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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    Anyone excited for the .357 Lever action?

    Carbine should be ~520-560 m/s, revolver should be ~360 m/s, but both are 360 m/s.
  2. -Gews-

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    If it can't get a reading it just doesn't display anything. Haven't tried it but WOBO said his didn't work at all.
  3. -Gews-

    Floating machete

    It's a 12 inch blade, not an uncommon length.
  4. -Gews-

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    Aaand it just so happens they added a civilian rangefinder... aaand it just so happens to be the exact one I mentioned above. :lol:
  5. -Gews-

    Anyone excited for the .357 Lever action?

    Both are 360 m/s (1,181 ft/s)
  6. -Gews-

    Anyone excited for the .357 Lever action?

    Same as revolver for now, should be 520-560 m/s: 1.5x.
  7. -Gews-

    So M1 Garand has been confirmend...

    Nooo... Come on, just admit it. Garand doesn't fit at all. :lol: One can come up with fantastic explanations for any conceivable item (local zoo was destroyed! Now tigers and gorillas roam South Zagoria!) As said, just admit it, the rifle simply doesn't "fit" ;) "fit" meaning it is at least a somewhat common item or class of item to find in Chernarus-like countries... not that there are merely a couple dozen in some random collections... if you don't care about its authenticity and just like the gun, whatever, but what annoys me is the odd and unnecessarily reaching backstories that would really stretch suspension of disbelief... in any post-Soviet country Garands are not at all common ∴ Garand does not "fit". Simple! Maybe one wants to add it anyways! Okay! Just no "weird or what?" explanations please :lol:
  8. -Gews-

    Non Lethal Ammo For Shotguns

    Not true, who knows why slugs were deleted but it's not some engine issue. Guns use magazines, not projectiles. class CfgAmmo { class BulletBase; class bullet1 : bulletbase { hit = 8;typicalSpeed = 320;airFriction = -0.0017;}; class bullet2 : bulletbase { hit = 10;typicalSpeed = 900;airFriction = -0.0011;}; }; class CfgMagazines { class ca_magazine; class magazine1 : ca_magazine { ammo = "bullet1";count = 8;initSpeed = 320;}; class magazine2 : ca_magazine { ammo = "bullet2";count = 30;initSpeed = 900;}; }; class CfgWeapons { class rifle; class gun :rifle { magazines[] = {"magazine1", "magazine2"}; }; };
  9. Simple, a bow does not have a 300-yard effective range. Any successful shot that far in DayZ should be a fluke. For now they copied the .22 LR ballistics which has maybe ~3x too much drag for the bows.
  10. Person 1: "Kill shots are possible out to 1,600 meters with iron sights" Person 2: "What? No, those long-range graduations were for massed volleys, no way you are hitting someone at 1,600 meters with iron sights" Person 1: Person 2: -_- Should the bow be effective out to 300 yards, nope. Effective hunting range of even modern bows is very short. It's like the same ranges as for buckshot. Often less. However the difference in DayZ is that ethical hunting isn't a concern and thus the "effective range" will be further since the targets are larger. But not 300 yards.
  11. -Gews-

    Another Firearms Wishlist

    Well, I really don't see what the Garand does that other weapons don't... as for the internal magazine, the only special feature I can think of, unlike the SKS, the Garand requires clips! So in game terms, it's just another rifle that needs a magazine and which also requires a new ammo type. The game does not differentiate between "clip" and "magazine" except that clips are one-use only, which is worse than if it required a box magazine. Elderly battle rifle? SVT-40! Internal magazine .30-06 semi-automatic? Numerous others! Really zero special benefits to gameplay part from certain people happening to like the M1 Garand, fitting or not. I agree it's "speculative", I don't think that gun will make it in at all despite what Rocket said.
  12. -Gews-

    Add more sniper tools

    Well IZH-94 and Baikal MP-221 for two: I was always hoping for Kozlice though.
  13. -Gews-

    Add more sniper tools

    Well, from what I've seen online, the great majority of owners have mounted scopes on them. Is there a need gameplay-wise? No, it would be worse if anything. But "authenticity"-wise, ignoring any "balancing" concerns... yes, there should be a scope.
  14. -Gews-

    Another Firearms Wishlist

    Come on, just admit it. Garand doesn't fit at all. :lol: One can come up with fantastic explanations for any conceivable item (local zoo was destroyed! Now tigers and gorillas roam South Zagoria!) Why less reliable? Requiring hundreds of individual pellets, there's not a chance of having "real" birdshot.
  15. -Gews-

    Gameplay Mechanics Pt4 - The Weapons

    Or... just delete the 40-round magazines :ph34r:
  16. -Gews-

    My DayZ Wishlist

    http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/09/060905-eagle-human.html Since 2,000,000 years. :lol:
  17. -Gews-

    OrLoK's Random Thread -

    Bump... Arguing over what a square kilometer is... never change, r/dayz.
  18. -Gews-

    AXE Durability and Sharpening

    What does "damaged" mean though? Hard to damage an axe head unless you're chopping rocks. The thing I would be worried about damaging would be the handle, not the head. An axe doesn't have to be razor sharp anyways, most axes or machetes will be better than they were out-of-the-box (would that be pristine?) after a simple sharpening even with a file.
  19. -Gews-

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    But it just so happens all hunting, golf and other outdoor shops and online retailers sell a variety of rangefinders for all price brackets. Thing is in real life cheaper rangefinders may only range things to 300 or 400 yards. Bushnell says their cheap Yardage Pro Sport 450 is only good to 200 yards on deer. 1940s Soviet binoculars don't do that (binoculars in general don't do that).
  20. -Gews-

    Auto five and twenty gauge ammunition.

    They made around 3 million Auto-5s but most were made ages ago when there was less globalization and when, notably, the Soviets would not allow people to import Browning Auto-5s :lol: Remington produced 5 or 6 million 1100s in about half the time and it's still produced and very popular today. Don't really see how the Auto-5 is a superior choice to that one or a plethora of other common shotguns. If you want to find region-appropriate semi-automatic shotguns you can just visit European and Western European gun forums and see what guns people are talking about and what's commonly advertised in the For Sale sections. Modern Berettas, Benellis, Fabarms, Baikals, Winchesters, Franchi, etc are more commonly seen than any Auto-5s. And various Turkish guns seem to be quite popular, a lot more so than in North America.
  21. -Gews-

    Auto five and twenty gauge ammunition.

    They won't add 20 gauge cos it's way too similar to 12 and there are a bunch of more suitable semi-autos than the old Auto-5, Russian, Turkish, European and American...
  22. -Gews-

    What's up with the Machete?

    Also off-topic but I think they should trim the descriptions... no one needs to know the etymology of "machete" or the middle name of the SKS' inventor... should keep things sweet and simple.
  23. -Gews-

    What's up with the Machete?

    No, I don't think so, it's purposely small. Machete/knife handles are usually 4.5-5.5 inches long. The machete's blade is about 2½ handles long so this means it's about 12 inches - the machete wasn't scaled wrong, they just chose to make a small machete.
  24. -Gews-

    Weapons - Where Should They Go Next?

    Correct, and when the "iron sight zoom" was introduced in 0.44 (?) the magnification was also further reduced about 7% from before, it's currently only 2/3 of ArmA2's zoom.