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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. The upper barrel is inside a sleeve which is why it appears larger. The gun in game is closest to the BB97 .30-'06.
  2. -Gews-

    Which is better?

    Nah, they do indeed influence it. I don't think damaged vs pristine has an effect at the moment but the wood handguard doesn't reduce dispersion and the polymer does. I seriously doubt anyone would be able to notice the difference between the two though. You can remove ALL your attachments on those guns and still have the same accuracy as SKS, CR 527, AUG, Sporter, etc.
  3. -Gews-

    CR527 Carbine Talk

    LRS is a 1 kg $3000 tactical/precision scope, should have mil dots and not that weird duplexy reticle. However they did have a 12x scope in the files, I think Zeiss Terra 4-12x50, they should replace almost all LRS spawns with such hunting scopes.
  4. -Gews-

    Weapon degradation

    An M4 has "barrelArmor = 2400" and "spawnDamageMax = 0.6". The 5.56x45 has "barrelDamage = 3" and "damageBarrelDestroyed = 30". So if we assume: Pristine = 100% Worn = 75% Damaged = 50% Badly damaged = 25% Ruined = 0% Then it would be 800 shots pristine to ruined and 200 shots per level when using pristine ammunition. But it appears the gun might spawn with anywhere from 40% to 100% health. Just speculation though.
  5. -Gews-

    Which is better?

  6. Only once since I don't like playing on empty servers. Was on -=VG=- 1PP server. I didn't shoot her but I was sorely tempted.
  7. -Gews-

    Semi-Automatic and Auto indicator.

    A fair amount of weapons don't even have multiple fire modes so...
  8. -Gews-

    MP5 least practical weapon in game?

    It's a 9mm. The press vest would stop it. Hence pistol-caliber submachine guns have fallen out of favor in recent years. Not an excuse for DayZ though because the game doesn't model body armor penetration.
  9. -Gews-

    More realistic gun sounds, and animations

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/220540-trip-to-the-shooting-range/ It does say it. "SA36570 Cal.23-5.56 MODEL:MOD4SA CMMG, INC FAYETTE, MO USA" How so? ?
  10. -Gews-

    Weapon Sway!

    Yet despite any amount of sway one's avatar always manages to keep his sights perfectly aligned.
  11. -Gews-

    swords, smithing, furnace, melee and ragnar

    Why would you be mining for "iron ore" to craft weapons when there's metal everywhere? Just grab some leaf springs from a Ural.
  12. -Gews-

    why doesn't the bipod fit on the mosion?!

    Because and ‎
  13. The vest is in the game. It should work properly. Period.
  14. Both damage models are imperfect, but ArmA 2 is not realistic at all, in terms of realism it's much worse than ArmA 3. Soldiers with present-day body armor die in one shot out to 800/900 meters. Pfft. And in ArmA 3 if you don't want players to tank shots then as the mission maker you can deny them armor and they will die just as easily as in Arma 2. ArmA 3 is based in 2035, not 1980, if they want to even pretend to be realistic they need to have body armor, and not just for cosmetics, it's not reasonable to expect them to ignore it. Their current damage model is not great, no penetration simulation, just effectively a big health buff, no weak points. Only penetration/no penetration on walls, armored vehicles... not personal body armor.
  15. -Gews-

    12 gauge Flaregun

    Longer? It already stays up until it hits the ground and you can send it over 1200 vertical feet. The real thing only lasts for "up to 7 seconds" and makes it "up to 500' ". If they add this feature, you should have to drag a knife onto the 12 gauge ammo to get option "shorten shell". The end-product would have much less damage, less pellets, no pattern to speak of and a risk of injury.
  16. There's never been any body armor simulation in Bohemia's consumer games. ARMA 2 and ARMA 3 just give players extra ability to soak up damage. 95% sure the .45 ACP does more damage to people wearing those DayZ vests than 5.56.
  17. -Gews-

    Ballistic helmets are too effective

    Meanwhile plate carriers and press vest are too ineffective. Doesn't stop slow and fat .45...
  18. -Gews-

    1911 & Makarov should not have suppressors

    Useless... I still remember the days of the mod + 1.62 patch when it could take 2 full Makarov mags to kill a fresh spawn. Maybe these pistols wouldn't be so "useless" if they spawned with an empty mag nearby. And who cares? If the game is going to let us magically attach suppressors to the end of these practically flush, non-threaded barrels they may as well let us put the long range scope on the SKS and AKs. No mounting woes, just use Bohemia Glue ("the first adhesive that can glue things in midair - Czech it out today!").
  19. -Gews-

    1911 & Makarov should not have suppressors

    And also, what is this?
  20. -Gews-

    Light Machine Guns and WW2 guns

    They shouldn't add WW1/2 weapons (or their modernised versions, looking at you MG3) just because someone wants to use their favorite guns from Red Orchestra in DayZ. They should only add them if they belong in Chernarus and in the limited weapons list, so from this list TT33, K98k, perhaps SVT40, M1895, maybe even PPSh. No Garand, nor C96, MG34, etc. Machine guns should be in with PKM as highest priority since it would be the most common, kind of iffy since many players get mad at "OP military weapons".
  21. -Gews-

    Craftable Crossbow bolts

    Meh, any "crafted" wood bolts will likely shatter into pieces. They aren't thick medieval-style "bolts" modern crossbows use, they are merely short arrows. If you got some high quality strong dowels you might fashion some that would manage to hold up. But if you're on DayZRP you may as well go with the improvised bow since PVP is not a factor.
  22. -Gews-

    Status Report - 17 Feb 15

    If it's only 8 they should increase that. 8 is a bit skimpy. In ArmA 2 and the mod, it would carry 12 people in the bed. Even in OFP it was 10 people in the covered V3S. Maybe this is to do with the "shooting from vehicle" part.
  23. -Gews-

    Status Report - 17 Feb 15

    Most interesting thing I read!