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About ZoxTheFox

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  1. ZoxTheFox

    Missing Czech-Man

    He said, she said but nobody said I believed him...but hey...I still have a pretty good bullshit detector that is actually working and he wasn't bullshitting.
  2. ZoxTheFox

    Missing Czech-Man

    Today I was playing on server and meet a realy nice guy from Czech Republic. He said this was his second day playing Dayz. I was just teaching him lesson No.2 (Don't eat human flesh) when I got disconnected and lost the guy. Our plan was to visit the military base on the far north. If you are by any strange coincidance reading this post, contact me.
  3. ZoxTheFox

    Next Vehicle

    Hell yeah! Yugo is the right car for the apocalypse! ... or maybe the good old Lada Niva? It goes well with the east european setting.
  4. ZoxTheFox

    Please check the papers :D

    Instead of notes I usualy just leave one or two syringes filled with my blood ;)
  5. ZoxTheFox

    How did you die the first time?

    I was playing SA for 15min when a crazy bandit wearing clown mask appeared from nowhere and stared to chase me through Elektro with a baseball bat...I tried to talk some sense into him but we all know how those kind of situations end <_<
  6. ZoxTheFox

    Stuck inside a wall question

    I was stuck in that room for almost 2 days a few weeks ago. Nothing worked except laying down on the ground and rolling toward the outside wall.
  7. Haha this map is realy great...but the best thing is that I actualy live in this area in Slovenia :) Very fun to walk and see places in the game that you know in real life =)