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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    If you took the time to read the Rules you would be aware of the steps to take concerning name changes. EDIT : Topic cleaned.
  2. boneboys

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Are you certain of that, loot has been spawning in Stable build high rise apartments for some time. I've been living in the new town (Chapaevsk) overlooking Balota Airfield for some time.
  3. boneboys

    [Kumyrna] Burned Out Town With Downed Helo

    I seem to remember booby traps being mentioned (crafting). I'll *bear* it in mind and ask !
  4. boneboys

    10 Second Replay Upon Dying

    It is more than possible in SP missions, been there, done that. I doubt that it would be possible in the MP environment that is DayZ but I will ask anyhow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vuJX7bF0FM
  5. boneboys

    Attached scopes missing

    Topics merged. I have not had this problem but I will keep ears and eyes open for more info.
  6. boneboys

    Experimental Servers

    There are few servers running at the moment, four I believe and they may come down without notice. They are classed as Private Hive, so try hitting the Hive tab. Try hitting the Version tab (if version build is different from Stable). Two ways of detecting using the server browser tabs.
  7. boneboys

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I deal in Members, anything else is of no consequence.
  8. boneboys

    [Kumyrna] Burned Out Town With Downed Helo

    I used to keep a tent there and set bear traps to keep out the unlucky who happened to stumble across. Good times.
  9. boneboys

    s3D Rendering Crashesh!

    XP is not supported, this is why you are having trouble. Scroll down to last comment (Komin). http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=188&nbn=5#bugnotes
  10. Please browse the Forums. You know it makes sense ! http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/81688020510/a-very-busy-couple-of-weeks-for-the-whole-team-has
  11. boneboys

    Keeping Empty Items Glitch

    I don't mind finding empty cans @ 0%, this is a sign that someone has been there and eaten beforehand, which I believe is intended but finding 0% oranges leave me somewhat perplexed. As with a lot of the in-game elements we must accept that it is WIP. The white elements in the hot bar after consuming or using is a different error (something about texture remaps or I don't know what, blah bla blah) :wacko:
  12. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/182234-post-patch-zombie-feedback/
  13. boneboys

    Zombies running through fences/walls/buildings

  14. boneboys

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    When ? Tight data control is active. Depends on Tight data control results. No idea really, Dean with it. Stay on Topic or I swear I will push that cute little button nose of yours.
  15. boneboys

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    You now have a deleted post. Dean with it.
  16. boneboys

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Stay on Topic. Last (friendly) warning.
  17. Will you please post in the correct Forum. Read the Rules and Stickies while you're at it. I am tired of moving your misplaced posts.
  18. boneboys

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Do that and you will be removed from the Forums. Topic cleaned (again). Scroll down to Full Version and select that on main page.
  19. boneboys

    Running slow bog

    This may happen if you have clicked the RMB, the game thinks that you are aiming, even though your weapon or fists are not in attack position (space bar by default). Bind a key to fast forward rather than double tap your forward key. Might help, might not.
  20. boneboys


    Everything is in the logs. Good, is it not.
  21. boneboys

    yelling and whispering

    OP edited. Direct chat is distance sensible. Try it with a friend or someone close to you ! Z's react to sound (WIP).
  22. boneboys

    Hackers in DayZ

  23. boneboys

    yelling and whispering

    Read this... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/184100-different-type-of-voice-chatsyell-and-whisper/#entry1899137
  24. boneboys


  25. boneboys

    different type of voice chats(yell and whisper)

    EDIT your first poll, please.