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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    Best gun for player hunting

    Lee is the best overall starter's gun, for sure (because who wastes their primary on zombies?) but as for the "best gun for player hunting" I have to disagree with it, the M14 AIM and FN FAL are much better guns and I think there are better guns than those. I still think AS50 + M107 rounds is an great (if somewhat distasteful) combo.
  2. -Gews-

    I'd like Rocket to do more with fire

    I don't know why anyone would want a feature like that... if realistically represented, you could lay waste to the entire map with just one jerry can and a box of matches. People would have to hide in the debug zone. :huh:
  3. None of them (the 7.62s) have muzzle brakes, and I don't think the flash hider on the M14 and DMRs would make any discernible difference, so I don't want to see sniper rifles being treated "differently", same as how many games have them dealing more damage "just because". The only thing sound-wise a muzzle-brake can do is redirect more of the sound energy to the side, instead of out the front. It obviously won't increase the total sound energy coming out the front of the barrel. That's why sticking a brake on makes the rifle seem louder to the shooter and those near to the gun. Hmmm, I'm just thinking here, following that logic, that could technically mean slightly less sound energy being directed at those being shot at... never been shot at so I can't speak to that. :lol:
  4. -Gews-

    Dayz Suggestions - weapon mods

    I'm not an expert at sawing into MP5 integral silencers, but I'd guess it would probably easier to make one from scratch and I don't know why someone would want to ruin a perfectly good submachine gun to try... I used to frequent some forums where I ran into a crazy guy who make some himself, he ended up serving quite a few years when they caught him. :lol: Yeah I'm really not a fan of it to be honest. I'd find it more realistic if they had left it completely out! I don't know why someone would take off and exchange optical sights in combat. I can see screwing a suppressor on for a hitman-type game, but wouldn't a special-forces soldier using a suppressor already have their suppressor on? :rolleyes: It would have been good when choosing attachments at the start of a mission...
  5. Any sniper rifle? Why would a 7.62 M24 be magically louder than a 7.62 M14 AIM or M240? :|
  6. -Gews-

    I'd like Rocket to do more with fire

    In the DayZ files there's this interesting classname: class MolotovCocktailMuzzle : ThrowMuzzle { displayName = "Throw"; magazines[] = {"TrashJackDaniels", "ItemSodaEmpty", "TrashTinCan"}; cursor = "Vehicle_Grenade_W"; cursorAim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty"; }; The name seems to suggest there was some thought of Molotovs.
  7. I read the changelog that said pistols are getting buffed - I hope the shotgun ammo gets updated for DayZ too. Right now shotgun rounds suck - low effectiveness. I'm talking about the double-barrel, the 870, and the Benelli. I came up with some suggestions to make the ammunition both more realistic and to give it a better place in the game (none of these suggestions apply to the Winchester, it's different). My suggestions are: 1. Make slugs do more damage (not Winchester) 2. Make pellets spread less 3. Make individual pellets do less damage 4. Make pellets lose velocity quicker Reasoning: 1. 12 gauge slugs are very large, blunt-nosed, and soft masses of lead and would cause more damage to a human than many of the FMJ rifle bullets they are currently outclassed by. 2. Current pellet spread is cartoonishly large and ineffective at anything more than point-blank range. Pellets should still be easier to hit with than bullets, but more of them should land on target. 3. Individual pellets currently do more damage than .45 handgun rounds, which is unrealistic. A .45 bullet weighs almost as much as 4 double-ought pellets.This high damage wouldn't be necessary if the spread was reduced and more pellets had a good chance of hitting - right now many pellets will miss. 4. Pellets in real life lose velocity extremely quickly, making them ineffective at long ranges, but currently they lose velocity at the same rate as a Winchester slug or a 12-gauge slug. Exact proposed changes: 1. Change the hit value of slugs to 13 (leave the Winchester slugs alone!). This would make slugs more powerful than 7.62 within the first 40 meters, after which the slug would rapidly slow down and 7.62 would surpass it. These were my changes, I simply added a new ammo class: 2. To make pellets spread less, one needs to add a fireSpreadAngle line (to each weapon class itself, not the ammunition or magazines). This 0.70 value worked well. (I also changed the reloadTime of the MR43 from 2 to 0.2, it feels much improved, the magazine reload time should be about 4 seconds IMO) 3. Change the new pellet hit value to somewhere in the range of 4.5 to 5 (this still a bit too powerful for individual pellets, but some fudging is required to have a realistic effect when they all hit en masse). These pellets would still be as (or more) effective in combat due to more actually hitting with the tighter pattern. 4. Change the new pellet airFriction value to -0.007 to ensure pellets are effective at close range, but weak at longer range. It's important that pellets lose velocity and damage very quickly. Also change the caliber (penetration) value to 0.25 from the current 0.5 which is shared with slugs, because pellets don't penetrate nearly as well as slugs. These were my pellet changes: Effect: Changes in spread before / after: As you can see in the video below, it went from several feet of spread to slightly larger than a torso. The majority of pellets could be kept "on bandit" at ranges under 30 meters. Video (those are invincible AIs, by the way):
  8. -Gews-

    No gun's in backpack.

