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The only map source ever released was A1 Sahrani Source, which requires a bunch of work to get working in A2. They just released the Utes source with the DayZ Samples though:
will dayz Enfusion engine mods be able to be ported into ARMA 4?
NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) replied to Darrell Moneymaker's topic in General Discussion
So, I love answering questions for BI before they will and being right. Yes, DayZ stuff will go into Arma 4. There will likely be a fair amount of nit picking and minor changes that will need to be done, but it will be possible... but so is Arma 3 to DayZ... so... it's all do-able. It's more about the licences than anything else. Because both platforms are and will remain moddable it will be possible to do anything with both... it will just be a matter of whether it's worth the time investment, and if it's allowed under the licences. -
I'm confused, the experimental branch was patched and it introduced more bugs... but now instead of getting that stable then pushing it to Stable Branch... you're patching the Stable Branch with different patches than the ones on Experimental?? Am I totally misunderstanding what's happening here? or do you guys just not do standard patch/test/validate/publish work flow? What's the point of an experimental branch if you're not using it to validate patches for stable? What's the point of patching stable with untested patches??
For workshop mods they should just install. For mods you've dl'd from the internet... there should be a tutorial on that site... but you just put it anywhere and then include a path to that mod in the launch options for the server. There is likely also some settings where you can require (or not) the exact same mods to be installed on the client end.
I haven't really even read the whole 1.0 announcement but... anyone who didn't know we'd be here now was just being oblivious whether purposely or not... I knew it would take 3-5 years and I don't make games for a living... I knew it COULD take as long as 5-7 years... They could have even just admitted this to the public last year or the year before and started treating "Stable" as DayZ 1 and "Experimental/Stress" as DayZ 2... they could have opened up modding for DayZ 1 and regained a player base... they could have held events in the old engine while they peacefully worked on the new one in relative obscurity/peace... They could have offered DLCs for DayZ 1 or had modding competitions, actually sold merch... It's a real shame that they chose stubbornly to pretend they could get it done in a totally unrealistic timeline and couldn't ever course correct no matter how many times it became obvious that their initial plan was a complete fabrication of ego. Having said all that... we're here now... I would have preferred sticking to it's done when it's done than to throw in the towel and hobble together the closest thing they can to what they wanted... but as a company they certainly need to establish a cutoff point and start generating income and pushing their other franchises forward.
They stated in the last dev update that a power system would be in place. For now you could look at the flashlight config, and basically add that to a streetlamps in a config, and then write a script to tun it on.. The streetlights and building lights should be configured all the same since the terrain/natural/artificial objects are all still p3d/RV configs.
Introductions, connecting modders to modelers, efficiency, and a "Community Asset Pack" concept
NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) replied to chambersenator's topic in General Discussion
I did this back in the DayZ mod days, I tried to get as many arma or days modders to cooperate and share source or code etc. Even then, with derivative mods using DayZ as a base w/o permission, and lots of them basically having borrowed or copied the rest of their mods from Arma mods... not a lot of people were too interested in sharing.... although in the end a TON of the derivative mod devs all contributed or added to the discussions on the official mod dev skype channel. I'm not sure if the trend will continue in SA, but in the mod days server hosting companies were generally fairly willing to pay modders for exclusive access to host their mods, so there's an opportunity to make a fair amount of money once you have some experience, and teaching others, or sharing stuff only reduces your market share... Even without a direct relationship with a hosting company, exclusive content brings in players, which increases hits on your website etc... There is lots of active discussion regarding any info needed to do mods yourself on discord and all over the web, but you'll basically never find anyone with the knowledge or experience who wants to spend their free time doing anything other than accomplishing the goals THEY want to accomplish. I'm likely going to start back up my tutorial series, and maybe start promoting the "open modder's group" again... but honestly, the only people interested were those who wanted to learn and couldn't really offer much contribution. Only after I published tutorials did more experienced modders who I didn't communicate with a lot chime in and offer their corrections or advice. https://plus.google.com/communities/108176993408907268564 I also made a community asset pack that anyone could contribute too and use from... There were SOME people who definitely shared freely, but it wasn't a lot.. I still have all the cans from "can gate" fully configured... but I think that might have been just about the only set of models anyone shared. Our group made a fair amount of unique assets and shared them. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22359 But even then... we'd get models shared to US only... like all those police units, the modeller who made the original models in Arma didn't want other DayZ Mods using them... he gave us a female player too.. and a female zombie... but didn't even want them shared back to the official dayz mod... -
