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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    Earning Persistent Gear in SA

    Goodgoodgoodgoodgood. :beans:
  2. -Gews-

    Earning Persistent Gear in SA

    My character is at 10 days and he hasn't even done much of anything at all :P I don't like the idea of persistent gear of any kind. I don't mind some kind of visual indicator, like a manly beard sprouting (heh, purpose for razors there) or dirty ragged clothes, but nothing remaining upon death, tyvm.
  3. -Gews-

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Here's the glory of my M16A4 (server spawn).
  4. I don't speak German, but I can if you like. Ow! Sorry, couldn't resist :P
  5. -Gews-

    Ability to Access Gear While Unconscious

    Yes, this would be nice. Being knocked out should include not knowing what's happening to you... the inability to access gear doesn't make sense either.
  6. -Gews-

    Why Avoid Green Mountain?

  7. -Gews-

    Sniper rifle comparison

    Sure... if there are sufficient differences, that is. Haven't thoroughly checked.
  8. -Gews-

    Fed up

    Meh, did anyone really expect anything else when you dump a bunch of gamers into Chernarus and then flood the map with 50 different types of handguns, rifles and machine guns?
  9. -Gews-

    Some nooby questions (sorry)

    http://store.steampowered.com/sub/4638/ You can also download the mod from Steam, but I can't speak to how that works. Otherwise you can just install DayZ Commander and it will install DayZ for you as well as being useful for keeping track of servers. http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  10. -Gews-

    Model 1887 with flip-cock animations.

    Screw the jacket, gimme the voice.
  11. -Gews-

    DayZ Screenshots!

    :P Your screenshots look niiiice. Sometimes I'll turn the graphics to "very high" for a screenshot and I suddenly get like 1 frame per second... no joke.
  12. 1,629 meters = 2,089 blood damage.
  13. This is what a 1,620m+ Enfield shot actually looks like... you tell me: pure luck, or hack? :lol:
  14. Wat. I couldn't say, the servers I play on just tell me "YOU ARE DEAD" and nothing else.
  15. -Gews-

    Uh.. what? i found this.. all of my wut.

    Ah, you've found the Land of the Dwarves. Trpaslík means "dwarf" in Czech. You want to be very careful... there are reports of players going missing near there... nothing in the logs, of course... but still...
  16. -Gews-

    A Few Suggestions

    Most all these suggestions seem good. As long as I can delete the key... never surrender, never comply, Gews does not negotiate with terrorists!
  17. -Gews-

    Are they Zombies?

    Apparently these are also zombies:
  18. -Gews-

    Are they Zombies?

    Technically they are not. Everyone will call them that, though. Even the mod calls them zombies.
  19. -Gews-

    The "DayZ" Feel

    I agree. I know the map too well, I know the game too well. I remember the days when I'd spend hours wandering around wondering where the hell I was... sounding out the names on Cyrillic road signs... finding new and strange places... overjoyed at finding a tractor or a can of pop "in the middle of nowhere". Now I just... know it all. To use Frankie's term, I'm no longer a "bambi". Actually he'd still probably call me a bambi, the condescending prick.
  20. We need one of these $17,000 TrackingPoint rifles...
  21. -Gews-

    Dayz Gunplay

    There have been some people complaining about the time of flight issues but there shouldn't be anything as bad as you're describing... like Jordan said it's probably server lag. As for wind drift, keep your fingers crossed: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/130854-wind-and-ballistics-system/
  22. -Gews-

    Just a simple poll regarding gore.

    I can see problems with the option to disable gore on an online multiplayer game, at least player-side. Lots of games have gore these days simply because games these days have better special effects. IMO gore only becomes a problem when there are emotional ties involved. No one cares about blowing a zombie or alien head off, people perhaps a bit more...
  23. -Gews-

    Tents should disappear on death.

    Heheheh I want to see the backpack able to do that... would be bigger than me! :0