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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Loot Fix on All Servers Now?

    Yes, has been so for a while. You should keep an eye on this Topic... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/180792-rolling-update-rev-042116181/?view=getnewpost
  2. boneboys

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    1 # There is a Troubleshooting Forum section for trouble. 2# The site that you use is infested with a well known Virus. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/180472-virus-alert-new-playermalware/ Do not post Videos using that site on our Forums until further notice.
  3. boneboys

    I don't see any servers

    What He said ^ It might just have something to do with the fact that Wendsday is Server Maintenance Day.
  4. The Debug Monitor gathered player stats, you guys had a very limited tool at your disposal. What is needed is the Journal that achieves the same need. http://imgur.com/a/c5Zj6#0 For the new people here you should check out JoeysLucky22's work.
  5. boneboys

    im new to the mod

    Check the Pinned Topics above your head, there are some Guides.
  6. Oh well... 11) Multiple Accounts: Multiple accounts are not tolerated and may result in a ban for each instance. +Troll
  7. boneboys

    Finding Mutural Homosexual Love in DayZ!

    I believe the Rules need to be applied here. Game play vids are more than welcome, this sort of provocation is not welcome. Permanent post moderation.
  8. DayZ is a survival game. ULTRA VIOLENCE !
  9. boneboys

    Using Backpacks

    I believe you are in the wrong Forum section. This is DayZ SA !
  10. boneboys

    About persistent objects and immersion

    (MOTD) Coming to a DayZ near you soon !
  11. boneboys

    SKS l Overpowered or just good weapon ?

    SKS is for pussies, satisfaction comes in Mosin Nagant, anything else is pea shooting...
  12. boneboys


    Do you even DayZ ?
  13. boneboys


    EDITED. Post your video and be done with it. People will follow if interested, we don't ask for subs here. Thank you.
  14. Getting the hang of things are we ? Bless their woolly cotton socks...
  15. boneboys

    Accidentally Killing People...

    Ok, no problem. I axed my mate once but I had the necessary to fix him up, so no story from me.
  16. boneboys

    Black screen at menu

    Search Function, use it... Your search for the term black screen returned 11 results (titles only, this forum).
  17. boneboys

    Accidentally Killing People...

    Is this a Topic about your Topic ? I fail to understand why you have made a Topic linking your Topic ! Never mind....
  18. boneboys

    how to get started

    In Stable build many buildings do not spawn loot, this is a known problem and should be fixed in the next update. It is working in the Experimental testing build. You will have more luck directly after a server restart when loot respawns. The more the server is populated the higher the chance of meeting people, however if players have already passed by, the loot may well have been taken and you will have difficulty surviving. Moved.
  19. boneboys

    Toilet system

    Just give the links without the troll comments Korsbaek. Thanks anyway, it is appreciated.
  20. You have too many Topics ! Be careful how you post.
  21. boneboys

    how to get started

    Mod or SA ? There are many guides available, you just need to browse the Forums, new player section is a good place to start depending on which version you play.
  22. boneboys

    All my favorite serveurs. (joke)

    You already have one Topic which I have allowed to continue. Please read the Rules and Stickies before making another Topic.
  23. boneboys

    Dayz Help

    Go to Steam store, its in the Top sellers list. 23.90€ or whatever that is in $ for you.
  24. The OP of this Topic has been permanently banned. His original name included an @.com link which gave me some problems in the data base. I removed the troublesome element, while doing so I discovered another and 2nd account. The 2nd account was removed and the OP of this Topic given a 3 day suspension with a warning point and notification as to why (multi accounts). I did not send a PM, which I consider to be a failing on my part, although in this instance I doubt would have made a difference. He then came back with two new accounts and posted a very abusive and offensive Topic directed at my person (some of you may have viewed and reported), accusing me of banning him for his posting in this Topic, which is false. All accounts have now been removed. I would like to remind members that we have Rules which should be read. All this drama would have been avoided if the OP had done so, taking notice of N° 11. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153786-forum-rules-roles-and-guidelines/#entry1542144