They've already said they're going to provide a tool to generate the navmesh. The key there is that you need full source files which were not provided with the Arma Data Release. So, as stated above, those would need to be re-created in order to do terrain level edits, and likely in order to use the navmesh generator (however it's possible that the navmesh generator acts upon an already binarized terrain?). Either way... pleased to report the magicians working on CUP Terrains have made huge headway, and they HAVE regenerated the source files... So, provided Bohemia allow use of Arma content in DayZ then this project should be a go. I'm going to work this weekend on brushing up my A3 skills and get ready to help along with the A3 project as much as I can, and when/if BI change the license I can begin working on getting all the old Terrains in DayZ... I've been hearing a fair amount of concerns about the quality of the terrains especially the older ones, however after having ran around in a few of the maps in A3 CUP Terrains in 4k... I'm not sure what they're looking for? But I'm assuming it has more to do with the World Objects (buildings and misc objects) which are certainly not at the quality level of Arma 3 or DayZ, but they're not that far off either, and IMO... I personally just don't really like the post apocalyptic design of the houses... I know I'm in the minority on that one. I'm mostly interested in getting the project out so I can focus on making buildings again. I just lost interest when I wasn't motivated to play what I made any more. I did enjoy it, it was just so pain staking and time consuming, and honestly... quite a bit out of my comfort zone... I've picked up some more skills in my time away from modding that should lend well to doing models, but I'm still not a modeller which is really what you need... although anyone who is a modeller would know how dumb of a task this is and would walk away... I have a feeling a great deal of improvement can be seen just by tuning and tweaking the existing textures and rvmats.
Well, the entire project hinges on 2 things. 1. BI has to change the APL and APL-SA licenses to allow use of Arma models in DayZ SA. I'm not sure if this will or won't happen, I'm sure they want it to, but commercial products can be complicated. 2. In order to actually get the terrains to load in DayZ they will likely need to be "repacked" which will require rebuilding source files that BI did no make available. It is possible to create them, and the CUP Terrains team is currently working to that end in order to improve the maps for Arma 3. IF 1 happens but 2 does not, then at the very least I can port in all the "natural and artificial objects" (buildings, plants, signs, and roads) so that anyone who DID create their terrain in Arma 2, or Arma 3 using ONLY CUP Core, or their own models. Having thought about it, it's fairly unlikely (although not impossible) that Bohemia is going to release source for Arma 3, which would be needed in order for addon author's to use any of the assets they used from Arma 3 in their addon's for DayZ... so it MIGHT get fairly complicated for terrain makes to use their A3 map source to make DayZ maps.... OR BI might have seen all this on the horizon and has a plan... really could be either way. There is also a distinct possibility that for DayZ (and eventually Arma 4) they're looking to make a break from legacy content... which is a valid position... the older content doesn't really standup against freshly created modder content, much less DayZ or Arma 3 quality models... It can be improved, and re-worked but more often than not the majority of it remains as it was originally shared with minor tweaks. As far as new buildings... there are already a fairly large amount of opened buildings in CUP, and other team members are currently working on making that more of a priority, so I believe some more buildings may be included eventually. I am not sure I will start modelling buildings again, it was very time consuming and I wasn't particularly good at a lot of portions of it. Here are some of the buildings that M1lkm8n and I did for SMD Sahrani (he did most of the work) almost all of these were closed buildings from Arma 1. They all got heavily reworked as well, all materials and pathways and geometries were gone through, they were given shattering glass before Arma 3 had it (arma 2 didn't have it at all) Some even got animated destruction: All this was done for our DayZ Derivative mod, where you spawned with limited storage capacity, had to find