    Honestly I'm not sure why someone would decide to carry two rifles and ammunition every day, especially big heavy battle rifles. I don't know why someone would want to be weighed down with an extra 10-15 lbs just in case they need a slightly different gun. I don't know what can be done about the invisible guns in backpacks. Since this is a mod, I'm guessing not much. Anyways, that got me thinking... does DayZ take the weight you're carrying into account when deciding how often you need to eat and drink? If not, it should. Movement affects thirst and hunger, carrying weight would add greatly to the physical exertion.
  9. Whenever I consider a weapon I think about what we actually see being used in those regions, and what would likely be found there... I don't like the idea of a random pot-pourri of tacticool weapons. That seems like something that belongs in CoD or Battlefield or Rainbow Six, and that works well there, but not in something going for an immersive and realistic world. Eg, sure the Remington MSR and the Micro-Tavor are cool rifles, but I don't think they belong in DayZ.
  10. -Gews-

    Best gun for player hunting

    Favorite at the moment is the CZ550. I think the AS50 is the "best" though, although I don't really like it.
  11. -Gews-

    Guy survives 800m headshot with CZ

    I had to tilt my screen away from me to get some more contrast... :| pause the video at 1:06
  12. -Gews-

    Guy survives 800m headshot with CZ

    Definitely looked like a headshot to me, I don't think there's any way someone could survive a headshot with a CZ.
  13. -Gews-

    DayZ Reskin/Remodel Weapons?

    http://www.armaholic.com/list.php?c=arma2_oa_files You won't be able to use it online, though.
  14. -Gews-

    Damage drop-off at range

    Damage really does drop off A LOT in real life, they put a lot of effort into their ArmA model. Here's a table from a 1976 Aberdeen report on wind drift. The bullet starts out fast, 840 m/s! By 800 meters that has slowed to 335 m/s. Let's compare that to the 800 meter ArmA velocity and pretend to check damage figures: ArmA 2: (424/900)*8000 = 3769 Real life: (335/840)*8000 = 3194 In real life it actually drops off more and at 800 meters would only have the energy of a handgun round, and many people survive being shot with handguns. It's actually lost 85% of its energy in a mere 800 meters! If anything ArmA is rather generous, in real life you have to actually hit something vital to kill someone. It is sometimes frustrating that I can't make long range one-kill shots with a 7.62 unless I aim very carefully, but I prefer it that way.
  15. -Gews-

    Damage drop-off at range

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/133151-change-the-shotgun-ammo/ :ph34r:
  16. -Gews-

    Change the shotgun ammo!

    I don't think we'll see more pellets in the mod because it's hard-coded at 9, no more, no less, hence the suggestion of reduced spread, right now most of the pellets will miss an enemy. Ya gotta remember the more pellets, the smaller the pellets and the less they penetrate... remember when Dick Cheney shot that attorney in the face and chest (with over 200 pellets)? The guy lived and was out within a week. Generally most people won't recommend anything smaller than #4 shot even for a home-defense shotgun intended to be used inside. That's not to say it couldn't kill, but people have survived 000 Magnums to the chest... best to be on the safe side. Anyways getting off-topic, for the mod we have to make do with 9 pellets :lol:
  17. -Gews-

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    I mean military 5.45mm starts to tumble when it hits the target because the tip is hollow, it doesn't fragment into pieces though. Different people will tell you different things about how effective it actually is.
  18. -Gews-

    Damage drop-off at range

    Trying to spread the word, knowledge is power... apparently the average player isn't too inclined to believe me. This went on for several minutes... I wasn't able to scroll up far enough to get the worst parts.
  19. -Gews-

    Some little secrets (tactics)

    My headphones actually say "WestJet" on the side of them... Is that sad?
  20. -Gews-

    Damage drop-off at range

    I didn't realize how complicated it actually was until I tried calculating it myself. It uses quadratic drag and a coefficient, and calculates the rate of negative acceleration acting on the bullet at that specific velocity. Then 10 meters further along, it recalculates a new rate of negative acceleration using the new velocity and repeats that process over and over and over until the bullet disappears... so if someone's firing a machine gun, there are a shit ton of calculations going on. No wonder it's so CPU heavy...
  21. -Gews-

    Damage drop-off at range

    Fixed. ^_^ This has been in since Operation Flashpoint!
  22. -Gews-

    1000 M Headshot! :D

    Meh, at that distance anyone without a sniper rifle is unarmed. ^_^ I'm impressed that was managed with an M40.
  23. -Gews-

    Civilian Items, Weapons, and Bandages

    Yup, I think of it as a poor country similar to those in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Caucasus, etc... That reminds me, a lot of people think of Takistan as Afghanistan, so do I, but while watching coverage of the Boston bombings I saw the bomber's uncle talk about Dagestan, and he pronounced it extremely similar to "Takistan"... coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. Dagestan village vs Takistan village: Unrelated but interesting.
  24. -Gews-

    Civilian Items, Weapons, and Bandages

    Maybe not legal handguns. Handguns are illegal in Russia but some ex-KGB agents were given engraved Makarovs and still carry them, etc... etc. I expect during a zombie apocalypse all these illegal guns would very quickly come out from hiding.