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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys cloning glitch.

    Please do not post gliches or exploits. This is a known problem. If you have something to report do so in the Bug Report Forum.
  2. boneboys

    Please help me

    I'd go for profile.
  3. boneboys

    Join My New Clan

    Admin but yeah !
  4. boneboys

    having trouble playind dayz

    Topics merged and cleaned. Do not make a new Topic without reason. Read the instalation Guide and look through this Troubleshooting Forum to find the answers. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/#entry104583
  5. boneboys

    ARMA II DLC Question….

    New weapons and vehicles land and air, new scenarios and more. Lots of ArmA SP.
  6. boneboys

    How are my specs

    Listen to Beck. Read the Stickies, use the Search Function.
  7. boneboys

    Problem with oficial servers.

    Have you read any of the instalation guides ? You should. http://dayzmod.com/f...ds/#entry104583 Always get the game working without any addons or mods before, is good advice.
  8. boneboys

    Please help me

    OP sent me this through PM (I do not do help through PM, btw)... "I've tried everything, reinstalling, deleting dayz, reinstalling, deleting specific parts and redownloading, verifying game cache, lowering settings, everything. What always happens when I go to connect to a server, it loads all the way in, and then when I should spawn, I go to a menu that says "Private George Smith, Duration: 0" or something of the likes, and then when I click disconnect, the game goes into a gray screen and crashes. I have the game through Steam, I use DayZ Commander, all the settings in DayZ Commander have been triple checked, I'm running on Windows 7... idk howw much more you need or if you're willing to help, but it's really bugging me ;(" *************************************************************************** Did you create a new profile (?), do it, set controls and make sure the new profile is loaded when you start. Post your system specs, please (drivers up to date). Does the SP game work ? Have you tried to join MP without DayZ (Wasteland or other). Play without DayZ to make sure it is a DayZ problem.
  9. boneboys

    13 is unlucky for some

    112 day lost to my friends fire. I have shouted at him, when in panic situation, do not panic. This happened yesterday, I am so rage quit,,,,still !
  10. boneboys

    Do not connect to servers

    Why are you posting in the english section ? No matter... Have you installed the game correctly, running as admin and such like ? Can you play on Wasteland servers or vanilla MP ? What version of the game and beta are you running ? One of my friends has this message but it does not stop him from joining servers (most). Do you use DayZ Commander ? You have to give information or no body will be able to help you.
  11. boneboys

    Looking For Partner(s) For Origins

    Why did you post in the Clan/Group section ? This is the clan section, you, have posted in the wrong section. Reporting members for no or invalid reason, will only result in you being noticed by Forum Staff.
  12. boneboys

    Spawning in the debug

    You requested Topics be closed to who, posting after I have made my point does not count ? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/119763-private-hive-server-owners-read-this-before-making-a-topic/#entry1139149 Might give you an idea. Keep it clean, I want this Forum free so people can find a Public Hive Server with out having to climb over the rubble. Thanks. Moved to Private Hive Forum.
  13. boneboys

    Spawning in the debug

    You are making a lot of Topics in the Server General Forum (reserved for Public Hive Servers & Server hosting companies). Your server is a Private Hive. Can you try and organise your problems instead of creating too many Topics (in the wrong section) you are cluttering up the Forum needlessly. http://dayzmod.com/f...th-bliss-admin/ http://dayzmod.com/f...orking-on-1771/ http://dayzmod.com/f...blem-with-1771/ http://dayzmod.com/f...aving-with-177/ Thanks.
  14. boneboys

    How to fly a plane?

    Topics merged and cleaned.
  15. boneboys

    What happened to TheLaughingMan?

    Well, he's not in the PubliC Hive Server Forum !
  16. boneboys

    Desperate for HELP!!

    What DayZ version are you running, it must be the same as the server you try to join.
  17. Wrong Forum section. Use the Topic if you have any proof.
  18. boneboys

    Gonna be soo cool!

  19. boneboys

    Discrimination/Racism in DayZ

    Some people are racist, some are not, this is the way of life. DayZ is a game/mod, life does not come into it.
  20. boneboys

    Low framerate and freezing.

  21. boneboys

    Buying a macbook, need suggestions

    Pfftt, you are all so Off-Topic it hurts. OP : take a look here http://dayzmod.com/f...un-dayz-on-mac/ Locked.
  22. boneboys

    Public Servers, Hacker Rampage.

    Not true, I play on Public servers, haven't seen a hacker for ages, apart from those that BE kicks with a message. Try another server or just play on a Private Hive if you don't know how to find a decent Public.
  23. boneboys

    Great place for new players

    Use your first post please, you can find it here. http://dayzmod.com/f...or-new-players/ Also http://dayzmod.com/f...making-a-topic/
  24. boneboys

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    No, not at this time. There is a Topic for Can I Run It questions. I'll just merge so you can post your specs.