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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    Best way to occupy yourself during sniping

    I read John Grisham novels while glancing up occasionally. Works fine so far.
  2. -Gews-

    M&KB or xBox controller?

    I wonder what happens if and when DayZ is ported to consoles... I hope there's no cross-platform servers... auto-aim is dirty cheating if only one side has it.
  3. -Gews-

    M&KB or xBox controller?

    I don't know how you could play DayZ or ArmA properly with an Xbox controller. A controller would get you get raped in PvP... right?
  4. -Gews-

    blurry crosshair

    Looks like my AS50 crosshair.
  5. Same unfortunately, ideally it should be somewhat different. Range------7.62x51mm M118LR----------7.62x54mmR 7N14---------- 0------------------800 / 3630 J------------------830 / 3380 J-------------- 200---------------685 / 2660 J------------------695 / 2370 J-------------- 400---------------580 / 1910 J------------------574 / 1610 J-------------- 600---------------485 / 1330 J------------------468 / 1070 J-------------- 800---------------405 / 930 J--------------------383 / 720 J--------------- The M118LR has much superior ballistics and the bullet is 15% heavier. As well, it's an OTM with a hollow space in the tip. On the other hand the 7N14 is armor-piercing. I've heard it said that is has a lead "knocker" in the base, or a steel knocker in the nose, yadda yadda, to destabilize the projectile and cause more severe wounds... looking at the sectioned bullet that sounds like bullshit to me. It has a steel core in front of a lead base with a small air pocket in the front.
  6. -Gews-


    Perhaps. As long as bicycles can't silently move at 70 kph over untended fields in the standalone... they need to nerf bikes!
  7. -Gews-

    Air horns: annoying and dangerous

  8. Huh? I don't even have a graphics card. I have on-board graphics. :(
  9. -Gews-

    Balota Buddies

    Depends on the server, the AU servers seem to have 30-40 people whenever I check them.
  10. -Gews-

    Winchester and shotgun shells

    On the other hand: (although to be fair CAS shooters usually use "mouse fart" 800 fps loads) The mechanics allow for fast shots recoil notwithstanding. The main problem is just the reloading, ArmA can't let you load individual rounds. However the Winchester should be forced to have a much longer reload time than most magazine-fed weapons to try to emulate that.
  11. -Gews-

    My two cents about endgame and NPC's

    Spawn with sniper! Even if there were NPCs, people would just cap them immediately. I've played on a server with NPC bandits. Didn't realize there were NPCs on the server until I got shot at. *oh noes, I'm being shot at* Ran away, then saw 4 retarded-looking bandits doing the weird "AI crouch walk" and just shot them all. Was disappointed, no challenge, no fun, lamed up the server.
  12. -Gews-

    Hip Fire Too Good on Snipers

    It's not hip fire since the gun is always shouldered. It's just not using the sights. The precise crosshair and the silly amount of steadiness is to blame. Snipers shouldn't be penalized just for being snipers, there has to be an actual reason for it. "Hip fire" from an SVD would be as accurate as "hip fire" from an M14, they weigh about the same.
  13. -Gews-

    Any girl survivors?

    Nothing wrong with a "gay fest". Sorry, that just sounds so 16th century... There used to be lots of girl survivors, I don't see them much nowadays. Meh, no matter, whenever they talked in-game they all sounded like males.
  14. -Gews-

    Lets be honest: How many times?

    How in the world... I'm not Rain Man, I can't remember shit like this! :lol:
  15. -Gews-

    Why remove the 50?

    Which is why I said massive bleeding like they had their leg or arm amputated or hanging on by strands (which is definitely possible if a .50 BMG hits and shatters bone). People wouldn't just click "apply bandage" and be okay, they probably wouldn't be able to do so, but if would feel more realistic than the current "death ray" effect. It would also force people to aim better if they want to kill someone outright... leg shots just don't kill in a timely fashion...
  16. -Gews-

    50's, L119, or none?

    Mmmm oh well. Hope the devs consider adding the L115A2 or KSVK. As well as more Russian weapons, less American in general... SVD instead of DMR, etc.
  17. -Gews-

    50 cal crybabies

    This is one of the few 12.7mm rifles I wouldn't mind seeing: They'd have to introduce some kind of weight penalty first, though. And I don't just mean for .50s, I mean for every object. Carrying two different types of M14 and ammunition is just as stupid as imitating Forrest Gump while holding a 30-lb anti-materiel rifle.
  18. -Gews-

    50 cal crybabies

    Guaranteed one-shot weapons, yes, but any 12.7 hit center-mass should be the end of a player...
  19. -Gews-

    50 cal crybabies

    Meh, maybe a few, can't attribute everything to that fuck up. I still suspect they get most of their guns from South America rather than North...
  20. -Gews-

    50 cal crybabies

    1. Mexico is right beside... the United States. 2. They sell Barretts in... the United States. 3. Those are.... massive cartel organizations. I don't even say you can't have a .50 cal, just make it [a] 12.7x108mm super heavy [c] unwieldy Someone here sounds like a .50 cal crybaby to me...
  21. -Gews-

    Why remove the 50?

    Agreed, this would be quite possible too. I believe DayZ already divides leg and arm damage by half... Getting shot with a .50 in the legs or arms shouldn't insta-kill someone. Instead it should cause massive bleeding in addition to broken legs/arms, if they don't bandage fast, they're dead... as well, (a lot of) leg damage should have a large chance of making someone unconscious, so they can't bandage themselves and therefore bleed to death in a very short time. Same for other calibers, shooting people's legs should cause bleeding and possible unconsciousness from pain/blood loss, but it shouldn't instantly kill them... too gamey.
  22. -Gews-

    Noob question i know but....

    Access your gear, click on your backpack, move items out of backpack into main inventory to use them... careful not to put things in too small of a backpack or they'll be deleted.
  23. -Gews-

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    Hehehe, I can't think of many uses for a 12.7x99 anti-materiel rifle apart from PvP...