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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    Muzzle flash!

    I wasn't aware firearms were exclusive to Afghanistan.
  2. -Gews-

    IDEA: Post traumatic stress disorder

    Too many times to link them all. People don't like it because it forces their blank-slate character to react a specific way, most people want all the reactions to come from the player and not be decided for them. It also punishes a certain play style. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/118304-post-traumatic-stress-disorder/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/8534-killing-sprees-need-consequences/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/149388-anti-banditry/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/23511-side-effects-of-murdering/ Only a few examples out of dozens and dozens.
  3. I'll put it simply: the ZOOMED IN level is normal zoom, 1x zoom. The zoomed out level lets you see around yourself. It is not supposed to be the 1x. It's less than 1x. That's the way it's considered in all ArmA games.
  4. -Gews-

    How to mod DayZ Standalone?

    It appears to be the same as modding ArmA. Difference is, you can't implement any of the changes you make. ^_^ I think that's a good thing for the time being.
  5. -Gews-

    Iron Sights vs Hip Fire

    I don't think actual dispersion is changed at all. The crosshair just doesn't predict the point of impact as well as the sights. If the dot represents the actual exact point of aim in DayZ, then a precise little dot probably isn't a good crosshair to have.
  6. Depends on the condition, range, sights, ammunition, number of rounds fired, and obviously the shooter so it could be all over the place. The fact it's a Mosin isn't nearly as important as the condition of individual rifle. 8.6 MOA still seems quite high. For game purposes... mmm. I'd put it at somewhere from 3-5 MOA.
  7. Dispersion should be about the gun, not the player. New players will likely be worse shots than experienced players. Anyways the Mosin currently shoots 8.6 MOA. AFAIK the points of impact are not completely random. Bipod reduces this a great deal. Anyways I don't like this approach much... for game purposes it should have the same dispersion whether it's wearing a bipod or not. The bipod should just make it steadier, thus easier to hit with, like ACE. The bipod isn't suddenly going to replace the old barrel with a shiny new one and tune everything up.
  8. -Gews-

    Iron Sights vs Hip Fire

    Haven't checked. However, you can zoom about 44% further when not using your iron sights. Go figure...
  9. -Gews-

    Axe Maniacs

    I blame it on the Shining I tried to Jack Torrance a guy I trapped in an empty barracks and who refused to eat my rotten oranges, slowly walked towards him with a fire axe at the low ready and then bam, like Furious the Monkey Boy he suddenly ran forwards and knocked me the fuck out with a couple punches I don't think I'm going to try to Jack Torrance anymore people
  10. -Gews-

    Tactical Vest Ballistic Protection

    Hehehe those two vest provide zero protection. Nice a .45 can take someone out that fast though. Also, fun fact, the UK vest is known as the "UKAssVest" :lol:
  11. -Gews-

    Killed first player in SA

    Hehe, whenever I see those masks I go after the wearer as well.
  12. -Gews-

    This wouldn't happen to anyone but me..

    I'm imagining an Irish Joe Pesci
  13. -Gews-

    Mosin vs M4A1

    It only zooms 1.4x instead of 3.5x like it's supposed to. It's not for performance reasons since ArmA 3 has the same type of 3D scopes and they zoom correctly; they just don't use picture-in-picture.
  14. Just don't use a knife, they're junk, fists >>>
  15. Apparently it improves your dispersion by what seems to be a negligible amount (improved by 1/1000 it would seem?)
  16. -Gews-

    PvE servers to cure KoS?

    Maybe if they make those players wear pink ribbons in their hair and have singing zombie troupes...
  17. -Gews-

    Correcting SA ballistics

    I'm aware of how round ball ballistics don't correspond to your normal ballistic coefficients. I used both Don Miller and SAAMI spherical drag tables for 00 buckshot and checked them against each other, they gave very similar results. As for maximum ballistic range, it is always wrong in ArmA due to the simplistic nature of the ballistic system. You have to make ballistics correct over the effective range of the weapon, no one will be making shots with a 7.62 at 3,500 meters, so it is better to have it perform correctly over the first 1,000 meters or so. For buckshot, the first 100-150 meters. Journee says 00 buckshot should go 726 yards but this is irrelevant in ArmA - no one will be hitting at that range with buckshot. Anyways, a real-life tracking of 00 buckshot proved it went just under 625 yards at an angle of 30 degrees with a muzzle velocity of 1,020 ft/s, SAAMI and Miller give 600 yards max range... in this instance, closer than Journee.
  18. -Gews-

    Correcting SA ballistics

    AFAIK it is just the dispersion The M4A1 has 100 times the dispersion of an ArmA 2 M16A2, the Mosin has 5 times the dispersion of an ArmA 2 Lee-Enfield.
  19. -Gews-

    Correcting SA ballistics

    I don't think you've understood the topic. One's level of training has nothing to do with a projectile's muzzle velocity or its behaviour while in flight. As well, this is not recommending any changes in damage or weapon characteristics so it can hardly be called a nerf...
  20. -Gews-

    Muzzle flash!

    And in real life, unlike in-game, it lasts for only a few milliseconds (or even less). In game, it lasts for an entire frame. LOL
  21. -Gews-

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    Just saying, that's about a 250 meter shot, not 400.
  22. But a Mosin? I'd much rather be using a .45 than a 5-1/2 foot long bolt action rifle + bayonet. They just need to find a way of making it feel less janky, because most players didn't like the ArmA 2 weapon collision and complain as if it's a bug.
  23. -Gews-

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    Nope! Doesn't work that way. Go buy a random Mosin for $120, then try out some AR-15s. Compare groups from both and come back. Yes, because that was the standard rifle during the World Wars, and they picked out the best ones. :rolleyes: