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Everything posted by -Gews-
Energy used in flying at great speed out the other side is energy wasted. Caveat "at great speed", since going out the other side usually gives more external bleeding and a better blood trail. But .45 ball doesn't lack for penetration, it will go 25+ inches in ballistic gelatin, while the 5.56 when fragmenting may only go 15 or less, with about 3x the energy. Personally I ignore what it says on the boxes, eg, I would want the devs to put stats for SS109-type despite the box. The box artworks are sometimes inconsistent and often don't make the most sense within the game world, for example, a few things: -civilian 55 gr "XM193" instead of 62 gr SS109/M855. But box also says "M193". What's the truth? -60 grain commercial ammo for 5.45mm military-exclusive weapons -9mm is "125 gr Tactical JHP" (guess it should be more powerful than .45, then) -... but wait, rounds that come out of 9mm box are FMJ -buckshot box says "1600 fps", whoa! Regular buckshot is around 1300. -... but wait, shells that come out of buckshot box say "1140 fps", so it's a lot more powerful, yet a lot less powerful. -also claims to feature "SuperTight" wad, so I guess based on the real product it should have 8 pellets and extra low spread -rifled slug box says "EXTRA POWER", but it's a lie, because slugs themselves say "1200 fps", which means about 40% less power than the average slug My preference is just to simulate the most common type of ammunition or the type that makes the most sense to me within the context of the game, regardless of the modelers' box artworks. So I'd put green tip 5.56, steel core 5.45, for 9mm and .45 probably ball, regular full-power, 9-pellet 00 2-3/4" buckshot, and either full-power Foster or (since it's a European setting) Brenneke slugs. Misconception, even with a hollow point. In some cases the pistol rounds could do more damage, for example, on the 7.62x39 PS ball: "The typical path through the abdomen caused minimal disruption; holes in organs were similar to those caused by a non-hollow-point handgun bullet. The average uncomplicated thigh wound was about what one would expect from a low-powered handgun: a small, punctate entrance and exit wound with minimal intervening muscle disruption." But overall it's not close. These handgun rounds don't have the horsepower to compete. Let's say you wanted to shoot a deer with that 7.62x39 PS that has "minimal disruption"... well, shoot him through the shoulders, now you pretty much expanded that bullet and used most of that 1500 foot pounds of energy to make a big mess. You couldn't shoot it anywhere with a 230 grain .45 and use much more than 400 foot pounds. 9mm weighs about the same as 5.56 (~190 grains), and .45 ACP weighs about the same as 7.62x54R (~330 grains). As Emuthreat mentioned above 9mm or .45 can go through more, actually, retaining momentum vs light .223/5.56 breaking up. But it depends what objects you're shooting at and also which rounds you're using as well. I think rounds would need at least two values, for penetration of hard targets such as armour plate and for penetration of soft targets such as cows. Often subsonic 5.56 won't work at all because it won't cycle the weapon, and if you can get something does work, it's uncomfortably close to a .22, as it is a .22, which is why they have things like .300 Blackout and 9x39mm. ARMA 2 had subsonic 5.56 rounds, was pretty unrealistic.
Yay 9000 rpm!
Kicked Off The Game. (Modified Data: addons/Anims.pbo
-Gews- replied to gator's topic in Troubleshooting
I had this error the other day, except with uifonts.pbo. Verifying game files didn't do anything. Asked around and it turns out other people didn't even have a "uifonts.pbo". Which is weird. I ended up just deleting the uifonts.pbo, and then verifying the game files to make sure I have everything I need. It works fine... for now... By the way, I don't have anims.pbo in the DayZ/addons! That file doesn't exist for me, just like my uifonts didn't exist for others. But both "anims" and "uifonts" were there in 0.62. Something's going wrong here, maybe the devs removed these .pbos but Steam didn't remove it from your game files. You could try deleting it, then validating files. Maybe keep backup copy just in case. That's at your own risk in the end, as Battleye might not like you removing game files. Or you could do a fresh install. -
Addressing the most pressing issues #2
-Gews- replied to eugenharton's topic in PC Experimental Updates
9 kJ = 6638 foot pounds I get only 0.84 kJ at 800 m for M118 173 gr @ 2600 ft/s. But I use M80-type for DayZ, that's 0.50 kJ @ 800 m which matches 7.62x54R LPS which also has 0.50 kJ @ 800 m. -
Who knows if they consider any of these sizes properly balanced. I seriously doubt it. I don't think I should be able to put an MP-133 in a Taloon backpack.
