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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    Bicycle master race

    Yes, you do ^_^ bicycle or feet. About 1-1/2 hours last night.
  2. -Gews-

    Aim in Standalone

    Horrific If you want to be still while aiming just hold alt so your entire body doesn't spin around and give the game away, achieves the same thing
  3. -Gews-

    Aim in Standalone

    For what it's worth Dslyecxi prefers mouse control as it exists in ArmA 3. Anyways on the one side I want my cursor to be an extension of my hand, on the other side no one should be making 180 degree Quake-style twitch shots with a 10 lb rifle while jumping over a fence.
  4. Whoa, isn't that more than Operation Flashpoint + ArmA 2 Combined Operations + ArmA 3 Beta combined? Huh.
  5. -Gews-

    Zombie Speed Suggestion

    Well, ignoring specifics like 75% or 80% or whatever, the main idea I see in this topic is "make zombies able to catch tired players". Sure, why not? There's no suspense at all if you can hold down W and watch your player outrun zeds until the end of time like he's Forrest Gump. They should be able to actually overtake and catch people who are exhausted or injured, that would be fun.
  6. -Gews-

    Frankies dayz sniper rifle zoom tool

    Mm hmm, it's a rather unique username <_<
  7. -Gews-

    If you had the opportunity to add one pistol

    Oh, that reminds me, Tokarev would have a new use with the SA's body armor. While 9mm and .45 can be stopped by a level II vest, 7.62x25mm requires at least a level IIIA vest, and can often penetrate those, so you'd want a IIIA+. So I can see that gun being quite useful if those penetration characteristics are modeled, it's kinda like a Five-seveN from the 1930s. :lol:
  8. -Gews-

    If you had the opportunity to add one pistol

    Same as Creeper said.
  9. -Gews-

    What happened to the AK?

    The AK isn't fully ready at this moment I guess. Somehow I doubt the standalone will come out with only two rifles, I assume those are just the ones completely ready at the time he made the post.
  10. -Gews-

    Will Dayz standalone come to Mac

    Heh, I see Linux is represented by a Gold Dollar 66. I have one of those - it doesn't shave so much as burn. Don't buy! :( I guess it would look cool in a dark alley at 2AM though. Edit: looked closer and it's a Dovo Classic. Disregard everything I just said! :P
  11. -Gews-

    fill em with hope then fill em with lead

    Read through this thread and I'm just saying.
  12. You can only do so much with the tools (scripting and config options) that are given to you in ArmA 2. You can't create just anything, many features of the standalone would be either very difficult, unfeasible or completely impossible to mod.
  13. -Gews-

    [SA] Driving Style

    +1 No changing stats for gameplay purposes.
  14. -Gews-

    [SA] Driving Style

    This was recently discussed in [sA] Getting rid of vehicle indicators. But yes, agreed, if it's manual IRL it should be manual in-game. Vehicles have a very arcade feel to them right now, especially in third person, that's not a good thing.
  15. -Gews-

    Your first dayz screenshot

    Back when I didn't realize the AS50 had two zoom levels and couldn't kill someone at 500m
  16. Gear destruction, gun jamming, standalone... ;)
  17. Most constructive and welcoming I don't see guns having health per se. Likewise I don't see how clearing a jam would reduce that health and make future jams more likely.
  18. -Gews-

    [SA] Getting rid of vehicle indicators

    I was thinking the same thing although not an actual cruise control system. Yes, but both are pretty limited tbh. I was thinking, for example, perhaps pressing the throttle (up arrow) gives you full speed, like now. However, while keeping the throttle depressed, you could easily adjust it with +/- to your preferred cruising speed, either a slider or one of a few options. Releasing the throttle would drop the gas and also drop the setting (next time you press throttle, you'd be back to full speed). This would let people use the cars like now but also give the option of slowing down a bit, without getting stuck in a slow setting if they need a fast getaway. Gears, though, are something I consider a necessity... it only adds to the gameplay and I doubt it would be difficult to implement if they are redoing vehicles from scratch.
  19. I wonder what tools they've put in game for taking hostages in the first place, because I wouldn't allow anyone to put cuffs on me. I just hope they've removed the "shoot them in the back with a powerful rifle" method. :lol:
  20. -Gews-

    [SA] Getting rid of vehicle indicators

    Gears would be very nice. Another thing that would be nice is a more controllable throttle. Right now you have two main choices, no power or foot down... You should be able to adjust the level more smoothly and easily.
  21. -Gews-

    Why no Zombie children again?

    I was just thinking, every time some bandit caps a 10-year old squeaker, a child is being murdered in-game. ^_^
  22. -Gews-

    Why no Zombie children again?

    Ehhh, I think if one has to search for explanations that's a sign something's not quite right... anyways, I don't really care about zombie kids. Not an issue for me either way. But, there were plenty of zombie kids in "The Walking Dead". I saw zombie children in several movies. So why do people get all inflamed about them being in a video game? These movies and shows are much more gruesome and emotional than a game. I don't get it.
  23. -Gews-

    Why no Zombie children again?

    1. There are more important issues to devote time to 2. Some people would collapse in angst Reason 1 is fine, reason 2 is stupid, it's a mix of both.