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Everything posted by -Gews-

  1. -Gews-

    will we ever get ballistic chest armor?

    Why not? Body armor stops 7.62 all the time, and the standard 5.56mm is supposed to penetrate armor better than standard 7.62mm, because it has a steel penetrator whereas 7.62 ball does not.
  2. -Gews-

    SKS A mix of DMR and M14 ?

    class SKSBase : Rifle { chamberedRound = "B_762x51_Ball"; magazines[] = {"CLIP_762_5Rnd", "B_762x51_Ball_Single"}; }; class Mosin9130Base : Rifle { chamberedRound = "B_762x51_Ball"; magazines[] = {"B_762x51_Ball_Five", "CLIP_762_5Rnd", "B_762x51_Ball_Single"}; };
  3. Ya... sorry, no. Just because the game is fictional doesn't mean anything is appropriate or believable.
  4. -Gews-

    SKS A mix of DMR and M14 ?

    Yes, right now it would be like a DMR or M14 because it uses the Mosin's 7.62x54R ammunition.
  5. -Gews-

    The M4 sound is very bad, along with the ballistics

    The damage needs to be increased, it's still pretty bad judging from when my character got shot two or three times by a sniper the other day. I wasn't even badly injured. I'm kinda wondering how you checked that. DayZ-----------"Real" 0.23m----------0.30m 0.62m----------0.73m 1.26m----------1.43m 2.27m----------2.47m 3.76m----------3.99m 5.91m----------6.16m 8.90m----------9.21m
  6. -Gews-

    If only we had a wheelbarrow...

    This reminds me of Gunkid's (John Melvin Davis) assault wheelbarrow concept... he came up with it many years ago, before his felony conviction, as the perfect means of transporting one's goods in a SHTF scenario.
  7. In the States, perhaps, due to NFA rules... in other countries full auto AKs may be more common in civilian hands (legal or not depending on the particular laws). And also, full auto has never bothered anyone in DayZ so I think full auto AKM and AK-74 series is the way to go.
  8. -Gews-

    Guns I Dont / Want To See In The Game

    <_< No balancing, if something is too overpowered they have to sacrifice realism and "nerf" it, they shouldn't be putting it in at all, just leave it out.
  9. -Gews-

    Guns I Dont / Want To See In The Game

    There are textures in the game for both AK-74 with laminated wood and AK-74M with polymer furniture - perhaps we will see both SVDs.
  10. -Gews-

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    I would doubt that seeing as less than 50% of households own any firearms at all. But it is extremely common and even small boxes contain a lot of cartridges.
  11. -Gews-

    Guns I Dont / Want To See In The Game

    The guy who made the upcoming AK-74M was also working on an SVD model, with a polymer stock... it's possible it could also be intended for DayZ.
  12. -Gews-

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    True, once upon a time they used to do biathlon with centrefire rifles at longer ranges, however safety, training and space considerations made them switch to the .22s a long time ago.
  13. -Gews-

    Guns I Dont / Want To See In The Game

    Something like this perhaps
  14. -Gews-

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    It began as a 'non-lethal crowd control’ weapon, used to “take out key protestors by shooting them in the legs.” Apparently that didn't work out so well so they don't use them much anymore.
  15. -Gews-

    What exactly do ballistic helmets stop

    Don't believe they don't stop anything, they just add a bunch of extra "armor" which reduces the damage. From some of the player stories I've heard the protection seems way too much right now.
  16. -Gews-

    Punch KO, one punch and I'm down

    Punching is "OP" at the moment, it's not realistic for every single punch to be a one-shot KO, our survivors aren't Mike Tyson. Either there should be a chance of knockout, not the certainty of it, or it should require more than one punch. Even zombies seem to be able to take the hits better than players.
  17. And that is the nice thing about MOA or mil adjustments in-game... since it's just an angle, all the developer has to do is say "page up = +0.00007272205 radians", etc, and you have a perfectly functioning MOA turret scope, "page up = +0.0001 radians", etc, and you have a mil turret scope. There's no need to come up with a bunch of equations to try and get the game to calculate the correct angle for specific ranges with specific velocities and air resistance like they do now, which doesn't even work well in many instances. Example, ever tried the AKM zeroed at 800 meters? It actually hits at almost 1,100 because the in-built zeroing system doesn't work properly... you may have noticed this when using an AS50, it impacts too low when zeroed at 1,400 and 1,600 meters.
  18. Detract from gameplay... how so? It's a pretty simply concept. If you see your shot is 1 mil low, you turn the elevation turret 10 clicks. It's not very hard to understand, people did it with the DMR and SVD all throughout the mod. I say that because remembering "aim 2.5 mils high at 600 meters" is the exact same as remembering "+25 clicks for 600 meters". I wouldn't make 0.1 mil clicks though, too precise for gameplay purposes.
  19. -Gews-

    Some looooonngg range shooting.

    No, and it's only like 2 inches even at that distance A 25 degree temperature change will shift impact about 5 inches Calculated spin drift is about 6 inches With a 15 km/h wind at 90 degrees, the drift is almost 7 feet Edit: not to mention the in-game dispersion of a stock, unmodified Mosin is almost 7 feet at 800 meters... There are many more important things to worry about than Coriolis, which is not an appreciable factor at that range
  20. -Gews-

    [SA]weapon poll

    Currently, they already do (SKS + Mosin = same ammunition). Just hope it's an unfinished placeholder and not a gameplay decision...
  21. No. *shot in head with rifle while wearing a motorcycle helmet* *gets back up*
  22. Exactly, so our characters shouldn't automatically know the exact elevations required like they currently do ^_^ this comment simply supports the OP.
  23. -Gews-

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    And this was the result: Kennedy had been shot three times. One bullet, fired at a range of about 1 inch (2.54 cm), entered behind his right ear, dispersing fragments throughout his brain. The same thing, or worse, would have happened with any larger caliber in the Kennedy or Hinckley incident. Like I said before I never said .22 wasn't lethal, but some people in the past couple pages have said it is (quote) "literally the most dangerous round in the world", which is of course nonsense, and which is the reason I had to mention the four non-fatal injuries in the Reagan assassination attempt.