Addressing the most pressing issues #2
-Gews- replied to eugenharton's topic in PC Experimental Updates
If I calculate for a vacuum @ 860 m/s it requires an elevation of 0.30 deg to reach 800 m. If I put the 0.63 air resistance (-0.00018) and initspeed (860 m/s) values into ARMA 2/3 it requires an angle of 0.33 deg. And if I put a realistic airFriction (-0.00101) and realistic Winchester-specific initspeed (870 m/s) it would require 0.55 deg. Using external ballistics program with 870 m/s muzzle velocity and ballistic coefficient of 0.2 G7 it says 0.55 deg. [EDIT: and if the 0.33 vs 0.55 degrees doesn't sound like much, consider that at the same range, a .50 BMG requires 0.46 degrees, a .338 Lapua requires 0.40 degrees and even a .408 Chey Tac requires 0.37 deg.] Checking the approximate speed retained, I see that the .308 (-0.00018) would have an energy of 2.63 kJ at 800 m, while the 7.62x54R (-0.0013) would have only 0.44 kJ. So, start out the same, one ends up six times more powerful (at least, if the rounds had such properties in real life—DayZ doesn't use kinetic energy). And neither of them is anywhere near correct. Psh. [EDIT: a .338 Lapua retains 2.23 kJ at 800 m. So yeah, if you could make a real life .308 that behaved like the 0.63 round , it would lose so little energy it would beat even a .338 Lapua by 18% kinetic energy at 800 m] -
Addressing the most pressing issues #2
-Gews- replied to eugenharton's topic in PC Experimental Updates
I noticed that somebody put new ballistic values for projectiles in 0.63, specifically airFrictions, which seem to have been calculated incorrectly. For example, airFriction on 7.62x54R was increased by 35%, and on .308 it was decreased by 82%! Those two in real life have extremely similar ballistics. On some rounds the airFriction was increased too much, on others it was decreased massively. Even if something changed re: airFriction mechanic, the end result could only be totally incorrect ballistics. Geez says: "This is currently a work in progress and the values will be tweaked for the future versions to be optimal", but my concern is that someone changed all the values, and that means they must have thought the new values (eg, .308 with 7x lower airFriction than 7.62x54R and 0.5x the airFriction of ARMA 3 12.7x108mm APDS, etc) were an improvement on the old ones... so didn't give me confidence in future tweaks. This was a tweak! I made a ticket on feedback tracker and also there suggested more appropriate airFrictions (+ initSpeed) based on the A2/A3 airFriction mechanics and 'standard' rounds per cartridge: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T133383 Since totally incorrect ballistics doesn't destroy the average person's gameplay, I don't know if this is a "most pressing issue", but if we're talking about some gun balance pass I guess it's the time to bring it up. -
Sounds like you want to create from scratch? Use any appropriate 3D program to make it, use any appropriate program to texture it, then import it to Oxygen/Object Builder to get it set up for ARMA/DayZ. -high poly -low poly -UV -textures Blender is the most popular free program, Max, Maya, and Modo the most popular paid. Look for the tutorials on subdivision modelling specifically. There are tutorials for bringing items into ARMA 3 which can get you started on that.
It's not that bad for drinking cans, etc. Certain long actions it's pretty annoying, but they aren't that common. However, it's less convenient than clicking, and I see no compelling reason to keep it and avoid click-to-start and either click-to-stop or sprint-to-stop or start-another-action-to-stop, all of which would be a QOL improvement.
Going by requirement to hoooooooooooooold the mouse the entire time you perform an action, I'd say the next step is requiring the player to tap "W" every time he wants his character to take a step. W, W, W, W, W, W. W, W. Not a big deal unless one is a filthy casual, as you'd only need to press "W" about 3500 times to get from Elektro to Cherno.
First there are some terrible hit registration issues. This was at the top of r/dayz the other day: Second if you were using buckshot it has some crazy values which give it extremely low range and therefore presumably extremely low power at any real distance.
Played for a couple hours and unlike the other day actually had no issues worth mentioning. All I can think of is one zombie in the distance galloping 250 m up a hill into a forest, then apparently respawning and restarting the process. Encountered only two people but no frame drop on firing first shot of the session or hit registration issues.
I agree, when the BALLOON goes up, a wheelbarrow is GOING to be a very useful item. Armor on the bottom to USE as a shield
You can't take their models and edit them without permission. I'm guessing you could make your own objects to replace the proxy objects attached to the vehicle, for example, custom wheels, hood, doors, etc. You could also replace the car's textures.
