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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    DayZ Needs a Tank

    Great for running over every fresh spawn in Elektro as their rounds bounce uselessly off your steel hull!
  2. -Gews-

    Knifing freshies

    I think that's fair. Sneak up behind someone, aim, and click your mouse as fast as possible before they can react. If they see you you probably wouldn't be able to easily kill them.
  3. -Gews-

    Don't you wish there was a western map?

    I know, right... I'd take a Sharps. :D Like so:
  4. -Gews-

    Don't you wish there was a western map?

    Nah, I know my way around pretty well, I'm not too concerned about how I spell Solnichniy or Nizhnoye or Elektrozavodsk. I thought this was about cowboys and Indians...
  5. -Gews-

    Knifing freshies

    The problem with knives is that they are usually insta-kills in a game, which is fine for arcade shooters but would bug the hell out of me in a simulator like ArmA or the standalone. I can ASSURE you that you're not going to be able to easily and quickly kill someone with a knife unless you're extremely well trained or very lucky. Have you seen the way hogs thrash and squeal when hunters stick them with huge 12-inch blades? And that's with the help of several dogs pinning the hog down. You're not going to be able to go full ninja and instantly take out enemies in real life. Yes, you can kill someone with a knife. No, it's probably not going to be fast or silent, and if they hear you sneaking up you may as well forget about dispatching them in any sort of timely manner.
  6. -Gews-

    Knifing freshies

    I don't know about knives... seeing as even the most powerful handgun takes more than a full magazine to kill someone, I don't see a knife being more powerful.
  7. -Gews-

    Red Ryder BB Gun

    I've always wanted to have a cap gun added.
  8. -Gews-

    What is considered a "Forest"

    It depends, usually places with the much taller trees or more densely wooded areas.
  9. -Gews-

    Can we get Dayz "official" servers?

    The public hive servers are usually the ones with names like "US 3885" or whatever. They're not allowed to have custom names. Unfortunately their number has dwindled and they're often hacked, and some admins breach the public server rules.
  10. Yup, but players have about twice as much health as they do in ArmA2.
  11. -Gews-

    Wasteland is my new dayz

    Wasteland is fun but it's a lot more casual than DayZ.
  12. -Gews-

    Acceptable age to play?

    I get highly annoyed by anyone who typs lyk thes or anyone who has a squeaky or nasal voice. That tends (not always) to be younger players.
  13. -Gews-

    Hackers advertising in game?

    Night before last I was playing on a server, and I went to check the map... some hacker had put up red global text near the NWAF that read something like "These Battleye bypasses will work for your hacks: http:///tinyurl blah blah blah"
  14. I knew Pinkie Pie was awarded tens of thousands of dollars for hacking Google... never thought she would set her sights on DayZ.
  15. There is no 720p. The most shocking thing in that video was how ineffective the handgun caliber weapons are. That guy at the end shot you multiple times from close range... these need to be buffed!
  16. -Gews-


    Agreed, jumping should stay in the arcade games. I like the vault mechanism we have now, since it can't be used by aspiring bunny snipers. I think there was a ticket on dev-heaven suggesting that the vaulting animation should be sped up, and I agree with that - it's a bit too slow right now.
  17. -Gews-

    Guy randomly stops.

    People do that? I haven't had your problem, but I have had other controls get stuck on occasion, usually the zoom, or the optics.
  18. From that graveyarded thread "This is retarded", though, there are a few issues to iron out. The guy was right in that zombies shouldn't be able to pull you out of a Vodnik or from a flying helicopter. Perhaps there should be an option introduced to lock your car.
  19. -Gews-

    I learned how to fly a heli

    I find helicopters are easy to fly in ArmA... and turning on auto-hover makes them extremely simple to use. However jets are another story. I'd rather fly a jet in Flight Simulator or LockOn than try flying one of those finicky ArmA death traps...
  20. I agree with Chabowski that they should make the scenery come "pre-overgrown".
  21. This would be really sweet, but I'm not sure if it's feasible. I'm pretty sure it would take one hell of a server / computer to keep track of the growth of plants all across Chernarus. Nice concept though.
  22. Hmmm, I ran into a building expecting the zombies to run after me and tear me to pieces, but they started slowly shambling as soon as they got past the door... for some reason I expected them to run inside buildings in :|