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Everything posted by humandirty

  1. humandirty

    Ethics of the common player

    Seems to me it takes hours to get much done in game. Im not saying gearing up but setting up camps and repairing helis or cars. That said I think they are alot of players who don't have time to play that way. So instead they just murder anyone they see as they have a short time to play and need to make the most of it while they can. I mean if I only have two hours to play am I going to spend that time hiking through the hills to the north or just hit up the firestation and murder everyone. Obviously teaming up is no option as who wants to team up with someone who only will be on for a moments at a time. The problem you speak of seems to me to be a problem with casual type gamers. Not your everyday players. Well atleast not most of them... If you want to avoid theses types then avoid those spawn pvp areas. It won't always keep you from trouble but If you don't want casual cal to shoot you in the back than avoid the high traffic area as obviously those with limited time are going to go to the easiest hunting grounds. Also I do believe with the addition of high value loot spawns in new places the standalone should fix many of these problems. I mean atleast casual cal will have to decide which pvp area to go to thus lowering your odds of running into him. Until then I suggest finding a whitelisted server not only for the hacking protection but as the players are more serious and willing to atleast have the balls to talk to you before they blow your guts out your ass for your beans.
  2. Its not like they give us a road map. Its a topographical map for christ sakes! Read the terrain it's very simple....
  3. humandirty

    What's your opinion of the Gallery forum

    Every dayz video maker/streamer I'm subbed to I found there. Although I had to wade through an abundance of lower quality vids before I found some great stuff. I doubt I would have found half the people I enjoy watching without the forums. After announcments, suggestions, and general discussion its where I head....
  4. humandirty

    Can Opener

    Just scrape the can upside down on some concrete or any rough surface. Quick and easy. Not saying I don't want some new tools but this i could do without.
  5. humandirty

    Playing at night

    If batteries were added to the nvgs and the gamma/brightness abuse was addressed then I'd be much more likely to play at night. It sure adds to the intesity when you are using flashlights, flares, and chems and not being murder by people with unlimitied nvgs and even worst the guy with brightness maxed.
  6. humandirty

    Fuse boxes for buildings

    Were is the power coming from? Maybe we could make a zombie burning power plant? or turn a vehicle into a generator? or if we had some solar or wind power near by? Now that I think about a zombie burning plant would be tits. Give you a reason to mow them down atleast. But honestly humans have survivied tens of thousands of years without electricity. In a survival situation creating electricity would be the last of concerns. Atleast to the wise who dont want to attract attention from bandits and zombies for a comfort you dont really need. Fire would surely be the choice for heat, cooking, light, and numerous other functions.
  7. humandirty

    ORIGINS Release(or not so much)

    I nearly shit myself when i saw the addition to that city. Atleast you can crawl into the general store! lol I agree with every point though.
  8. humandirty

    DAYZ Origins..

    This seems to happen whenever a new map is released. Give it a couple weeks to calm down and maybe you'll have better luck.
  9. humandirty

    Help enriching the swamp experience!

    I'm thinking a ranger station or something of the sort with common military and residential loot. Possibly two storys or a guard tower attached. Throw some busted boats and tractors around for loot spots and cover and this would become a great pvp spot. I can imagine it now with a squad holding down the fort a couple fresh spawns lurking through the swamp hoping to find a enfield or anything so they can assault the squad. Throw a few bandit snipers in the hills to north would top it all off. Also it shouldnt need be said but it needs a fan boat or two to spice it up
  10. humandirty


    I think its a great idea. Just another thing to make sure off before firing on someone. Any hunters or combat veterens could tell you they may have raised a weapon to fire a time or two just to pull the trigger and click... soon after realizing they forget to take the safety. Not a good feeling if its a monster buck or terrorists. But it happens....
  11. humandirty

    Strange message with anti-hax.

    Ive seen this on a few servers. Supposedly it's from scripters trying to scare legit players. You weren't actually banned for it though right? If not I'd say dont worry and maybe find another server for now.
  12. humandirty

    1.7.5 - Cows will now run for their lives

    Seriously this sounds awful. Im all for revamping the food/blood system but punishing solo players more doesnt seem to be the answer. As it is if I want to heal as a lone wolf I'll need to shoot an animal(need a weapon and possibly give away position), a knife(again left exposed for a time gutting), and a hatchet and matches(pile of wood alone takes up 2 slots), then make a fire with smoke, noise, and light to further give me away while i cook. Not to mention i need all the room to luge this mobile butcher factory around. Making it far harder to carry two weapons around. Then you have the group players. What do they need? zero tools, just a buddy with blood bags that are easier to find than a can a food at times. As fast as a bandage goes on they can slap a blood bag in each other. Abra Kadabra you got full health again! So it would seem the loner is already punished while the groups have it made. Yet making it even harder for a solo player is a thought? If this is a way to force teamplay I can kinda understand but I also know this will do anything but improve that aspect of the game. Now I will fear approaching the fresh spawn with a makarov as if he/she turns out to be hostile I might be feeling the effects of a couple makarov rounds for days! Hence giving me more reason to blow their brains out before they even know I'm there. Making player interaction even more of a death wish... To make it fair: Make bloodbags take 5 minutes or more to administer while recieving player can't do anything and make health slowly come back from this. Oh and make its healing values random also. Oh and it should be of the same blood type as your character and has to be proper temp. and comes with chances for infections or other complications. Yep I'd call that fair then.
  13. When using Dayz commander it shows your server to have no version. Although it says it in the title just not in the version box. So when searching namalsk servers it wont show unless you have hide wrong mod version turned off. Which id assume like me most others dont turn this off as you cant play on those servers. Just saying it might help get your population up to fix that somehow. I have a great connection though so i will give it a shot later tonight. sn-Dirk Diggler.
  14. humandirty

    Fun with Satchel Charges

    Typically I find satchel in barracks. Set satchel up in pile of loot bags. Decent camo for it... Then camp it out nearby waiting for the next poor guy looking for some military loot. Q: can another player shoot a satchel and make it go off? I dont believe they can disarm it unless you put it down but i havent had a chance to try shooting someone elses.
  15. Fires dud rockets... Atleast it looks badass. Maybe a direct impact could kill?
  16. humandirty


    Try checking the boxes for hide wrong arma/mod versions and no servers will pop up other than those you have the same version as. Otherwise you can always reinstall a patch from the past to match that of the server you are trying to play. Surely others may have more usefull info but I hope it helps.
  17. humandirty

    DayZ standalone non-outcry discussion.

