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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. I live in France, nobody knows what Heinz baked beans are. Mtn Dew, never heard of it. I found a supermarket that stocks Beans, Branston, 30 k round trip, I bought the whole stock that was on the shelf. That was two years ago, haven't seen any since. Do they eat Heinz baked beanz all over the world, I doubt it. Pepsi & Coke, now that's another story.
  2. boneboys

    Taviana in DayZ standalone

    No. Read the Stickies and use the Search Function, it works.
  3. boneboys

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Its not, BF3 has bendy bullets, you get shot around corners !
  4. boneboys

    Where is the 1.7.5 Patch?

    You can try here if you wish.... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/91062-gb-wireworld-175-community-hive-private-server-whitelist-only/
  5. What version shows when you start Arrow Head ? Have you updated to the latest official Build ? Check this ...http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17252 Might help, might not.
  6. boneboys

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Point taken, you are correct.
  7. boneboys

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Of the eight (8) players in "my group" six (6) prefer to play with cross hairs. I call them noobs and do my best to convince them to follow my example, without success. This has to be taken into consideration. Same goes for 3rd person view.
  8. boneboys

    Day/night cycle

    To the spammers amongst you,.... Stop it. To the OP, it ain't gonna happen like that. People work, people play, some like nights, some do not. And please use the Search Function as well as reading the Rules & Stickies. Thanks.
  9. boneboys

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Personally I'm for removing crosshairs. Many non hardcore players use crosshairs and are uncomfortable without. If it helps to reduce the possibilty of hacks even the most lightweight, I'm for removing. Does this mean that dead point sway and bob will also be fixed / hard set ? A lot of players have trouble with this, another good reason for it to be removed. Two out of three for removing. Thanks.
  10. boneboys

    I did a stupid thing..

    No help, do not post unofficial Download links. Buy the Game at Steam/Sprocket/GoG or other recommended retailers. Locked.
  11. boneboys

    (New) Private Hive (Superior Anti-Cheat)

    @ MrTriple Financial transactionss are not allowed on these Forums. SilentWarrior is aware of the situation.
  12. boneboys

    Corrupted Data #3

    Topics Merged.
  13. boneboys

    1st day

    Did you take the time to read the Stickies before downloading the game ? You should have. Questions concerning "Can I Run It", should be asked here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/64576-can-i-run-it-ask-here/ Graphics set up Guide....http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28160-guide-how-to-set-up-your-graphics-properly/#entry271288
  14. Do not cross post. Topic(s) cleaned & merged.
  15. boneboys


    Topics Merged.
  16. boneboys


    Please ask here if you have further questions on Computer specs for running DayZ. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/64576-can-i-run-it-ask-here/ A word of warning,,do not download anything to increase fps or general performance (ask here beforehand if you wish). http://dayzmod.com/f...d-cd-key-theft/ To evaluate your fps, deactivate DayZ Mod and run the Stress Tests that can be found in SP missions. Adjust the in-game Graphic options until you find the best results, it is recommended to run each test at least twice.
  17. Not going to happen. Use the Serach Funcion. I have found a dozen related Topics. One example.....http://dayzmod.com/f...s/#entry1105635
  18. Not only but also....Check the Private Hive Forum ! Nice sig Fraggles ! I appreciate your concession.
  19. boneboys

    Rapid City SD

    You have posted in the Wrong Forum. Server General is for Offical Public Hive Servers only. Private Hive Servers belong in the Private Hive Forum. Attention, you have received a 1 point Warning for spamming other Server Hosting Topics already. Consider yourself lucky it was not I who delt with you.
  20. Wrong Forum. Server Genaral Forum is for Offical Hive Servers only.
  21. Totaly Private Hive related. Moved.
  22. boneboys

    Server recently put back online! Come join us!

    Private Hive Server lives in Private Hive Forum. Server General is for Official Public Hive Servers only.
  23. boneboys

    SA testing?

    Don't hold yer breath peeps....
  24. boneboys

    Framerate in cities

    "and after an hour or so of playing it will drop down to 15-20 FPS in cities." No, I do not have this problem, you might try this while in-game :: Lshift + keypad - (minus) and typing flush. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?87213-How-to-Memory-flush&p=1447380&viewfull=1#post1447380 "it runs games like BF3 and Crysis 2 at 50-60 FPS" = Does not apply to ArmAII/CO. System specs ?