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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    Sword damage worse than ever

    I've heard these are quite effective so often I pick them up, but I never find a battery and end up dropping them. I don't see them used much. Last time I tried it... 0.53, 0.54?
  2. -Gews-

    Sword damage worse than ever

    Axe and sword should be pretty close. Off-topic I like stone knife for one-on-one melee fight. Hit, avoid, wait for exsanguination, killed many people that way.
  3. -Gews-

    aspect ratio!

    Auto-detecting aspect ratio makes sense but I don't like how they are preventing it from being changed (bug?). Unfortunately changing fovTop and fovLeft in username.DayZProfile seems to have no effect. You can still mess with the DayZ.cfg. Play around with Resolution_W, Resolution_H, Render_W and Render_H. I could get a fat character with 1920 and 768 but had black bars top and bottom. Some other values didn't work and gave a blurrier 16:9.
  4. -Gews-

    Change the names of these food items please

    There was some discussion of this before
  5. -Gews-

    Anybody els noticed the m249 Para is comming?

    On the other hand automatic weapons are the best thing for taking out zig-zaggers. I would be less inclined to frenetically sprint around in the open if I know my enemy has a belt-fed machine gun.
  6. -Gews-

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Some footage of the offroad. It shares problems with the other vehicles, sliding on slopes, an inability to climb inclines when starting from rest, unresponsive steering, extreme bounciness at speed, the fact it's easy to roll and how you can't look behind you. Once it gets some momentum it works pretty well. Ran with ruined battery and spark plug. Couldn't repair headlights despite replacing the ruined bulbs with pristine ones. After abandoning my car I traveled to Kamensk military base, had just entered the barracks looking for an SVD magazine when I heard soft footsteps outside... turned around, doors opened and bangbangbang. Despite this guy not firing a shot on my client I was left bleeding with some of my gear ruined. Shortly after my hands became glitched in fist mode (second time this patch) and lost the pistol while fixing it. I haven't seen someone up there for God knows how long. Since it's out of the way I checked to see if he'd come there in a vehicle but no dice.
  7. -Gews-

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Found a fully-kitted offroad in a creek bed near Severograd with five wheels and a tire repair kit. Took a while to get it unstuck. Took it up north for some high-speed jumping, rolled it twice. It eventually got stuck on a stump and a wheel was lost so I continued on two wheels. Works fine in a straight line but eventually spun out on a curve, slid down a hill and got stuck in some trees. I decided to play a game with the wheels, seeing how far I could roll them down the slope. Left it on a hill between Stary Yar and Kamensk on US Southcentral 03 and it seemed well stuck, so it will likely remain there for a good while.
  8. -Gews-

    VSS shots over 400m its possible ?

    No one knows except the devs.
  9. -Gews-

    VSS shots over 400m its possible ?

    It has zeroing to 400 meters and only one chevron...
  10. -Gews-

    Way to fix the dash-dancing exploit

    "momentum doesn't get preserved and there are no restrictions to the way you turn" "turn 180 degrees immediately and while sprinting" No, they can't.
  11. -Gews-

    What Happened to The Remington 870?

    M1 Garand isn't coming, that was just Dean's offhand response to some Garand fan. This one at the bottom was probably swapped for MP133.
  12. -Gews-

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Rangefinder seems bugged, all readings seem to give a value from 1-7. Performance is good. Still having this annoying texture issue:
  13. The problem I have with nail bat is the practicality of carrying such a thing without puncturing yourself.
  14. -Gews-

    MP5 vs UMP

    AKM was in 0.45 experimental, MP5K in 0.46, I remember seeing someone on Reddit make incorrect calculations of DPS months back (ie: 7 hit*15 shot/sec = 105)
  15. -Gews-

    MP5 vs UMP

    The VSS has the highest DPS of the full auto weapons. Second and third place AKM, UMP, runner up MP5K.
  16. I tested DayZ's sprint and jog speeds and was surprised to find the following: sprinting = 23.15 km/h (+/- 0.15 m/s) jogging = 14.7 km/h (+/- 0.03 m/s) Sprinting speed is the same as in ArmA 2, and jogging is about 18% slower than in ArmA 2. So the player run speed is not a real issue. The main problem is the unlimited turn speed. Since the devs chose to remove the mechanics limiting players' movement in the first place, they may be averse to reinstating such limitations. I hope they will find a way to prevent all the crazy, spastic movement while managing to retain fluid controls. For comparison, in ArmA 3, jog and sprint speeds are 14.3 and 24.7 km/h for a civilian, and IIRC about 13.6 and 18.2 km/h for a kitted soldier (depends on gear). And of course, in both ArmAs, you can't sprint indefinitely.
  17. -Gews-

    Wheelbarrows, just sayin`

    I think FIRST they're waiting for weapon resting mechanics. That way the wheelbarrow can form a STABLE firing platform for your canned .22.
  18. -Gews-

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Hadn't tried the -newui for some patches but, wow, you guys were right. Performance boost is wonderful.
  19. -Gews-

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    800 player interactions a minute :lol:
  20. -Gews-

    music and character narrative

    I don't like ambient music in a game like this and have never put on grim post-apocalyptic soundtracks. If I'm playing serious then no music. If I'm real bored and in the middle of nowhere then I might play whatever I normally listen to.
  21. -Gews-

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Anyone else getting low-res Winchester textures? This is quite annoying.
  22. -Gews-

    Shotguns are a Joke.

    Another future problem is that the shotguns have incorrect ballistics. They pasted some stuff from the Mosin which means each pellet has a BC in the mid-0.400s (at 300 m loses only 25% of its speed, real life = ~80%, max range ~2000 m, real life, ~550 m). It should be in the 0.03-0.04 range. If and when that's fixed the damage downrange will be lower than now, more distance, more difference. If they halve the spread, more hits, hopefully that would maintain or even improve the effectiveness. They could also up the damage a bit but each pellet is already more powerful than .380 and those two should be kept at similar levels.
  23. -Gews-

    Shotguns are a Joke.

    When alpha dropped they had some random values in there not worth mentioning, when they put in non-placeholder ballistics hit changed to "6", when the single pellet bug occurred this was changed to 60 (to compensate?), then back to 6 again where it is now. That was a year ago this month and it's been unchanged since, so at least this is not due to the config options.
  24. -Gews-

    Shotguns are a Joke.

    They aren't doing much to them. There was that time in 0.4X where they appeared to fire a single pellet, after that was fixed the config hasn't been changed. The damage on each pellet is between .380 and 9mm and in theory the sum damage from one 12-gauge blast is the same as if someone emptied a P1 into you, so it's not intentional. Possible issues: -few pellet impacts -unpredictable nature of shot pattern -pellets hitting limbs, weapons -not properly registering multiple impacts -unknown bugs The spread on these is also too high, at least in the ~50 m range.
  25. -Gews-

    Mauser C96

    Still need to find stock and targets.