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Rage VG

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About Rage VG

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    Forbidden Fury

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    Chin up.

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  1. Rage VG

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Hey, you'll want to consult this thread regarding system requirements.
  2. Rage VG


    Go ahead and appeal to BattlEye, then. We don't handle bans (assuming you're Global'd).
  3. Rage VG


    Sans the warning point. Let's not derail the thread.
  4. Rage VG

    Rape in DayZ (apparently

    Well from this point forward let us keep discussion on the actual matter at hand and not about our opinions of each other.
  5. Rage VG

    Rape in DayZ (apparently

    I have no idea what is inspiring you two to react so harshly to this thread but you're pushing it with the flaming. Keep the personal insults to yourselves. As I said before, someone making a thread on the matter isn't going to change anything; they don't need ANY inspiration or motivation to twist and turn anything to make things seem worse than they are, and this thread isn't going to be the catalyst that causes it to continue. I can understand being angry at that but that does not grant you the right to vent your anger at other users, the OP in particular.
  6. Rage VG

    Rape in DayZ (apparently

    That's because media outlets such as the telegraph are interested in attracting readers, not in actually being accurate, and if one way to do that is to somehow tack it onto as many of those "triggers" as possible then that's what they'll do. Throw up a story about how a guy robs a store and you'll get a few people tut and say "Some people are just stupid", but if you said that a guy robbed a store after playing videogames and you'll have people hurled into fits of rage over how these crazy things are manipulating today's youth and teaching them that it's perfectly okay to do these things. EDIT: I don't get why everyone's hurling a fit at OP. He didn't write the article, and whether he linked it or not doesn't change the fact that the article still exists. It's a pretty valid topic of discussion as far as I'm concerned as long as nobody's suggesting we actually implement something like that, so calm your tits, folks.
  7. Rage VG

    Entered Wrong Birthday

    Clear your cookies.
  8. Rage VG

    BE Global for no Reason?

    That's not how it works- Uh, yeah... Posting about it here isn't going to resolve anything though, because we're not BattlEye. Contact them directly via their support page.
  9. Rage VG

    i got randomly banned soo

    We are not able to remove your Global Bans as we're not the ones who gave it to you. Contact BattlEye support directly.
  10. Rage VG

    the new girls/robots/crackheads in town

    Oh my god I've discovered a time portal to the 90s. Good music and cartoons, here I come! Yeah. can we get some potheads too? As well as some robotic potheads, please.
  11. A lot of the issues you had though aren't the kinda thing you could just say "We should make it do this!" and they all grab the dude meant to code it and jump on his tummy 'til the coded function pops out. Chances are they already know what they need to do, they just need to figure out how to do it. The things we have now are probably a mixture of "We don't have it yet so here's this" plus "We don't know if this works how we think it will so let's see" PLUS "This might actually be better than what we thought of so let's find out". My ONLY concern EVER with the progress of the game is that great suggestions and posts like yours will be swamped over with stuff like "lol add rape plz xDxDxD" or stuff like that. Like I said, stuff that sounds good SHOULD be considered, it's just getting them heard. If that happens things get easier.
  12. Rage VG

    the new girls/robots/crackheads in town

    Those are called "females", I believe. Except the one in the middle. There's no fucking way that's not a terminator. Run.
  13. Just going to point out at the start of this post that I'm not going to be reading all of the replies to this thread because I'm sure there are probably some rather heated debates in progress and I don't really care to read all of the "LOL TL;DR" posts. Thus there's a chance that someone mentioned something that I'm about to mention but I'd have no idea, and so I apologize in advance. Anyway, I read through the entirety of your post and with exception to the fact I feel you may be over-reacting a little too much to some features when you even reminded yourself that the game is expected to have things that do not make sense at this stage I feel you did a good job constructively telling everyone what you think. I'd like to touch on a few that you mentioned; In response to the consideration of nudity/excrement, that is because if someone can come up with an idea that has not been considered before and can give some solid reasons behind it (In this case, realism) then there's no reason for it to not be CONSIDERED. It is at that stage that we can then start picking it apart for reasons such as "A lot of people would find it graphically unsettling", or "It will always be used in a manner against what it was intended for" and of course the idea would be shot down or possibly even revised to counter those reasons. But there's no reason not to consider it because if it can be justified then we should at least see what other people think about it. I agree for the most part with the ballistics system, attachments that magically improve your gun in nonsensical ways especially irk me, however calling it offensive and such really is an over-reaction, I feel. You should avoid making it sound as though the devs have thrown it in and said "Pfft, they won't be able to tell the difference. Losers." since it makes it appear moreso as a rant than criticism. I know that's not how you intended to come across but then again everyone isn't me. I would comment on the rest however I can't really provide you with an accurate response as it'd hinge on features that aren't out yet so I can't really say how correct or incorrect you are. I feel that with a stamina system, using weight for inventories would be far better however they should keep some aspect of space (Think of Resident Evil 4's inventory system, if you will) to limit just how much you can carry, so for example you can't carry either a car engine or, say, a massive pile of shoes equivalent to the weight of a car engine. A mix of the two systems seems best so I agree with you. Ultimately, I feel that a lot of your suggestions are conflicting on "This doesn't make the game that fun/realistic" and "We can't fully test the game and give feedback because of this aspect of the game", and I have to say that there are two ways to look at it because yes, this is an alpha, but it's one that people have still paid for, and thus would be unfair if EVERY aspect of the game was meant exclusively for getting feedback and such. You can also look at it the other way and say that even though people have paid for it, they are still well aware that it's an alpha and thus things are in the game now either as placeholders or simply to find out what works best, and some times they just won't be that fun to experience. It's a bit of both. Just like how you'd expect a game to be entirely designed for entertainment if you bought it fully released, inversely everything in the game would be designed for testing and nothing else if you were there just to test. Since you're doing a bit of both, it only makes sense for the game to have a bit of both. Sometimes that may not come out perfectly but really, nothing does. And it's fair enough to use Space engineers as an example of how the moderators clean up everything and respond to everyone and the devs are really interactive there, however you're forgetting that the DayZ community is considerably larger. Take, for example, the fact their forums have roughly 14,000 registered members, whereas we have just over 10,000 pages of registered users, over 200,000. And considering you're aware of the "Alpha!" battlecry I can safely assume you're aware that the community isn't always exactly loving and caring. A lot of the time anything we do is taken negatively and it's hard to engage with people when they are like that. It's essentially a case of if we do something, it's censorship, and if we do nothing, it's ignorance. I'm not surprised the devs don't post here more often with people like that around. But at the very least you can find the places that they ARE posting without needing to register to those websites by using the DevTracker. Anyway, you made some good points and I can only hope that in the future the game can progress to a point that can completely satisfy both yourself and as much of the community as possible.
  14. Rage VG

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

    No, those are beans. What on earth is wrong with you, man?!
  15. Rage VG

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

    I've never been so conflicted in my life. On one hand, this thread is so dumb it's making me cringe. On the other hand, it's also freaking hilarious. What do.