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DayZ Hero
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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    New to computer gaming

    Take this and double it... Recommended System Specs •OS: Windows 7 SP1 •Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 or AMD Phenom II X4 940 or better •Memory: 4 GB RAM •Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 or AMD Radeon HD 7750 with 1 GB VRAM or better •DirectX: Version 9.0c •Hard Drive: 14 GB available space •Sound Card: DirectX®-compatible Moved.
  2. It was merged not deleted. Read the Rules & Stickies. Check your Profile/My Content. Thank you kichilron.
  3. boneboys

    The biggest issues with the Alpha currently.

    Do not despair or abandon the cause but keep in mind that most of your reports/issues were know at launch. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153994-early-access-important-information-known-issues/#entry1545068 Did you know that the very first building to spawn loot was in fact the small wooden house originally in the mod and one of the few enterable buildings. With the many changes in the system some loot is missing or mis placed. The Devs are obviously more than aware of this. WIP.
  4. boneboys

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    I did not say that you will not be able to run it but that you will have trouble doing so. The good thing about Steam is that games are always in your library, so even if you come back in a years time with a new machine the game will be waiting for you. The e8400 was a good CPU at the time, this is in your favour.
  5. boneboys

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    You will have a lot of trouble running DayZ on that laptop, you might just be able to but with the very lowest of settings. When you buy DayZ through Steam the game will update and remain in your library. It is unlikely that you have an SSD, they are a recent technology and rather expensive. If you plan on getting a new computer in the future, that is more capable of running DayZ all you will need to do is install Steam and download DayZ.
  6. boneboys

    Experimental SKS

    Thank you, I will not merge because it would ruin the originality of the linked Topic (video). As always... Use the Search Function.
  7. boneboys

    Experimental SKS

    Link it.
  8. boneboys

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    XP is not supported so you may be able to run the game but expect crashes if trying to change videao settings. As for the rest,/just about / not really, you will be frustrated. I do not recommend. Welcome to the Forums. Read the Stickies please.
  9. Read the Rules before making another Topic. You have made four Topics (4), all in the wrong section. Be warned.
  10. boneboys

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    11/03/2014 DayZ Game Forum. The InterwebZ Dear Frankie, I have never taken the time to watch one of your videos outside of my duties as Administrator of the DayZ Game Forum. It is however with gratitude that I write this letter of thanks and appreciation for the pleasure I have taken in reading some of the many Topics that have been dedicated to you by our members. I am often guilty of failing to understand the reason exact behind some of the overly passionate expressions made on occasions that have taken place in the different Topics concerning your work, it is my belief that I am not alone in this predicament. Although at times you have been accused of exploiting the immense possibilities or failures of the game itself, I do not feel that this should reflect in any way on your character or person, in the measure that you are promoting a game in your own particular style and encouraging new players to enjoy something that, despite the humble and somewhat closed launch has become a worldwide gaming success amongst a much larger and wider player base. I am led to understand that you are one of many who endeavour to bring enjoyment to a relatively young and fast growing gaming population, for this I give you and others my thanks and encourage you all to continue in the future. Sincerely yours. Boneboys.
  11. Done. So much Off-Topic.
  12. boneboys

    New Dayz Rule added... #4,169

    Many face palms were had.
  13. boneboys

    New Dayz Rule added... #4,169

    Despite any conflicts we may have had in the past, I support this amendment. I plead guilty to modifying your poll for my own needs, something which I have forbidden the Moderators to do in the past. Do not post on the interwebZ when drunk, it often leads to unnecessary embarrassment and later regret.
  14. boneboys

    rather than

  15. boneboys


    Your search for the term hackers returned 39 results (this Forum section only). Originality is missing in your Topic. There is a Search Function, use it before making another Topic.
  16. boneboys

    extreme pain leads to shock

    Morphine is too valuable for an ache, I'll give the stick and bandage a try (splint). Thanks.
  17. boneboys

    I am new here. server Host

    I'll just move you to the Mod section.
  18. boneboys

    Getting Pantsed

    Never happened to me or any of my team. Another one of those DayZ *****/\ôô/\*****
  19. boneboys

    Idea for a new gun

    Dumb ideas should stay in the Dumb Idea Forum. Please keep the Graveyard free of unmerited content. Moved.
  20. boneboys

    So i have my server now but...

    Topics Merged. Please keep your questions in one Topic.
  21. You are so very angry. Try DayZ Commander to filter servers. It is said to be user friendly in many regards. There are vanilla servers in €urope I believe. Such a shame you are not willing to try DayZ SA because of something you have heard.
  22. boneboys

    Dayz Epoch Server

    You are too nice. I'm getting mean with those that post in the wrong Server Forum. The Rules and Stickies should be read before making a Topic. OP, count yourself as being lucky.
  23. boneboys

    extreme pain leads to shock

    I would like to know how to relieve the Arm/Leg/pain/ache messages already (Experimental). Pain killers seem to have no effect, nor does bandaging.
  24. boneboys

    Lots of game crashes lately

    You have already posted in the Troubleshooting Forum regarding your problems. This Topic is unnecessary and not relevant to the Suggestion Forum