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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    About the scope blur

    In regards to scopes I'm more concerned about the possibility of Battlefield-style "scope glint", since that was brought up in the stream just before Rocket killed that dude and he seemed to like the idea. I don't see how that would be realistic unless they also have reflections off binoculars, knives, bits of metal, windows, water, etc, not just singling out snipers. These days a lot of scopes have anti-reflective coatings or devices anyways. Anyways in regards to blurring, I don't care too much either way, HOWEVER you have to take into account that the field of view around the scope is also zoomed in for performance reasons. In real life your peripheral vision won't zoom 4-12x. Maybe our characters will have a chance of spawning with cross-eye dominance, which can be very irritating unless you shoot left-handed (if right-handed) or close one eye. Ha no.
  2. In ArmA 2and ArmA 3, there is no zeroing point of impact, apart from up and down. Your scope will never be knocked about and change point of impact. Ideally this would be included.Zeroing would be good as long as it is completely separate from "zeroing". For example, pick up a scope, mount it on your rifle... and the game assigns a slightly random value for angle in the y and x axis. When you shoot, you discover it shoots slightly left and high, so you adjust accordingly, done. I don't know how it would work when players bash their rifle on something and screw up the zeroing. Or when using a crappy scope + mount on a powerful rifle whose recoil makes it lose zero after a while. However this means we would have finer scope adjustments than increments of 100m. And once the rifle was "spot on" in the x-axis, the only thing remaining would be elevation for different ranges. Setting a sight for a particular range just means launching the bullet at the required angle, while the scope/sight picture remains on target. I think this would be a good addition. At 600 meters (in-game) a 7.62mm sniper rifle has a bullet drop of about 3.1 meters. So to hit at 600m, you will have to aim the barrel upwards at about 0.295 degrees. On the scope, that would mean dialing to 17.7 MOA elevation, or 5.15 mils. If your scope has 1/4 MOA or .1 mil clicks, that means 71 clicks or 51.5 clicks respectively. Take the scope off the railed 7.62x51mm rifle and put it on a railed 7.62x39mm, and it is still adjusted to 17.7 MOA (ignoring stuff like the slope of the base and rings, etc, etc). So will it still hit at 600m? No, because the 7.62x39mm has more bullet drop. Firing at an angle of 17.7 MOA it will hit at about 345 meters. In-game you need about 50.7 MOA elevation to reach 600m with the 7.62x39. So people would simply need to learn elevation values for a few different calibers. Like ACE. I would like that, because I don't like how you can instantly swap scopes in ArmA 3 and have them work pretty much perfectly. In fact, if their zeroing system worked as intended (it doesn't), you could take the scope off the CheyTac, put it on an assault rifle and start making shots at 2,000+ meters, which is absurd. tl;dr my contribution to this thread is that I would like scopes to use angles instead of ranges. And I know some scopes, PSO-1 for example, have ranges on the dials, so that should be represented in game on the UI - but those ranges just correspond to elevation angles, so the range it says on the dial would only be "correct" when used on a 7.62x54mm. ;)
  3. -Gews-

    Gun improvements i guess idk whatevs ok

    Possible, but doubt it, since A3 muzzle flashes look much different during both night and day. I understand it's in development so I'm not expecting things to be anywhere near perfect. My concern is that it might not be a placeholder, my concern is that it might have been done that way on purpose for either looks or for gameplay reasons ("hey look Joe, bright flashes from that window, that's where that sniper is hiding"). Time will tell.
  4. -Gews-

    Melee Damage : StandAlone

    Depends on the weapon in question.
  5. -Gews-

    Gun improvements i guess idk whatevs ok

    Yes, pre-alpha. Although for a flash to emit from the muzzle, someone needs to create a model for the flash, along with textures and configuration. The flash was also much more finished compared to previous footage. So that leads me to assume it's a design decision and that they wanted that type of flash. Low priority, again yes, but it bears mention. Edit: flash shown on today's stream: Flash at Gamescom:
  6. -Gews-

    Gun improvements i guess idk whatevs ok

    Looks like standalone is going more for this aesthetic: Those were pretty close to the size of the flashes I was seeing on Rocket's Twitch stream today. And coming from an M4A1 with a flash hider. :| I kinda figured it was a design decision way back when I saw the first standalone gameplay... not a big fan.
  7. -Gews-

    Rocket Is on Twitch!

    The apartment blocks are great. I'm still not a fan of the Hollywood-style muzzle flashes though.
  8. That's worse than me even :| forget ArmA 3, it won't be enjoyable with HD3000 and that CPU. They don't even meet minimum specs! "Intel HD Graphics 4000" "Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz"
  9. -Gews-

    PKM belt?

