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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    Old fighter planes?

    Yes, this, was much fun in Flight Sim 2004. Maybe even something along the lines of a Beechcraft 18.
  2. -Gews-

    Old fighter planes?

    I don't have a problem with adding in small planes like that, you'd be able to find them near airports and "if helicopters, why not planes?". The AN-2 only goes about 200 km/h and it can't land in as many places as the helicopters we already have. A little Cessna would be nice as well.
  3. -Gews-

    Old fighter planes?

    People struggle to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on their Spitfires and Mustangs... Messerschmidts are almost nonexistent... I'm pretty sure you won't be rebuilding 70-year-old aircraft during a zombie apocalypse.
  4. -Gews-

    Why banditing?

    I was shot down in Berezino yesterday, no zombies were spawned, so I started creeping in when someone shot me in the back several times. Never stood a chance, lost all my stuff. I almost always lone wolf so I almost always lose everything. Fun times.
  5. Whoa, they had a GAU8? Crazy stuff.
  6. -Gews-

    Have I gone too far?

    That's one zombie a minute for a solid 5 months and 22 days...
  7. -Gews-

    Disadvantages To Carrying/Using AS50/M107

    I'd like to know why they needed 2 separate classes for what should be the exact same rifle...
  8. -Gews-

    Old fighter planes?

    I don't support this suggestion because working fighter planes from the 2nd World War are very rare these days, not to mention in need of constant upkeep, and you'd never, ever see them flying in Chernarus.
  9. -Gews-


    Heh, continuing from the locked Urban Dead thread, this could lead to... dun dun dun... barricade strafing! Which would be awesome. ^_^
  10. Scoreboard was removed because it was mostly useless... who really cares how many zombies people kill? M107's unintended "feature" seems to be a glitch, which sucks. Don't know if there are any plans to fix it.
  11. -Gews-

    Make more guns!

    No, it's a fixed value which is modified (linearly) by the projectile velocity, so damage drops with velocity and range. Effects like tumbling, fragmentation or expansion are not modelled.
  12. -Gews-

    Chance to go crazy if Z hits the player

    But I gave beeeeans.
  13. -Gews-

    Chance to go crazy if Z hits the player

    :lol: This made me laugh.
  14. -Gews-

    Make more guns!

    DayZ isn't about "game balance". I don't support balancing. I'm about realism. If you read my post (reread it), I said in real life, the VSS is not a powerful gun. In the game it's a one-shot instakill. I wouldn't have a problem with it being a one-shot instakill if it was powerful in real life, but it's actually quite weak compared to most rifles. Bohemia Interactive made it do a lot of damage because it is one of those "secret Spetsnaz weapons" and therefore must be super deadly! That's the only explanation I can see. So you support unrealistic damage values? The weapon is flawed because someone made a dumb decision (actually, two dumb decisions). I just want the VSS in-game to act like the VSS in real life.
  15. -Gews-

    Question about Dogs...

    They need to add a purse as well so my character can transport his Pekingese.
  16. The nice thing about Urban Dead is that you don't see as much immaturity. I think it's because the squeaky voices don't want to play a game that consists entirely of coloured boxes and text. An action-packed screenshot.
  17. -Gews-

    Complex car wrecks

    Hey, I know you, you're that... thread guy! Anyways it's a good idea but it's probably not possible / too much work for the mod. Maaaybe standalone but even racing games have problems with that. Check this out:
  18. -Gews-

    vehicle? Can't find any.

    I found a vehicle today, ran up to Gorka and right as I get there, I see a pickup coming along the road... as it passed in front of me I shot the driver out and drove it up into the Northern woods. Probably the easiest way to find vehicles. :thumbsup:
  19. Those hitmen threads are interesting, and I have my own personal "kill on sight" list. There are a few problems though: 1. No nametags: I don't want to see nametags and neither do most here, I think. However without nametags it becomes very difficult to recognize people without talking to them or killing them. In real life people remember faces, in DayZ... nada. 2. Too much action: in UrbanDead you can have month-long epic campaigns because everyone is limited to 50 action points per day. Things are slow, slow, slow, and the map is gigantic. In DayZ an "epic battle" might only last all of 10 minutes... With the new base-building features that are apparently comimg with the Standalone, maybe we will see things like "the 4th Siege of Cherno". Somehow I doubt it... people don't (and can't) work together in groups of hundreds over long periods of time, and the games are just too different. I'd just like to see a bit more "meaning" to the game. I think that's the most important thing to take away from this thread.
  20. That doesn't sound very "DayZ" and I'm sure it would have a lot of opposition on here... but I might actually be in favour (if it was well implemented). It adds a lot more character and worth to the game - even without any graphics whatsoever, it can be engaging.
  21. -Gews-

    Looking for Bizon with mags

    I was wondering why you wanted a Bizon, that makes sense. :thumbsup:
  22. Although it's a cool game, at the moment, there's nothing that DayZ can learn from UrbanDead. There's some pretty sweet stuff in that game, though. DayZ lacks the story and the lore. Ron Burgundy and the Channel 4 News Team! 404: Barhah not found! The various sieges of Caiger Mall! The Mall Tours! The Ridleybank Resistance Front! The various police departments and their APBs and warrants! It's a wonderful world out there...