clothes, and backpacks to expand, had helmets and vests that gave increased damage protection, inventory crafting, object crafting based on books you had to find, Zombies that would attack anyone who shot at anyone, and spawned anywhere, not just in towns, and didn't get cleaned up so you couldn't tell if there was someone in a town or not. We spawned trash loot so you could tell that it was a loot spawn point but still had to search for good loot... only helicopter crashes spawned hi powered weapons, vehicles didn't spawn with ammo on ever restart, fully recolored UI and menu screens You could throw bricks for 1 shot kills to zombies... lots and lots and lots of tweaks to the original mod. And TONS and TONS of custom zombie and player models as well as custom vehicles helis planes, cars, suvs mostly just retextures to match the factions... we made it so that ALL the characters showed backpacks when they were equipped, and so that women players could wear ghillie suits... we almost had equal armored vest/helmet models done for the females, and female zombies, but never finished those. This thread has all the features and details: https://opendayz.net/threads/dayz-sahrani-mod-development-work-in-progress.7373/
Hi, I'm NonovUrbizniz/CiforDayZServer This isn't official by any stretch yet, as there needs to be an adjustment to the APL and APL-SA for me to go ahead with the project, it will also require the official tools, and to ensure that all parties who've contributed over the years to CUP Terrains are ok with their work being ported to DayZ. There are quite a few people who have spent a lot of time bringing CUP Terrains up to a standard there is NO WAY I could have ever accomplished on my own. Lots of varied skills applied over dozens and dozens of hours improving things from configs, models, to textures... it's really a mountain of work. I am fairly confident that everyone who's contributed will be fine with the transition as I stressed the importance of CUP Terrains being something freely available to as many players and fans of Bohemia Interactive. Having said that, M1lkm8n did the VAST majority of the opened buildings and I did the others, most of the vegetation will need to be gone through again anyway, so the work that has been done by others can be re-done for DayZ specifically if there are any permission concerns. Lots of the assets in CUP Terrains remain largely unchanged from their initial release from Bohemia. It is an ENORMOUS project to port over, but I can get a working copy done fairly quickly... to go through everything and ensure it's optimized for DayZ is something that I don't see as an attainable goal by myself, however I hope that the project generates interest and people willing to contribute. My real life commitments have taken up the majority of my time for the last few years so I have not contributed much work to CUP Terrains since it's initial release, but leading up to it I was hoping it would be a good opportunity to teach people the ins and outs of modding. To that end I created a series of Arma Modding tutorials (7 videos in total), which at this point are definitely outdated, but are broad enough in scope that they're still very applicable, and from what I can tell going through the DayZ files, it's all very relevant to DayZ. In the coming months, I plan to get back into Arma modding and clean up CUP Terrains in an effort to prepare for the shift to DayZ. I will HOPEFULLY be documenting some things along the way and preparing some refreshed tutorials for Arma 3 and DayZ as info becomes available. Anyone with experience in any aspect of model editing or terrain building is more than welcome to make contact if you want to contribute! Anyone who wants to learn, feel free to follow along, and hopefully at some point I will get a batch of tutorials out that introduce the basics of modelling and finishing models for use in game. There are a lot of relevant links to same in the descriptions of my videos (which have written tutorials linked as well (links may be broken let me know I'll find/fix them). *edit* In case you are not familiar with CUP Terrains CUP Terrains is a project for Arma 3 that "ported" all of the terrains from previous Arma games released in the Bohemia Public Data Releases. More Details about that project can be found here: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/186835-community-upgrade-project-cup-terrains/ The intent for DayZ is to will include: Rahmadi Sahrani Southern Sahrani United Sahrani Porto Utes Chernarus Chernarus Summer Desert Takistan Zargabad Shapur Proving Grounds Bukovina Bystrica Takistan Mountains The OFP maps will NOT be included. */edit*
Multi-Map private server shards / Hive compatibility
NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) replied to Funkdoc's topic in General Discussion
This was a fairly common feature of servers back in the mod days, it wasn't done in game though, although that is certainly possible.. you would need to play cutscenes while the backend disconnected the players and relogged them into the new server. The most logical way to do it would be at airports, and have the cutscene cleanly cut back and forth on take off and landing. I discussed this idea back when I was working on a derivative mod and the official mod. It's totally possible. The problem is that you have to choose whether or not to lock switching maps to the transition points, or if people can just freely log in and out of different maps and log in/out at designated points on each map. The big issue is getting the maps in, but I'm likely going to do that. -
