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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Wow, just wow.

    This may happen when your data from the Hive is not fetched. I've had the message a few times and have always received my real character after a re-log (or 2). My advice is to find a few good servers on which to play and stick with them.
  2. boneboys

    Photoshop Logo Design

    You can work in a larger size and then reduce to the required size. x 2 / 4, or try 3100x900. You could also try doubling the dpi resolution while keeping the aspect ratio. I'm afraid I'm a little rusty, maybe someone else could give some ideas. Might help, might not. Good luck.
  3. boneboys

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    It may concern other consumables, I believe that the Devs are aware. Merged.
  4. boneboys

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Check to see if something along those lines has been reported, if not please submit a Bug Report. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/83-bug-reports/ Help the community help you. Thanks.
  5. boneboys

    how about some gore!?

    Only recently has RO been allowed full gore in Germany, must be about a year. For ArmA GIBs think SLX mod (?).
  6. boneboys

    DayZ 4 MAC! Sign the petition

    I believe it would be a good move for the developers to make a Mac version. Go check the Steam Mac Games page, more than 700 titles available, from Half-Life to Red Orchestra, the market is there and waiting. I support this, so should you all. Moved to General Discussion.
  7. boneboys

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.44.123800

    Discussion and feedback can be found here... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/187826-discussion-stable-patch-044123800/
  8. Oh you guys... Troll Topic gets trolled.
  9. It 's a reference to myself and the Moderators. When used to insult members the context is not the same.
  10. boneboys

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Check here and make a Report if nothing found. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/83-bug-reports/ Help the community. Thanks.
  11. We know, thank you for your input. WIP. Thank you. Please read the Rules.
  12. boneboys

    SSD smashing the fps in cities

    Magician will optimise but if you don't have a 6gb data flow connection on you MB you will not get the best of the potential offered. I run Intel Rapid in the background (Magician is deactivated once set). It is acknowledged that BIS games profit from SSD's.
  13. boneboys

    SSD smashing the fps in cities

    Welcome to the club. MB update time for you.
  14. boneboys


  15. boneboys


    Ok, now post your complete system specs, laptop/desk top, what settings and what frequency does your TV support and what your computer is set to. Details... Maybe someone will help you out.
  16. boneboys


    Calm down, what exactly did you buy ? This is the DayZ SA Forum, the game is a simple download, there is no "Installed everything", unless you are referring to ArmA2/Co + DayZ mod, in which case you have posted in the wrong Forum section.
  17. boneboys

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Classic ! The moon is a balloon. Cheer up ffs.
  18. Arrête de pleurer, les règles sont les règles, les outils que vous exigez viendront dans l'avenir, peut-être.
  19. You are still going on about something that will not change. The Devs have given their reasons, now just Dean with it. There is a lot of info out there, people are playing the Experimental, new gear, new loot locations and certainly new glitches. The fashion in which you hopped on to Steam to continue your pitiful rant was embarrassing to yourself, you achieved nothing apart from locked Topics. Get off your high horse, that same old song is stuck, repetitive and boring.
  20. Update to beta 337.50 Do a clean/fresh install(instal options). Post your GPU model next time.
  21. boneboys

    A serious issue!

    Add that somewhere useful SmashT. Thanks.
  22. boneboys

    4gb ram causes fps drops

    Troll alert.
  23. boneboys

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    When it's ready, not before.
  24. boneboys

    I know this is kinda weird but...