    I was in a Mi-17 and the gunner positions had an addAction to replenish the ammunition. Don't recall adding PKM / PKP.
  10. Part of Steam media assets also shows another mask:
  11. Well, sure it would be awesome to have the entire world shoved into a game, but it won't happen anytime soon. That's why I doubt we'll be seeing stuff like Pakistani Al-Khalid tanks, a set of fine Wedgwood china, vuvuzelas or Leonard Maltin's 2014 Movie Guide. They can only make so much stuff, so it's better to concentrate on useful and appropriate items, this applies to even very rare items. If the mask is extremely rare, does it bother me? Not much. However if I start seeing it a lot, then I might start to be annoyed. The thing about the mask is that it isn't like a high-end sniper rifle, a fast car or a ghillie suit... those things all have uses. I simply don't believe anyone would be running around wearing those masks in a zombie apocalypse, for whatever reason. There are no uses for the mask. So it comes down to presenting authentic and believable gameplay: if you give the players too many options to do silly and implausible things, what do you end up with? A silly and implausible game. But although I'm not a fan, a couple rare masks I can live with.
  12. Hehe, saw this on Reddit, here's an example of someone really stretching for any possible explanation: "I imagine you can acquire these masks in real life? What is stopping the backstory just being they got another country to manufacture them and their factory is in Chernarus? We can give blood transfusions in a field, whilst being chased by zombies...we can wear Payday 2 masks." If you have to come up with excuses and ridiculous backstories, that's a clear sign something is totally out of place.
  13. "La-dee-da, just resting here with my Mosin, not much - WHOA what's that, a bright stars-and-stripes plastered clown mask moving through the bushes? Wait a minute, there's a guy attached to it. Huh, wouldn't have noticed him if he wasn't wearing that kinda dayglo fashion item." "BANG" Very impractical.
  14. I've never thought wearing a rubber halloween mask would be an advantage in combat, but whatever works for you.
  15. Your link doesn't work but I'm not a fan of masks either, there's no conceivable reason to wear a rubber clown face or a Guy Fawkes mask during a zombie apocalypse.
  16. -Gews-

    Will dayz sa succeed or fail

    ^the title of that page is so misleading, I was excited <_<
  17. -Gews-

    DayZ Standalone Collectors Edition

    No paying cash for extra in-game items tyvm You should only be able to get in-game items by finding them yourself, not by paying for them. Besides, anyone could shoot you in the face and steal your "gold AK" and "special clothes", and where does that leave us? Are we going to have gear protection as well? Don't care if it's something only cosmetic, want a special edition, they can package it in a nice box or include a little printed guide or a hunting knife or whatever, don't care as long as it's nothing in-game.
  18. -Gews-

    DayZ headshot -53k possible?

    AFAIK the head is like a module, you don't need to destroy the entire player, just the head, like blowing up a car by destroying the engine instead of shooting at the hull.
  19. -Gews-

    FN FAL or M4A1 CCO?

    FAL if you get 5 magazines with it, if you never miss you could kill 50 people with that so ammunition shouldn't be an issue. Noise doesn't matter if you don't use your rifle to shoot zombies, that's what the pistol and melee slots are for.
  20. -Gews-

    DayZ headshot -53k possible?

    I think an M14 headshot should usually do somewhere from 17,000-20,000 blood but I haven't tested it. If he did dump two magazines into you it would put your health at a six-figure negative value.
  21. I wanted to test the off-road speed of the bicycle compared to a couple motorized vehicles. Chose sedan and offroad because I seem to run across those the most. Cross-country test Distance: 5.3 km This course was about 60% offroad (orange), 25% on a dirt road (yellow) and 15% on a paved road (green). Results: Military Offroad: 6:50 = average speed 47 km/h Old Bike: 7:20 = average speed 44 km/h Sedan 11:30 = average speed 28 km/h On the off-road portions, the bike was slightly faster than the military offroad and far faster than the sedan. The paved road portion allowed the offroad to surpass the bike, arriving 30 seconds earlier Paved road test Distance: 7.1 km This course was on a paved road the entire distance (green). Results: Military Offroad 4:00 = 107 km/h Sedan 4:20 = 98 km/h Old Bike 8:10= 52 km/h As expected the military offroad and sedan were far faster than the bike. The bike was actually 50 seconds slower than it was when it took the as-the-crow-flies cross-country route. Forest test Distance: 1.0 km This test was almost entirely in dense forest (red), downhill and then uphill. Results: Old Bike 2:10 = 28 km/h Military Offroad 4:40 = 13 km/h Sedan 6:30 = 9 km/h The bike left both the military offroad and sedan in the dust, with an average speed over 2x as fast as the offroad and over 3x as fast as the sedan. One important thing to note - in DayZ, roads are frequently blocked by wrecks and other debris. The cars would not have achieved as high average speeds with that junk all over the place. The bicycle is clearly the best choice for solo players, it's damn fast but mainly it doesn't alert everyone within a kilometer since you can't close a door or start an engine. Quiet. Cars are only good for storing stuff and ferrying people. Cars get you killed. :ph34r:
  22. I tried robbing a couple people the other day, first time in, like, forever. First time the guy charged me with a machete and I had to kill him. Second time I told the guy to halt, he kept running... told him to stop, kept running... shot his knee out, he started crawling... "stop crawling", keeps crawling, "stop crawling!", keeps crawling, fired a warning shot, kept crawling, eventually just said "this is bullshit" and shot him. To stop KOS you're going to have to first get people to cooperate when I want to hold them at gunpoint and steal all their hard-earned stuff.
  23. -Gews-

    Bicycle master race

    Not to mention making people run people's real speed :/