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DayZ Hero
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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    1,000,000 DAYZ

    This must be the 1000,000 Topic already. Merging...
  2. boneboys


    More Ram is good if you are editing or using SDK's, UnrealEd recommends 64 iirc. Make sure you have 64 bit OS. 32 bit exe's (Arma/DayZ) will not use the extra but if you are running programs in the background the system will be smoother.The difference between 1600 & 2400 will not make much difference if you cut costs on the MB. Also an SSD, although expensive is a good investment. 8g is a good starting point.
  3. boneboys

    Skype breaks game sound

    Try this. Windows Configuration/Sound/Communications/ validate ""Do nothing". Same for TS.
  4. boneboys

    Seems legit

    This means less than nothing. Waste of space.
  5. boneboys

    Is a Hive necessary ?

    Official Hive/Private Hive.
  6. boneboys

    Lots of Zombies

    Pictures or it didn't happen.
  7. boneboys

    Always High Ping issue and High Dsync

    There are many Topics covering the same issue as yourself, if you took the time to look through this Forum and took part in the discussions it would be more productive than making another 2 Topics on a subject that is very important. All you do by making multi-topics is push on going discussions down.
  8. boneboys

    Always High Ping issue and High Dsync

    Multi Topics are not the way to get attention. Do not.
  9. No, you are wrong and Kassander already understands this as he has stated previously in this Topic. I try to keep the Server Forum clean of Topics that could well be in the Troubleshooting or General Forums in an effort to give as much viewing potential to the people that Pay for and Administer Official Servers. The day that Private Hives and the tools required to administer a server such as this are permitted and Kassander gets his server up and running then he can have his place in the relevant Forum.
  10. boneboys

    Dorkly Comic!

    Merged & moved.
  11. boneboys

    GSP nfoservers.com?

    Contact their Support service. They do not have DayZ Servers for rental. http://www.nfoservers.com/game-server-features.php
  12. boneboys

    Farts (serious discussion)

    Not a serious discussion.
  13. boneboys

    Can't Play DayZ.exe System Error please help :'(

    You need to make sure your DirectX is up to date and correctly installed. http://www.microsoft.com/fr-fr/download/details.aspx?id=35
  14. boneboys

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    You will have trouble running the game. Please check this Topic for Recommended Specs. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153735-frequently-asked-questions/#entry1541504
  15. boneboys

    FPS Boost....Error?

    Remove the launch command and delete your config file in My Docs/DayZ/Other Profiles cfg. Validate game cache with the Steam tool provided
  16. boneboys

    Buying question

    Merged x2
  17. I will just quote a BIS Dev here who looks after the security side of things. "BE uses so small packets that it even can't lag game by default ... unless you use some weird AV security which may hate BE by default." Now most half decent AV programs will have an exceptions dialog box, so it might be interesting to check that. I use Avast (as does the person quoted) and I have not had any desync problems that seem to be so common amongst certain players. If there is a desync problem while I'm playing it soon becomes obvious that it is a Client/Server/Hive problem. I strongly doubt that BE is the problem. Player proximity is another question but I have not encountered this myself.
  18. boneboys

    Buying question

  19. boneboys

    testing hardware for dayz

    Post your specs here. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154395-can-i-run-dayz-retail-post-here/
  20. boneboys

    de 2305

  21. boneboys

    The Goofy Gallery

  22. boneboys

    Post just deleted regarding servers?

    I don't believe it. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164139-server-list-empty/#entry1657944
  23. boneboys

    server list empty?

    Look before you post a Topic, you made it directly after this one.
  24. boneboys

    Error Creating Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine

    Post your full specs and OS.