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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    Replace M1911 with TT33

    You'd only be likely to find the regular FMJs in 7.62x25mm since they make up the vast majority of surplus and commercial rounds.
  2. -Gews-

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    But they didn't.
  3. He said they were hit with a .303, and only one gun fires .303. He never said anything about how the players were equipped, either. If I see someone with a gun being chased by zombies they're fair game and should have watched their aggro more carefully.
  4. -Gews-

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Oh noes, first cut from The Last Roundup and now cut from DayZ? You know who I'm talking about... ^_^ Anyways, good decision (to discuss it more), I didn't mind the new food choices but if it's an issue with many people then it should be looked at.
  5. -Gews-

    Join Balota Buddies Today!

    I'll down/upgrade once my character dies, which may take a while. Or not. :ph34r:
  6. He said he shot two people with an Enfield and you're disgusted by that? I thought this was the Bandit Campfire...
  7. -Gews-


    I've experienced a few nuke-like hacks, but I've never actually died from them. They just triggered a loud rumbling boom and turned the screen white with bright light.
  8. -Gews-

    Please add Jumping into DayZ

    Not enough. Too much! <_<
  9. -Gews-

    Weapon damage general discussion.

    No way! Sniper rifles do less damage at long range, so in game, they do less damage at long range. That idea seems like something you'd implement in a game like Team Fortress 2. Mmmm, depends, that 7.62mm sniper load I was talking about loses 15% of its energy in the first 100 meters! Is it going to be 15% less effective at 100 meters? Probably not, but it's still a loss. Looking at Federal ballistics tables, their .45 load is going 845 ft/s at the muzzle but drops to 786 ft/s at a range of 300 feet. Are you actually going to notice the difference between a bullet going 845 ft/s and one going 786 ft/s? I doubt it. An exception would be if you are firing hollowpoints and the velocity loss causes them to not expand as much, or not expand at all. In general, the higher the initial velocity the faster it will lose velocity, and once it starts slowing down, it starts losing the remaining velocity at a lot slower rate.
  10. -Gews-

    Join Balota Buddies Today!

    Haven't played on any BB servers yet because I'm running :P
  11. -Gews-

    Toilet Paper?

    Wiping your butt.
  12. -Gews-

    New Food and Drinks Names

    Having a giggle fit right now.
  13. Awww, the good ol' Dinner Bell is no more? That thing used to draw zombies from well over 200 meters. ^_^
  14. -Gews-

    We Need Twinkies!!

    Hot sauce and stroopwafels!
  15. -Gews-

    Weapon damage general discussion.

    Yup, it would kill often, strangely enough I think the original Norma load for the 10mm Auto was a 175-grain bullet at 1,290 ft/s, and that is a very hot load even by today's standards, that level of energy is approaching lower end .44 Magnum levels. Bohemia actually changed how much damage was done over long distances because it used to be even more ineffective: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/11479 Problem is that at that distance, it's still only in the handgun power range, and handguns in DayZ tend to be overly weak (8 shots with a .45 to kill someone), so the same thing is modelled in the 7.62 rifles.
  16. -Gews-

    I have a dream.

    I don't really buy the "can't afford it" excuse, either. If someone says that I just assume they're ashamed of sounding like Mickey Mouse.
  17. -Gews-

    I have a dream.

    Yes, I did, two player on Super Mario Advance. I remember we didn't talk much while playing that, there wasn't much if any strategy and it was way too fast paced.
  18. -Gews-

    'New spawn' store/perk system

    Not again... God, what is it with this namby-pamby care bear nonsense? Why don't you want to reward successful bandits! Stop punishing other play styles!
  19. -Gews-

    Simple change to sniper scopes

    I know, I really don't like mismatching turrets and reticles, it just complicates things for no good reason, moa/moa or mil/mil are fine, either way. However I'm pretty sure the M24 has mil/moa (US Army, whyyyyyyyy?) so the game should reflect that as well.
  20. -Gews-

    Weapon Customisation

    I've never even played the game, I just watched a clip on YouTube 4 years ago. :ph34r: And I said Far Cry 2, Far Cry 3 has no weapon degradation. See? Explosion.
  21. -Gews-

    Weapon Customisation

    I hope whatever breakdowns or jams they introduce occur at a realistic rate, not like in, say, Far Cry 2 where your gun somehow explodes after a relatively short period...
  22. -Gews-

    Weapon damage general discussion.

    Let's examine this: The standard sniping load for the M24 is a 175-grain Sierra MatchKing at 2,580 fps. Seems impressive, but at 800 meters, the round would only be going 1,300 fps! So now that's a 175 grain bullet at 1,300 fps, which would only have 657 ft-lbs of energy. Compare that to a 5.56mm from an M16 at 200 meters, which would have 715 ft-lbs of energy. That's the reason sniper rifles lose power at long range, in some cases significantly. Edit: still, even at that range, it would be like being shot with a very powerful handgun at point blank range.