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The Bean Marine

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29 Neutral


About The Bean Marine

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  • Skype
    Pm me.

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  • Interests
    Hanging out with my freinds/playing DayZ :D

Profile Fields

  • Bio
    Well my DayZ life story is
    Day 1: Finding beans in the smaller cities
    Day 2: Going to Cherno to pick up guns
    Day 3: Takeing the long walk to NW Airfield
    Day 4: Finding some proper gear
    Day 5: Getting sniped in the head
    Now start reading from Day 1 again :D
  1. The Bean Marine

    Looking for Overpoch group.

    Looking For Group: Hello, this is what i have to offer for a group. - I have 2-3+ worth of DayZ and Arma 2 Experience - I know how to handle a gun and know how to act at a battlefield. - I am a serious player but i like having fun aswell :) - I am 17 years - I am strictly a bandit due to my experiences on DayZ What i am looking for in a group - A mature group - A group in the UK timezone - Experience - A base or a base in progress - Bandits or Survivor groups which are not neccesarly bandits or heroes - A team who knows when to have fun and joke and when to be serious and focused. - A team of about 5-30 players. Feel free to add me on skype Pregates348 Yours The Bean Marine Aka Cory Goodman.
  2. Well i am looking for a team. About me: - I am 17 years of age. - I have about 2-3 years worth of DayZ experience. - I know how to handle a gun and know my way around the battlezone, - I know how to navigate after playing a serious amount of DayZRP, If i meet your requirements add me on skype, Pregates348
  3. The Bean Marine

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Just wanted to update my Gear after the Server Wipe of characters :) Now i just need to find some TTskO pants and jacket, also some beans since this is DayZ,
  4. The Bean Marine

    Your first encounter with a player in SA

    I spawned between Cherno and Elektro and i was waiting for a friend, then a guy came running to me and i yelled out "Hai" we conversated and had a fun time. My friend came and it ended up in him taking a picture of us since we were the first 2 people he met on SA :).
  5. The Bean Marine

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    Man when is it gonna work #DayZ #Steamaintworkingforshit
  6. The Bean Marine

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Gearing up on food/water plus now i just need Bayonet and a Acog scope :) - Happy looting everybody
  7. The Bean Marine

    Should I buy?

    I bought it now.
  8. The Bean Marine

    Reason behind your username?

    Well, the reason i picked this Username is because i've got told i'm pretty nuts about beans :).
  9. The Bean Marine

    Am I Insane?.

    Either this is a sick joke that is meant for the graveyard. Or else you should see a doctor.
  10. The Bean Marine

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Better than Van Gogh
  11. The Bean Marine

    Pick your dayz theme tune

    Reminds me of those i left unharmed when i had the chance to shoot em.
  12. The Bean Marine

    My experience with Bandits

    Well i often end up in people firing at me even though i didn't kill em on sight. Often ends up in them getting killed and me unharmed, but i had to change my signature.
  13. The Bean Marine

    A tip for an unwise chap

    Some little advice for the road: Due to the recent amount of bandits, trust no one.
  14. The Bean Marine

    we really need something

    Is it just me or should this be on the graveyard?
  15. The Bean Marine

    Does DayZ Commander wreck your internet too?

    The only problem i have with DayZ Commander is how much CPU its using.