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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    Dayz for Laptops

    Probably if you spend enough money. I'm running it on a Toshiba Satellite notebook, and it works, although it's most definitely not giving optimal performance!
  2. -Gews-

    What Kind of Player Are YOU?

    Go for the legs! It's all about the legs!
  3. -Gews-

    Capturing Live Players

    I only capture dead players... I wouldn't mind a tranquilizer gun, but I know jack all about them. They'd have to make it realistic, maybe the resident exotic animal handlers can tell us more about the various models and their effective ranges, accuracy, potency, etc. No tranquilizer rounds fired from your Makarov, please.
  4. Probably been mentioned many times before, but we should really have a PKM and an RPK-74 in the game. They're appropriate to the setting, they're very common weapons, and they are not overpowered. I hope with the addition of the Sa58s and a couple other weapons that we will see these added too.
  5. Lol? And it's flawed. Completely useless except for vehicles. I got a near-direct hit on an unsuspecting guy with one in Wasteland, literally a foot away, he was uninjured and I heard him shout "whoa! that thing almost got me!" and then laugh about how unrealistic it was. You know what I wanna see? Land Cruiser J70, or J75. I don't even care if it fits the setting, it's just so damn cool. :D While the devs are at it, they should add the PKM to the game.
  6. Oops, I got confused, I thought you meant drop "NATO" magazines for M107. This is what happens when I only watch half the video. Well, you get the jist of my comment.
  7. I'd take one over an AK-74 any day. Unless I felt like taking an AK-74 that day. It's way better for long range fights but you'd better make your first shot count.
  8. -Gews-

    explosive zeds

  9. I'm gonna have to try this 1944 mod sometime. I have the mod and it's fun, but haven't played it online. Pistols feel so much more powerful and the gun sounds are scarier.
  10. Maybe he used his common sense and assumed Bohemia used their common sense and gave both types of magazines similar damage instead of turning one type into a veritable 50mm cannon.
  11. More gripes: -Why is the PDW named the PDW? -Why is the Winchester a slug-firing shotgun? -Why can the PDW take Glock 17, MP5, and M9 magazines? -Why can the MP5 take Glock magazines? -Why do the Sa58s take AKM magazines? -Why is it called an Sa58? -Why do the M24 and M40A3 take "magazines"? What's with the "subsonic" 5.56mm anyways? Subsonic 5.56 would be super ineffective, basically a glorified .22. Even with heavy bullets it would be awfully, awfully weak, and more concerning, probably wouldn't cycle the action properly, or would give a large chance of feeding problems/jams. There is subsonic 5.45mm though, so...? I'm pretty sure there was also a subsonic 5.56mm produced for the SEALs or something like that, but as far as I recall it didn't cycle the action and was used to eliminate sentries, then they would switch to the standard stuff...
  12. -Gews-

    Hero perks/advantages?

    Tell me about it... this is why I can't do convoys, in five-ten minutes of driving I'll end up 1000m behind everyone else.
  13. -Gews-

    explosive zeds

    Zombie Bin Laden! I knew there was something fishy about that burial at sea...
  14. How about I'm a Barbie Girl?
  15. -Gews-

    winchester and 870 damage

    That's weird, according to the Wiki they both should fire the same round with the same damage... I messed around with the Winchester values and didn't notice anything strange, either.
  16. -Gews-

    Do's and Do Not's when playing DayZ

    -Don't say the word "bambi". -Don't say the word "Frankie".
  17. We've been bad puppies. The only devblog update I want to see is some standalone food. Like Whiney-O's, or Immersion Crumble.
  18. That's what sheeeee said.
  19. I hope there will be bullet penetration in the Standalone. Hopefully the optimization and clearing out of code they didn't need didn't remove this feature or other similar details.
  20. -Gews-

    Hatchet and the main weapon.

    You could punch through a ballistic vest with a spike tomahawk (spike side only, obviously), good luck with plates though. :rolleyes: I'm extremely leery of throwing weapons, even tomahawk throwing is usually done at specified ranges to get the right number of rotations, it would be very difficult to throw and stick an axe into an actual person and kill them just like that. Throwing axes were always disposable weapons thrown en masse at the enemy before charging in with your main weapon.
  21. -Gews-

    Weapon Customisation

    These people exist, and they will go so far as to try to murder you if they think you aren't taking it seriously enough. Take my word for it...
  22. -Gews-

    The Notorious Can Incident

    We have the best Governor Generals (or is that Governors General?)