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DayZ Hero
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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    solid state drive help!

    Tech Dept for you.
  2. boneboys

    Wanna team up?

    Try posting in the Survivor or Group forums for better results. You could even reply to some of the demands !
  3. boneboys

    Recruiting or teamup

    Looking for players ? You should reply to some of the Topics in the Survivor or Group sections... Moved.
  4. boneboys

    Deep Bone Gaming Server!!!

    Read the Stickies before making another Topic. http://dayzmod.com/f...making-a-topic/
  5. boneboys

    Cannot see a thing ingame

    Post your computer specs and make sure you have installed the game correctly. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/#entry104583
  6. boneboys

    Whats better graphic card wise?

    Tech Dept for you.
  7. boneboys

    Thoughts on Computer Case?

    Tech Dept... You should put some images or links for people to see the different models.
  8. boneboys

    Need help with graphics cards...

    Moving to the Tech Dept. If you wish to know Can I Run It, there is a Stickied Topic for that... http://dayzmod.com/f...un-it-ask-here/
  9. boneboys

    Publice Hive Server

    More details required. Are you sure you have a Public ?
  10. boneboys

    Banned for no reason? TheLaughingMan's

    Wrong Forum. Moved.
  11. Did you go through the instalation Guides ? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/#entry104583
  12. You should ask in this Topic. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/105008-play-withsix-getupdate-dayz-browse-and-join-servers-chat-and-much-more-official-distribution-channel/
  13. boneboys

    We Want You

  14. Read the Stickies before making a Topic. http://dayzmod.com/f...making-a-topic/
  15. boneboys

    ARMA2 Full Set

    I've no idea why you posted in the Server Forum. Please read the Stickies, you may find some useful information, here and there ! http://dayzmod.com/f...ds/#entry104583
  16. Using this term : DayZ ARMA 3 port? Never. Now someone may try and make a mod that resembles DayZ but they will have to name it NightZ, or something else. DayZ is now a BIS Trademark 2012, I've seen it in writing.
  17. Well if you are looking for Groups you have posted in the wrong Forum section. I'll just move you over...
  18. boneboys

    Help me guys. It just wont work.

    This is not a DayZ mod problem. I suggest you ask over at the Steam Forums how to get your ArmAII/CO to work. Then download DayZ and it should work fine. Locked.
  19. boneboys

    Help me in building a PC?

    I'm going to move you to the Tech Dept. Also, once you have found the parts that you need ask here... http://dayzmod.com/f...un-it-ask-here/
  20. boneboys

    Geforce gtx 460-gtx660

    I also have a 460 GTX with out any overheating problems. Giving that you have had similar problems with the other cards I believe you should look elsewhere for the root of the problem. Air circulation is the first thing that comes to mind. If you have a cheap PSU with a low V and without any cut off security you are taking unnecessary risks. I grilled a 880gt + MB because of this exact same reason. Be careful.
  21. Now why did I not think of that ! Turn them off :thumbsup:
  22. You have completly missed the reason of this Topic. It is not about Trolls, it is not about your Private Hve, what you have posted is completly Off-Topic. If you have nothing constructive to add about the problem then do not post. There is a script/hack, or there is a problem with the game build. I am trying to collect information. Thanks for your feedback.
  23. Were you on fr1 or a Mad Sin server ? Did you also have the broken bone icon at the time you received the "you may not eat or drink while in vehicle" message ? I have seen this twice before but I am not sure where the problem comes from. Can you you tell me if you fired a weapon when this kicked in and on which server it happened. Disconnecting and joining another server fixes this, btw. I''m not convinced it's a hack or script being used. If anybody has any information concerning this, please post here. Thanks.
  24. boneboys

    3D Model conversion guide

    The last time I logged in to 3DBuzz there were many free tutorials, I went through the Blender suit (about a year ago). Unfortunatly this is no longer the case and you need to subscribe to have access, a great shame but understandable. I have been registered since 2006 / 7 and have leaned a great deal, UnrealED / PS / Maya and Blender included. Times they are a changing...