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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. You are a little late to the party.
  2. This is not so. Unless you have proof of such events please do not post without showing the eveidence.
  3. boneboys

    I can add Scripts to your server!

    Not here. 1) No Spam / Advertising: Advertising of any commercial product or service on these forums is not permitted. Chain letters and pyramid schemes are similarly prohibited. First post and you break the Rules.
  4. Please update and continue to use your exsiting Topic.
  5. boneboys

    Warning dont drink the water

    Topics merged.
  6. boneboys

    Help with a New Gpu?

    The two connecters come from the PSU and are plugged into the GPU. What you need to check is your PSU, firstly to make sure it is up to the task, amp wise and that it has the double connecters required.
  7. boneboys

    Global Banned #cd96be for no reason

    As above,,,also please read the Stickies. http://dayzmod.com/f...ls/#entry103969
  8. boneboys

    DayZ Web Series and Community

    Post your vids by all means but do not ask people to subscribe. Do that on your channel. Take this as advice, friendly.
  9. boneboys

    Global Ban #f123fd

  10. boneboys

    FULL Weapon Comparison Resource?

    Nice tool you have made but don't bump 8 month old Topics.
  11. Please use default text, grey on black is hard on the hearing. Thanks.
  12. Not really, you are not the first or last to post in the wrong Forum section. I've removed the 2nd Topic, there was no need to make it, I simply moved this one.
  13. Read the Stickies before making a Topic. http://dayzmod.com/f...making-a-topic/
  14. boneboys

    Hackers and vehicles.

    Is this a Public Hive connected server or a Private Hive Server ?
  15. boneboys

    Trying to make a custom map

    I don't believe it, I hope this has nothing to do with your last 3 Topics ! Joel, please try and be a little more imformative with your posts, you are driving me nutZ ! What are you using to create a Map, would be a good place to start !
  16. boneboys

    new laptop

    Ah, what exactley is your "trouble". Your post has been reported becaus of the link, that you have removed.
  17. http://www.pingtest.net/ Moved to Troubleshooting.
  18. boneboys

    New youtube series!

    Post your videos in the Gallery Forum.
  19. Yes. Vs 1 = @dayz. Vs 2 = @dayz2
  20. boneboys

    Buying a new CD-Key/Arma 2: CO

    Not a DayZ Mod concern. You will have to ask on the Steam Forums.
  21. boneboys

    new pc

    You sent me a PM, I asked you to post in the Can I Run It Stickie. Here is the build that you mentioned. 1 stk Cooler Master CM 690 II Basic Black 1 stk Corsair CX V2 600W PSU 1 stk AMD AM3+ FX-6100, 95W 1 stk ASUS M5A78L-M LX3, Socket-AM3+ 1 stk Kingston ValueR. DDR3 1333MHz 4GB KIT 1 stk Sapphire Radeon HD 6670 1GB GDDR5 1 stk Western Digital Caviar Please do as I ask.
  22. boneboys

    Servers with players on the map..

    Server settings. It is up to you to choose which level of difficulty you wish to play, before joining a Server.
  23. boneboys


    3 Topics, 2 here + 1 in the Private Hive. He has already been told to stop spamming for his Private Server, it would seem that he has not understood. This is someone who has started a PvP Private Server and has no idea what he is doing or how things work, this in itself is not a crime and he is certainly not the first or last person that will be in the same situation. Insane Joel, you will need to improve your communication skills if you wish to recieve any help on these Forums and more importantly, respect the advice you have been given by Moderators. I have left the Topic open in the Private Hive Forum. Locked.
  24. boneboys

    Habe beim Joinen eine Fehlermeldung.

    English or Russian please. Trouble goes in Troubleshootin Forum. Welcome.