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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. The Soviets didn't completely neglect special shotgun ammunition... here you have solid steel sabot slugs, buckshot, rubber ball ammo, blanks for launching grenades filled with irritant gases and all sorts of other goodies.
  2. If I recall correctly, the community dev team is only allowed to change certain .pbos, and aren't supposed to make any changes to the one containing the original DayZ weapons (double barrel, Winchester, crossbow). I just want it to shoot faster... in fact all of the shotguns have retarded rates of fire. I think two barrels same time is not feasible due to coding issues and it's not good for the guns in any case. Loading barrels with different ammunition is interesting but I'm not sure how it would work due to the way magazines are handled.
  3. -Gews-

    Our new shotgun DayZ:Aftermath

    Nice shotgun, what program was used to model it?
  4. -Gews-

    Chat in Standalone

    It kinda makes you shoot everyone. When side chat is enabled I kinda hate it. When it's gone I kinda miss it. I hope they allow you to hide it in SA.
  5. 1. ArmA 2, filter for "Wasteland". 2. DayZCommander, filter for "spawn with DMR". 3. PvP-oriented private hive.
  6. -Gews-


    There already is skill upgrading... Most people are much better now than when they started playing. ^_^ Is that not enough? I don't believe in artificial skills... if you shoot 500 zombies, you'll probably get better at shooting zombies, no need for additional in-game bonuses.
  7. -Gews-


    Elephant guns are civilian weapons... Bows would be cool, I'm sure we'll see some kind of arrow or bolt-firing weapon in the standalone. The only issue I can see is one of animation, maybe coding as well since bows have to feel like bows, and not just like another gun or a crossbow. If standalone doesn't even have basics like bullet drop... naaaaah, impossible... stop worrying me! :unsure:
  8. -Gews-

    DayZ zombies running inside

    They can rush at you during their attack animation, so don't get too close.
  9. -Gews-

    "The Road" crafting

    No need for a cart in a market the size of a Chevron convenience store...
  10. -Gews-

    Melee is now Pointless

    And there's no fixing that since it wasn't designed to support melee combat; the hatchet is just a short ranged gun.
  11. -Gews-

    Servers with JSRS soundpack

    I have used JSRS on Musty Gaming US46 and it is a vast improvement over the default sounds (except for something about tin cans... I've never thrown a tin can with JSRS on so I'm not sure of that).
  12. -Gews-

    Remove that obsolete blood system.

    Another thing would be nice, right now arrows are technically bullets. It would be cool if arrows did less instant damage but instead caused people to quickly bleed out. Arrows don't have either the energy or the immediate shocking power of rifle bullets, but they still can make unavoidably fatal wounds.
  13. -Gews-

    Tranquilizer Darts/Arrows

    Kind of unrealistic to only knock out considering your target will have a razor-sharp, multi-bladed hunting broadhead through their chest... taking the tips off would be silly and the bolts wouldn't fly properly at all. Realistically crossbows would be a strange choice to build a tranquilizer on. Arrows and bolts have a very high sectional density, that means lots of penetration. Not what you want. I would assume you want a small hypodermic dart. Nah, the crossbow should always be lethal IMO. This is an example of the kind of gun (or "projector") that would be used for tranquilizing larger game. Not a crossbow.
  14. -Gews-

    Tranquilizer Darts/Arrows

    Either explanation seems to be stretching credibility to be honest... Perhaps a rare spawn in a research facility, used to tranquilize zombies for study?
  15. -Gews-

    Tranquilizer Darts/Arrows

    It would be a popular idea, and also good for gameplay... I'm just struggling to find how it could be realistically explained.
  16. Judging from PETA's promotional pictures, these cuts are also possible to take from Pamela Anderson. Idea for standalone?
  17. Honestly I couldn't care less what the date is. In fact I might even prefer later rather than sooner. Take your time, SA.
  18. -Gews-

    "The Road" crafting

    One thing, shopping carts would of course require a supermarket.
  19. -Gews-

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I'm not into bondage, but maybe I can cable tie two Mausers together and call it a Doppelbüchse.
  20. -Gews-

    Better Blood Physics

    Same idea recently discussed, my posts, #4 and #9... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/143596-an-idea-from-ac3-and-rising-storm/ tl;dr: Hollywood-type spurting blood is unrealistic when most of your character is covered by clothes.
  21. -Gews-

    Shooting while stationary on a ladder

    I think this would be pretty annoying. Anyways, most people would rather drop the gun rather than fall to their death. Not a bad idea though, and a similar idea for boats (as mentioned above), cars, ATVs (stationary or passengers), motorcycles (passengers), etc would be nice if done correctly.
  22. -Gews-

    MASSIVE desert map

    Set it at the turn of the 19th century, add camels, biplanes and early motor cars and you can count me in.
  23. -Gews-

    Why does crap like this exist?

    :huh: This is why I'm not a fan of side chat. Should be disabled on every single server. Especially when someone accidentally uses voice and then there's a sudden explosion of animal noises, squeaky talking and "shut up c****s!"