0.60 Videos, Impressions, (LOTS of Revamped Chernogorsk)
NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) posted a topic in Gallery
Hi, I'm Nonov Urbizniz, I worked on a DayZ derivative mod, the official mod (for a brief period) and made mods for Arma for a while... I've been kind of inactive in the last year or two. I've been playing a TON of .60, I managed to get in fairly early, and spawned close to Chernogorsk several times. I've only UL'd one video so far, but I played an hour in daytime downtown Cherno and probably another hour or more at night. I'll UL all of the unedited video for those that want to see every bit, but I spend a fair amount of time looting and bullshitting with a friend, so they're kind of boring in full length. I just finished condensing down 2 videos into one MUCH shorter video that has all the looting sped up, and shows most of the "money shots" of the downtown area. I'll try to get that Ul'd tonight and update the thread tomorrow. This set of videos is kind of in the middle, as far as exposure to 0.60, I had gone into Cherno at night, and realized it was pretty changed, but stuck to the dock side of town where the changes are not QUITE so dramatic, so I was still entirely floored when I saw it in daylight. I retreat to the woods to collect my thoughts and log out towards the end of the second video, and then re-enter the town and loop through again later. I will try to get all the vids edited and up this week. I've got 4-5 hours of unedited video right now, but I've had a LOT of good luck as far as getting to spots that are new/changed. Once these 2 full length and one condensed videos are up, I will edit together some of the bugs I've noticed for the devs... but I just couldn't resist focusing on the good first, there's SOOOO much of it. the render tech looks amazing, and while I'm not getting the amazing frames everyone else seems to be talking about, I've got an acceptable FPS floor in cities to where I'm not ENTIRELY helpless against zombies and other players... The feel is AMAZING, the quality of work done on the cities is ASTOUNDING, the lighting is PHENOMENAL. Edited - Part 1 and 2 combined/condensed Unedited - DayZ SA 0.60 ALL NEW Chernogorsk! Part 2 -
A Few Thoughts on.. (Deadlines, Roadmaps, etc)
NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) replied to Hicks_206 (DayZ)'s topic in News & Announcements
I think that's a solid plan. To date, communication of plans has not been the problem, it's the fact that they haven't been updated in real time regularly, and then after 6-8 months, it makes more sense to release a new timeline than to update the last one, which leaves the people who are following closely a bit confused or upset. Obviously, the project has gone through some VERY major revisions to it's goals, which were very tough decisions. The decision to create an engine eco system designed around the needs of DayZ was a brave, and needed decision, and IMO it will pay off in spades in the long term. But there is no denying it's one that was not made early enough, and, it having been made AFTER release of the Alpha is questionable at best, and left a LOT of people with a fairly sour taste. Ideally, I think the best route is to stop locking targets to version numbers, and release regular updates of whatever updates you can. This way there is no appearance of stagnation. There are plenty of folks who would be more than happy to continue seeing content updates regardless of whether or not some arbitrary internal goal has been met or not. Surely there is at least some stockpile of finished vehicles, weapons, buildings, and while configuring them for 2 systems may globally be a "waste" of resources, satiating an eager community has it's own value. Not to mention there are object placement errors on the terrain that have persisted through 2-3 updates... those could be addressed, or the new map location additions could be released prior to the renderer. ANY update would be a welcome one... people like to see fresh content. I personally am not surprised or disappointed by the time it's taking for development, but that largely has to do with the fact that I've said since 2012/2013 that it will take 3-5 years to be a fully developed retail game with modding support. I would really love to see BI spend just a bit more effort to keep the community engaged, even if it's "fluff" or "marketing"... I think the community at large has already accepted that "it'll be done when it's done"... but would like to see it kept interesting while we're waiting.. You mention directly "one of the great things about early access is you can experiment"... well? Start experimenting, it seems to me like it's been a fairly boring ride to date... Heli Crashes, loot distribution, spawn locations, day/night cycle, basically nothing has changed since the mod... I get there is a vision for the end product... but as stated.. we're no where near being at the end.. so why not have some fun on the ride? -
Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?
NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) replied to [email protected]'s topic in General Discussion
Considering the project that I spearheaded actually produced a fully ported terrain and over 30 enterable buildings, 20-30 unique character models/skins, dozens of vehicles, and dozens of loot items, (many of which you're playing with in the official mod) I find it fairly laughable that you'd paint me as some desperate fool who was dying to get on the official mod team. FYI I was a member from Apr-Aug 2013 approx. Initially all I did was try to contact 3rd party modders to see if the official dev team could use their assets. I got the permission to use Dslyecxi's addons, and approached a bunch of the derivative mods about integrating their changes. I also essentially told the modeller that was working on Sahrani to stop working on our assets and to work with the DayZ guys for his, their, and players benefit. I then configured all the finished models he produced. I also configured and created all the cans that were abandoned or never finished due to CanGate. I'm a fairly moody fella, and often state things in a more offensive manner than I intend. On a lot of levels, my previous post is just as representative of the toxicity that I vilify in it. Razor does tons for the mod, and has obviously dedicated tons of time and energy to it, and I'm not trying to slight him for that. I'm merely a little skeptical of the assertions that Dean/BI are uncontactable or ignoring anyone. I get replies when I mail my contacts at BI. I don't hold any resentment for being removed from the group (other than the sheer level of childishness to how/why it was done) if I was asked to rejoin, I wouldn't. But for the record I have since (and will always) offer up any of my work for anyone including the official mod to use... in fact I did the brick apartment buildings mostly with the idea in mind of sharing them with the official mod.... I would have already sent them the source, but they need cleaning up first, and I'm working on several other projects that have prevented me from finishing them to the standards I know the official mod would want. -
Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?
NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) replied to [email protected]'s topic in General Discussion
When I was on the dev team, there were posts in the forum talking about how "we" were being ignored, and it turned out that ONE email had been sent ONE time despite the endless number of pokes, prods, and nudges towards Razor, he sent ONE email and left it at that.. to somehow be discovered MONTHS after it was sent. The ONLY reason it ever got addressed was because "someone" IM'd Dean on skype when they saw him log in and asked if he had seen the forum posts about what a dick he was for not replying.... he immediately addressed the issue.... I have NO idea what caused the next series of delays, but my guess would be it's the same cause as before... the same the guy who has removed so many talented folks from the Dev team without so much as a SECOND of group discussion much less a vote... same guy that prevents so many from wanting to contribute, and same fella that's bred so much discontent and aggression towards the actual author of the mod we all allegedly "love" so much here. Here's the thing.... this "community" has done basically nothing but bitch and moan and act like they are owed something... The players deserve and endless stream of updates and attention to a costly central hive, other modders somehow were owed the right to make derivative mods, the official devs deserved early access to SA or jobs... the community deserves more timely updates.... News Flash!!! Companies owe you NOTHING.... they sell you products... if you don't like the product... stop fucking using it and don't recommend it to friends... if you don't want to buy it... DON'T. Rocket, a worker for BI, made a successful mod, so successful that he was able to sell the rights to it to BI, this is something that RARELY happens... on a small scale, much less BI deciding to develop an entire standalone game around a modification of their game... It makes winning the lotto look about as special as getting hit with a raindrop in a rainstorm. All this toxic bullshit of "he promised us" is just fucking insane. Grow up, no one OWES you anything, promises are made in good faith with the best information available to you at the time. Gamespy has shut down in the interim for fuck's sake... we're dealing with PEOPLE here, not all knowing psychic telepaths. Allowing the official mod to continue development out of his oversight, and in tandem with SA was crazy, and it's done NOTHING but provide a thorn in his side since... CanGate, DelayGate, HiveGate... give me a fucking break gate. You want someone to blame for the state of DayZ Mod... look to the guy who has taken ownership of it, not the guy who gave it away.