I agree, I don't think holding for all the actions was the best design choice, I'd prefer to toggle and let the action proceed, instead of holding the mouse the entire time while my character slowly eats a pumpkin, or some shit.
Probably the anti-gamma, preventing you from turning up gamma to see at night.
The 5.56 starts overtaking the 7.62x54R in damage at around 800 m. But I guess you're not shooting people at 800 m. In all other aspects it's inferior. Probably due to this: https://dayz.com/blog/status-report-27-february-2018
Seems like some good news...
It should be in the item class itself or the class it inherits from within the config within the appropriate pbo, , otherwise it probably doesn't have a weight. Value weight=.
Extending PersonalRadio Distance
-Gews- replied to Weyland Yutani (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
If I was making a mod and had a config.bin I wanted to make changes to, I'd unrap it to config.cpp, edit that, and repack as config.bin. -
Short answer: just a myth. It was pretty powerful relative to many other pistols when it first came out. The .45's superior 'knockdown power' was promoted by quite a few respected people for a long time. Definitely unfair compared to an assault rifle. The UMP-45 is pretty tiny folded up and since the regular rounds are subsonic it would be quieter than a suppressed M4 or AK. Comparing FMJ as most relevant to DayZ, but most applies to hollow point ammunition as well... compared to the 9mm, it has very similar energy and penetration. The energy produced by a 230 grain bullet at 850 ft/sec is the same as that produced by a 124 grain bullet at 1158 ft/sec. Depending on the object one may penetrate a bit more than the other; 9mm has superior velocity, the .45 superior momentum. The diameter advantage isn't that big. The .45 ACP has over 60% more frontal area compared to the 9mm. But the frontal area of either is extremely small compared to the human body, and handgun bullets won't create a clean caliber-sized hole in someone, instead pushing tissues out of the way. The difference in radius between .45 and 9mm is less than 0.05 inches. Extremely important: THE MAIN FACTOR IN STOPPING POWER IS SHOT PLACEMENT. Think of all the little veins, arteries, organs, bones, organs again, in a human body. To reliably stop a human you need to hit and damage vital structures. Does the extra 0.048" radius of the .45 ACP really make a big difference compared to the placement and path of the bullet? Not at all. Very small. So it's like poking a balloon with a 3/32" spike vs poking it with a 1/8" spike, in theory one makes a larger hole, but the balloon pops about equally well with either. Many hunters will tell you the same thing: you could shoot an animal in the heart/lungs with a .243 Winchester and have it drop right there, and shoot the same one in the same place with a .300 Magnum and have it run 50 yards... and the next year the opposite. It's definitely placement over power. And in that example many other unnoticeable, maybe seemingly random factors as well. One might be double the power on paper, but that doesn't mean it's double as effective! So it should be taken into consideration when making damage values for a game. In theory it may have a small advantage, shot per shot. As it's impossible to precisely quantify "damage" and you could argue for 107 years about which is better, I think we can tend to values that work with game balance, as long as they're still acceptably plausible. Personally I would give the .45 ACP more damage than the 9x19mm, but by a much smaller amount than currently. I'd be fine with 1.25x or less (or if you wanted to be cheeky you could raise that top end to 1.27x as this equals .451/.355... ha). Not saying that's particularly realistic, but I think I would find that or lower to be acceptable in this game. I don't think .45 pistols or machine guns should be noticeably superior to 9mm versions of the same gun. I think it's fair for similar weapons in .45 to do more damage but also have more recoil than 9mm version, making it more of a personal preference for the player. Right now it's .45 ACP hit=9, damageApplied{health=75, blood=100, shock=20} compared to 9mm hit=7, damageApplied{60, 100, 10}. I only looked at config recently so I don't know how the damageApplied works yet, but hit value (squared) is the main damage value, or was, and right now the .45 has 65% higher hit^2 than the 9mm, which is kind of ridiculous disparity for two rounds of close kinetic energy and penetration. I guess that wasn't a short answer.
You can wear whatever pieces of clothing you find in standalone, and they have different capacity and protection attributes, too. If shooting a few people suddenly dropped your character into a KSK Special Unit uniform and gave him a cool shemagh I think the result would be a lot more people being shot... Some people suggest bandits should have "angry face", or scars, or bloody hands (but did they get bloody hands from processing a deer or from shooting a guy 500 m away?), or different postures, but you wouldn't be able to notice most of these looking over your sights at a little moving character 300 yards away.