems like a reasonable answer.
  13. @ tacojohn Your language is not acceptable. @ OP, Private Hive Server = Private Hive Forum.
  14. I've set my in-game Sound options to 64 channels and make sure you have set the speaker output to Head Phones in the sound card options. The problem is worse when in a vehicle, btw.
  15. boneboys

    Hey there :D

    5. Use the Search Function read the Stickies. 6. Make a decision.
  16. boneboys

    Can these specs. run DayZ?

    There is a Topic for this just at the top of the page. Read the Stickies, use the Search Function.
  17. boneboys

    Will my computer work

    There is a Stickied Topic for this. Yea, I'm locking this one too. If you can't be bothered to read the Stickies or use the Search Function.....
  18. boneboys


    If you play on a Private Hive Server your character/gear is tied to that server (some Hosts have a shared Hive). Public Hives will allow you to switch servers with your gear. Do you have a knife ?....Yes, you need to open the beastie menu, if not that then this may happen when the server is laggy.
  19. A suggested change to DayZ belongs in the,,,, (you've guessed it) Suggestion Forum. Moved.
  20. boneboys

    storage questions?

    Moved to the tech department.
  21. Depends on your MB bios. Just out of interest : AMI BIOS... http://brebru.com/beepcodes.html
  22. boneboys

    Dayz Cinematic Requests Here!

    5 Topics in 2 DayZ ! No. Do not make another.
  23. boneboys

    Post your DayZ Cinematic requests here!

    5 Topics in 2 DayZ ! What are you doing ?
  24. How many players ? If 40 that makes 10 vehicles each, sounds cool, gun shops & bases, where did you find that, Wasteland ? Shame you are US based, I would like to see how it plays out.