    Imo Dayz is all about the emotional responses from all the different situations i find myself in. not the mechanics and graphics. Im not saying I wouldnt or dont want better of both. Its just not a priority in my book. Make dayz look like bf3 and half the community wouldnt even be able to play it.... Or the maps would need to be as big football field I still play zelda on nes every now and again. Do i care it looks like dog shit? no sir but it still thrills me. If amazing graphics is what your looking for than I agree your at the wrong place. Possibly the wrong state of mind also.
  18. humandirty

    Are you still enjoying dayz?

    I play atleast an hour or two most every day on private hives and offical hive alike on all the maps commander offers and honestly I havent been killed by a hacker in I'd say a month or so. Death is near unavoidable anyhow. Dont get attached to anything and just have fun. Gears like pussy. The hunts 90% the fun. edit: almost forgot yes I'm loving every moment of it.
  19. humandirty

    DayZ Is Fun but Hard to Find a Sever.

    Sometimes it can be a bitch to find the right server for myself. If it doesnt load in under a minute or two it most likely isnt going to work well. Sometimes the problem is servers with extra vehicles or even if someone is scripting in weapons or vehicles it can cause major lag. Keep searching my friend. You'll find there are many a great server with active admins and anti-hack services that ban scripters almost immediately. I mostly stick with private hives also, if you've never been to one than you will start as fresh spawn. and the restart or respawn buttons are disabled. as far as i know.If i want a respawn i look for some zeds to maul my face or a tall building to leap off of.
  20. If you got a few bucks laying around id say why the hell not. Honestly hacking is hardly a problem for me and even if it does occur i really have gotten over dying. From fresh spawn to death its all a thrill and my heart pounds faster the more loot i aquire. Although I've been eaten by walls, fallen threw floors, and few other bugs but after learning the ropes they are easy to avoid and now i hardly have this problem. Even if I do i just laugh it off and start again.
  21. humandirty

    Spawn next to friends???

    Imho you shouldn't be allowed to use any chat other than in game(obviously wont happen or cant idk) and never be able to meet friends other than by chance. The point of the game is land on shore with nothing and finding away to survive. If they could remove group play other than groups formed in the game by using ingame chat and create a trusting relationship. Irl if i landed in a zombie apocalypse im pretty sure i wouldnt be able to skype/teamspeak/etc. with my buds and tell them where to meet. As is their is no risk while talking with a squad via another source which other ingame players cant hear. Unfair advantage no doubt. If you want to scream across the hill to your sniper and tell them where the baddie is you better yell real loud and risk giving away your position in doing so. I know this is extreme and only a game and most totally disagree but im just all about making it feel as real as possible. I understand its just animations and bla bla bla bla but the point of Dayz imo is stay as true to real life as possible. I also understand there are multiple other aspects of the game that arent true to real life also so why ruin others group play. If they could make it an option for servers to not allow party play that would be awesome for me and the rest could play their dayz. Id be cool with that
  22. humandirty


    I'm not against the idea as irl after things calmed down a bit farming would be essential but in the mist of all bloodshed and carnage I'd like to see maybe wild berrys or other harvestable wild plants that would give mininum blood and slightly fight hunger. Not saying it wouldnt be blast trying to defend my livestock or crops from them filthy bandits.
  23. humandirty

    Suggestion - Ghosts?

    ghost? hmmm it hasnt been proven they do or dont exsist so maybe. Big Foot would also be good for a scare but i think aggresive wild life such as bears and large cats in areas approriate would suit much better. Imagine a mountain lion waiting in hiding while your hofing from some zombies and get pounced on or even maybe they'd shred some zombies for you before attempting to maul your face off. Just as scary but you'd actually have to deal with it unlike the ghost which just might make you drop a deuce which in that case you'd smell like shit and attract flies if you dont find a change of clothes
  24. humandirty

    Wallets (add to the immersion)

    Maybe not make the wallet/diary an actual item to gain or lose. Just when you study a body you got much more info such as name, days survived, stats of zomb/bandit/survivor kills and small note your can write at anytime or choose not. Me personally I'd value my paper as a fire starter more than a diary or even a relief from wiping me ass with foliage
  25. humandirty

    Wild birds and their use in game.

    or maybe just the wildlife noises change with the presence of someone running. Such as the birds and crickets go silent within 50m or even further when vehicles are approaching. Obviously a wider variety of wildlife noises would need be added to make this sytem functional as not all animals or insects give any fucks whos doing what around them. So then only those with knowledge would gain advantage as rocket has said he wants realy life skills and what not. But the birds flying would be nice or other creatures scurring away from comotion. Just imagine half the maps birds flying when some lets a 50cal fly or a hueys tearing ass over the woods causing a stampede of deer and wild hogs to flush from the bush. That would get your blood going and with the added animals stomping around you could even use their noise for concealment of your elephant feet