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About MetalHead2112

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    Lancashire UK

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  1. MetalHead2112


    It's a mod on pc called GoreZ. I use it on my server. It also adds blood trails if an animal or other player is hit which you can follow. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1648967877&searchtext=GoreZ
  2. MetalHead2112

    How do I take down a car tent?

    Everything has to be removed from the tent, including any camonets etc. Then it's just a case of walking up to the tentbag and selecting pack.
  3. MetalHead2112

    The fishing hook

    You can craft fishing hooks from the bones of a dead animal. Put knife in hand and look at the bones to get the option to craft a hook.
  4. MetalHead2112

    Cannot play modded servers

    The error message is telling you that you don't have the mods loaded to play on the server/s.
  5. MetalHead2112

    Attention "Base Fortifications" mod authors

    Probably easier to ask the author. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1849039435
  6. MetalHead2112

    Tendo sangramentos cíclicos (sem estar tomando dano) - DayZ

    Check your shoes for damage. If there damaged, fix them. If they're ruined, find a new pair. Verifique seus sapatos quanto a danos. Se houver algum dano, corrija-o. Se eles estão arruinados, encontre um novo par.
  7. MetalHead2112

    Only female zombies in cities

    You could alter the list to something like, male then female then male etc, instead of having all the females first then the males.
  8. MetalHead2112

    Configure Trade zone with different prices and items

    Each trader has a number from 0 to 5 I think, meaning there are 6 traders in total. You need to create new traders with there own numbers, starting at 6, 7 etc and then create the trader to correspond with the number. You can then set the price for each newly added trader.
  9. MetalHead2112

    Experimental Update 1.05

    @Derleth You'll get to see all kinds of weather, from the one you've already experienced, to torrential rain and fog. Have fun. Oh.. and lots of strong wind. 😉
  10. MetalHead2112

    Experimental Update 1.05

    @Derleth Changing this to true will give you much better, varied weather changes.
  11. MetalHead2112

    Wow, Cholera is instant death now

    You could add another swear word, that would be dandy. 🤣
  12. MetalHead2112

    Anyone use text chat in the PC version

    On vanilla servers, text chat is only local to yourself. Global chat is via a mod. Player list isn't available on vanilla, but it is on modded ones.
  13. MetalHead2112

    Contacting server creator

    The website/Discord may be shown as a message on the server. Try connecting and see if they show in a message ? Failing that, try putting the server name in your post and someone here may own the server.
  14. MetalHead2112

    Server messages

    60 minutes from the end of the delay.