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Everything posted by apache25

  1. ah.....................................................
  2. apache25

    More weapon models

    its not ww2 many mosin nagant rifles and other ww2 weapons would be very rare or be museums and new weapons would not really make the game any better
  3. agreed players should also be able to fire pistols while moving
  4. my ideas cannot go to a graveyard as they are atheist and could not bear to go to a catholic graveyard
  5. apache25

    Zombies: Faster and Headshot Only

    if i made a zombie movie my zombies would go in packs killing and eating the older more feeble ones. they would need food and water to survive they would nest in houses and cellers. my zombies would also feel pain and be as weak as any normal human being.
  6. apache25

    Zombies: Faster and Headshot Only

    there should be servers with undead zombies and servers with fast infected zombies. i prefer the more realistic infected zombies that dont need head shots because like quaby said if your brain is the only woking thing in the body you cant survive and there is no good reason for the dead to get up and start walking
  7. apache25

    Bandit outfit

    agreed the bandit skin should be optional when you spawn and i actually liked the shemagh over the shirt and vest
  8. apache25

    Zombies: Faster and Headshot Only

    no way................the zombies in dayz are normal humans infected by a virus they are not the living dead lets keep the 28 days later zombies in this game. if you want undead head shot zombies go to the arma 2 undead mod.....it would not be so bad if there were servers for undead and non undead then players who prefered the ordinary zombies could go to ordinary server then players who like undead could g to undead server
  9. car dealerships: has 2 fully repaired cars but no fuel and is swarming with zombies winter: certain animals go into hybernation making hunting a large challenge and a greater risk of hypothermia. gear: tactical vests bullet proof vests tactical webbing and hydration packs. fuel cans used for water: players should be able to wash empty fuel cans and carry 4 water bottles worth of water in them. snapping to cover: the abillity to quckly roll into the cover of a nearby wall and blind fire or pop up and shoot. Gasmasks and grenades and helmets: gasmasks and tear gas are already in arma 2 so this could be implemented. helmets could protect against shrapnel from grenades and low caliber bullets. player hideouts: players could spawn in little bomb shelters with storage boxes a gas stove and a salted meat storage room and a bed and a radio set. radios and radio sets: military hand radios could be used to intercept military signals in the players area the signals could lead the player to a stash or a car. radio sets couldbe used merely for entertainment purposes such as listening to music tapes that the player has found.
  10. apache25

    gear and radios and more

  11. apache25

    new chernobyl map idea

    need replies
  12. PLAYER MECHANICS: ok so here are player mechanics i think would be good. climbing head high fences or walls by tapping F. ok my next idea is for melee fights like pressing leftmouse to punch and rightmouse to kick. HOTWIRING AND JUMPSTARTING: i think cars should need keys to start but can be hot wired in a QTE. old cars could also cut out but could be jumpstarted in another QTE HUMANITY SYSTEM IDEAS: i have a few ideas for the humanity system in dayz. if the players humanity is at 0 he should appear crazed and have a belt of human hands around his waist and blood smeared on his face it should alo make him more dangerous with hatchets. thats all this will be updated soon
  13. i dont like this idea it would be such a troll fest for hackers to spawn wheel clamps on every car in a server..........................AND what if a new player just found a car and a guy just runs along and clamps it its unfair
  14. apache25

    new chernobyl map idea

    i have a list of p4ople who need to shut the fuck up and write their own ideas zeppa dutch miller thebirdolux Riem heliman
  15. apache25

    new chernobyl map idea

    the reason i said you could spawn with cans of food is because food would be harder to find in the chernobyl map because of radiation
  16. apache25

    new chernobyl map idea

    really? i think you need a trip to the looney bin artillery strikes seem a bit nutty to me
  17. apache25

    Make Chernarus an Island

    good idea
  18. apache25

    Stand Alone Title

    dayz: the hackers paradise
  19. apache25

    new chernobyl map idea

    thanks for can of beans
  20. apache25

    new chernobyl map idea

    zeppa please make your own ideas
  21. apache25

    Scavenge car parts off other vehicles

    indeed very good idea
  22. apache25

    Stand Alone Title

    dayz:aftermath sounds good
  23. apache25

    new chernobyl map idea

    that just sounds retarded my ass getting banned
  24. apache25

    new chernobyl map idea

    really my ass does not have an acount
  25. apache25

    new chernobyl map idea

    i dont see how i am trolling if i appear to be trolling its not on purpose.......................p.s my ass does not have an acount so it cant be banned