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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    Some Gun Suggestions

    As far as I know that pistol was developed solely for the civilian market. What you're describing sounds like the stories of both the Mars and Brigadier pistols.
  2. -Gews-

    The Ultimate Endgame Rifle

    It looks like it could use a bipod, red dot and some green spraypaint.
  3. -Gews-

    Improving the Long Range Scope

    They have another scope in the files, I believe it will be a Zeiss Terra 3X 4-12x42. This scope is only available comes with either their duplex or one of two ballistic reticles so it makes sense to have the duplex in that and mil dots or otherwise in the long range scope. I think that one has a space of around 6 inches @ 100 yards. And that scope has capped turrets and it is modelled with the caps on so it shouldn't be able to be "zeroed" without going into inventory and clicking "remove caps" but that's kind of pointless.
  4. -Gews-

    Mosin or M4?

    Mosin because it's now a collectable.
  5. -Gews-

    Improving the Long Range Scope

    There are a bunch of reticle designs all non-standardized. Here are some figures from the manufacturers. For these Duplex-type reticles this is the space between the posts at 100 yards: Leupold VX-3 4.5-14x Duplex = 5.4 inches (14x) Swarovski Z6(i) 2.5-15x Plex = 5.7 inches (15x) Swarovski Z6(i) 2.5-15x Plex USA = 7.0 inches (15x) Zeiss Conquest 3.5-10x Z-Plex = 8 inches (10x) Minox 3-15x42 MINO-Plex = 8.5 inches (15x) Leupold VX-1 4-12x Wide Duplex = 11.3 inches (12x) In-game the space between the post tips measures 10 feet rather than 10 inches! :lol: Operation Flashpoint had a #4 reticle which typically has a much wider space. However I don't think it's a very appropriate or common reticle for this type of "long range" scope. Zeiss Victory Diavari #4 = 25.2 inches (12x) Minox 3-15x42 #4 = 51.9 inches (15x)
  6. -Gews-

    Tulga...oh sweet Tulga

    Gvozdno and environs. It's quiet.
  7. They seem to drop dead after tiring themselves out. I tried luring a couple into a field for screenshots and they both decided to take a dirt nap after 5-600m or so.
  8. -Gews-

    cant add ATLAS Bipod to Mosin

    As far as I'm concerned it's pretty simple. The people who don't care about realism wouldn't give two hoots whether the Mosin got this compensator or not, nor do they really care what it does. The people who do care about these things, well, care about it. With this object gone or fixed the game would be the exact same for the first group and better for the second group, which is an improvement, so why not? Any objections? For all we know this behavior is a placeholder anyways and they will have it alter recoil and noise in some later patch spreading happiness to everyone.
  9. -Gews-

    cant add ATLAS Bipod to Mosin

    If one is choosing accessories to add they should choose things that are actually useful. If reality doesn't matter then they should make it so applying black spray paint halves the dispersion and gives a 25% reduction in reload time.
  10. -Gews-

    cant add ATLAS Bipod to Mosin

    Not quite, I asked why they chose it. The real reason is probably because someone searched "Mosin Nagant parts" on Brownells and thought it looked cool. There are a whole bunch of parts and accessories that would be much more useful than a cheap bolt-on brake.
  11. -Gews-

    cant add ATLAS Bipod to Mosin

    What does that have to do with it?
  12. -Gews-

    cant add ATLAS Bipod to Mosin

    I don't understand why they chose to add the compensator... first off, very few people buy those things, second, it provides little to no actual benefits. If they made it act like it actually does in real life, it will be instantly turned into a fairly useless piece of loot. :huh:
  13. -Gews-

    Looks or functionality

    I pick the clothing that has the most slots and use the hunter backpack because it's less visible. As far as hats I don't wear ballistic or motorcycle helmets and I will happily discard any of the game's headgear for a pink beanie.
  14. -Gews-

    More motivation to stay alive

    Anyways they have to do something but everything is highly controversial. Except beards.
  15. -Gews-

    How to locate where people are shooting?

    One's mouth as well. They should fix that at some point, if you're unconscious or dead you shouldn't hear a peep, nor be able to talk shit.
  16. -Gews-

    Problems Drawing my weapons

    Nope. Happened to me a few times.
  17. QFT The game is not hard. You can't have a hard game when players decide their own goals. The game doesn't force much upon you. Surviving? Easy. "End game" gear? Easy. Kill 100 people without dying? Right, now it's hard. But that's your goal, not "DayZ". What's the point of "DayZ" anyways? The next guy might only want to interview people in Berezino while wearing nothing but a hardhat.
  18. -Gews-

    AKM performance

    0.00195 for AKM
  19. -Gews-

    Remove fov option from game.

    Yes, it does, but you could simply test and learn your new values same as the old values so if you didn't change up your desired FoV every week, not a big problem. You shouldn't be able to change it while actually in-game.
  20. -Gews-

    Remove fov option from game.

    You can already set the FoV to whatever precise levels you wish in the config so the slider just isn't needed. Adds nothing except problems.
  21. -Gews-

    Remove fov option from game.

    +1 It's a terrible thing. Want to change your FoV? Type it into the config and stick with it as in ARMA 2, don't see what's so hard about that. Instant double-zoom and lack of functional 2D rangefinding or mil-dot scopes are the results of this FoV slider...
  22. -Gews-

    Ammo rarity/dispersion solution

    26.1 gr WC844 :lol: that one stuck in my memory. I agree with Whyherro, handloading just does not feel authentic to me. Where do you find the supplies and equipment, why would they be there? And it would be represented very poorly, probably scroll > "craft ammo" and you instantly get something with half the damage magically made with your bare hands, some pebbles and a pair of pliers.
  23. -Gews-

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    If it doesn't matter to you then don't cry about others crying about it. It's like tearception in here.
  24. - magazine has the muzzle velocity - projectile has damage, penetration, external ballistics, etc So they do need separate ammunition unless it fires the same bullet. Guns only have "gun features" like zeroing, dispersion, rate of fire, etc.