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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    What's up with the Machete?

    It's not necessarily out of proportion, machetes come in all shapes and sizes, commonly from 10"-28"... not everything has to be your average 18" Latin/bush machete. I still agree it seems way too small, probably 12".
  2. Not I. In a perfect DayZ helmets and plate carriers should stop exactly what they're rated to stop. For SAPI plates that includes 7.62x54R. If one wants to add nerfing, balancing, and incorrect properties and stats to body armor why not balance the guns too? I see no difference. :huh: If a guy is wearing a bunch of body armor I expect it to give him some protection - why wasn't this in ARMA 2? Actually it was, try shooting civilian models and soldier models with Makarovs, compare results - it was there, just very primitive and unsatisfactory. But the engine doesn't model this properly so I don't think we will have correctly-functioning body armor anytime soon if at all. They don't even have it in ARMA 3 which is a shame, like, it's 2035, people.
  3. -Gews-

    So M1 Garand has been confirmend...

    True, but Duesenberg SSJs and a monster named "Squoogally-Boo" could also be in their lore... ie, some lore is more believable than others. For me M1 Garand is not at all believable, and it's not one Garand, it's dozens and hundreds of Garands, very few weapons are truly rare and mediocre weapons are never rare. As just about any weapon on the list will be commonly encountered it's my belief that they should only add weapons that are reasonable to commonly encounter. Maybe this is kind of moot given some of the weapon list at this point but
  4. -Gews-

    So M1 Garand has been confirmend...

    Nope, I don't have one but they are very popular here in 22" and 18.5" (and more popular than M14/M1A in other countries too... such as Russia itself, cheaper sells), they are supposed to be decent, they used to be >$450 but now they seem to start at $550. Also popular is their 1897 copy for Cowboy Action which is available in the States too as Chinese shotguns may still be imported.
  5. -Gews-

    So M1 Garand has been confirmend...

    The fact you can find weapons from Earth somewhere on Earth doesn't mean the M1 Garand is a quality, suitable, well-though-out, atmospheric choice. If the setting means nothing what's the point of the setting? Might as well just change the road signs and say the whole thing takes place in America. The best Garand-like firearm would be, dun dun dun...
  6. -Gews-

    So M1 Garand has been confirmend...

    I think he was just speaking off the cuff, I'd be very surprised if that gun somehow manages to worm its way into this game. Closest I would expect to see would be M14, M1A, Norinco, Polytech. If we do get an M1 Garand then (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ I also want a Webley Mk III, an Ithaca Auto & Burglar and a No. 5 Mk I because what the hell.
  7. -Gews-

    Uk vz. 59

    No... A, the Chernarussian Army uses the PKM, B, no other communist nations used the vz. 59, C, everyone uses the PKM...
  8. -Gews-

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    They wouldn't be throwing it out, it uses an AK-74 model. It's just a renaming. They wouldn't add an AK-74, they'd just give the AK-101 the correct name. They wouldn't want to have the two different guns sharing the exact same AK-74 model and they probably wouldn't make a new magazine model for a near-identical AK-101. If we had AK-74, the AK-101 wouldn't be needed for gameplay, authenticity, variety, realism or any other reason.
  9. -Gews-

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    Well, it's actually "not" in the game since the model is of an AK-74M, they'd have to alter it to make a proper AK-101 and it would just function and look pretty much the exact same so little or no point.
  10. With many complex games you must study if you want to be good at them... if it's something like an in-depth loot and sniping guide, okay, if it's something like "how do I feed myself" then it's a problem.
  11. We don't NEED .380 or .45 ACP either, all handguns could be 9mm. Same with 7.62x39, there are 5.56x45mm AKs, SKS could be replaced with any one of several "civilian" semi-automatics. We don't "need" it for "mechanical" reasons, people want it because it's "authentic", "realistic", etc. It is only needed if they wanted to accurately portray the same Chernarus from ARMA II or create the most plausible weapon list for some "authentic" ex-Soviet country.
  12. -Gews-

    Brass Knuckles

    Imagine you already have invisible knuckledusters, the effect is the same ;)
  13. -Gews-

    Large scale battle?

    Maybe it's Mount and Blade. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdBdWopCokA#t=5m4s
  14. "Discrimination: The quality of being discriminating, acute discernment, the ability to judge what is of high quality; good judgement or taste"
  15. -Gews-

    101 vs AKM

    That wouldn't be too far off the mark to be honest.
  16. -Gews-

    Crossbow Spawning System.

    There is no military grade for crossbows and despite the name the TAC-15 wasn't made for "tactical" use, the only reason the crossbow sucks for PVP is because it's a crossbow which PSE TAC-15 doesn't solve, and the TAC-15 is 50% heavier and 20% longer and unbalanced, good for targets, worse for PVP, and it doesn't use regular bolts either, it uses arrows.
  17. -Gews-

    Sawn off shotgun ironsight

    The eye point is too high above the sawed-off IMO but it shouldn't have an exact eye point like in the mod.
  18. -Gews-

    Sawn off shotgun ironsight

    It depends what you are shooting at and the distance, the main thing is if it is quickly moving or not. Many modern tactical shotguns like the Army's M4 Super 90 have ghost ring sights for longer distance or using slugs. Slug guns have scopes or rifle sights. On the IZH-43 there is only a bead. Most models of the Remington 870 only come with a bead, same with most all shotguns. But pretty much all "traditional" use will say the same things about sighting:
  19. -Gews-

    Sawn off shotgun ironsight

    US Army doctrine doesn't matter. When you are shooting a rifle you focus on the front sight and let the target blur. When you are shooting a shotgun you focus on the target and let the bead blur. This is why shotgun fit is often said to be more crucial than rifle fit, you have to mount the shotgun consistently. You always hear "you don't aim a shotgun, you point it", technically you are aiming it but it's a saying to get the point across, shotguns are mainly used on birds, clays and other fast-moving targets, it's a different style of shooting than firing at a stationary target.
  20. -Gews-

    Sawn off shotgun ironsight

    This is the point, it's how ARMA 3 does it. The crosshair isn't supposed to give a perfect aim. This was something I wanted for ages (crosshair doesn't show exact aim), seems like the devs thought the same thing too. There are no iron sights, you chopped the bead off with the hacksaw. Again it's that way because it looks much better and you can't properly "aim" a sawn-off shotgun anyways. In the mod the shotgun "iron sights" looked TERRIBLE. I suggested this one year ago on Zombies.nu, that the shotgun be changed so it was tilted upwards slightly because it looks much better, that is exactly what they did in Standalone.
  21. Well there we differ, I'd rather have one gun that "fits" than five that don't :lol: .357 is a travesty.
  22. No way! They deserve to be in because they fit the setting very well. I'd be happy to swap .380 (this one only 'cos it's not 9x18) or .357 Magnum (used in weapons that don't fit as well) or even .45 ACP (used in weapons that don't fit as well) in exchange. What objective gameplay value would 7.62x25 weapons add: not much at all, they are weapons that go boom-boom same as all others. But that's not my concern because subjectively the Tokarev is great. I don't see how many .45s and .357s they could add either, .380 pistol (check), .380 SMG (check), .357 revolvers (check), .357 lever-actions (check), .45 submachine gun (none really fit), .45 automatics (check), 7.62x25 is no worse than those because when you have one or two random [insert-caliber-heres], more is just redundant if they aren't iconic weapons. We won't have the Rossi 92 and the Marlin 1894 and the Uberti 1873. That's pointless, same with many other .45s, .380s and .357s that just do the same shit while looking slightly different.