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Everything posted by apache25

  1. apache25

    Spawn Protection

    how? because the underground bomb shelters would be scattered around in the wilderness
  2. apache25

    Spawn Protection

    nice idea but what if everybody spawned in a little underground bomb shelter that they can use as a base
  3. apache25

    Saving aggro'd zombies to character

    bad idea. just make a radius around the zombies and if the player is being chased in that radius he cant log out untill he loses zombies
  4. apache25

    Adding big foot to the game?

    i like the idea but there should be wandering big foots like in red dead redemption and big foots are only really spotted in north america
  5. apache25

    PVE Server

    it would not kill the game it would be good for people who do not like pvp. i think singleplayer would be cool because there would be no hackers no snipers you can just playon your own or with your friends and be bandits and fight eachother andg= get loot
  6. yes i agree with you people neeed to stop bitching about losing gear and broken mechanics it wont make their gear come back or fix the mechanic thingies
  7. apache25

    Zombies: Faster and Headshot Only

    yeah i think the zombies are already as fast as players but you can outrun them like you can outrun other players in arma 2 multiplayer or chernarus/takistan life
  8. apache25

    dayz is ruined

    this is not the "cry to your momma" section if you lose your gear its your fault for hoarding weapons and vehicles. little crybaby hoarder
  9. apache25


    i bet you want an americanized map admit it go on!
  10. not everybody can go around in groups alot of people in my area play dayz but they dont have skype and there is like only 3 guys with a mic so its hard task people if friendly
  11. you sound as if you are saying that i die alot i am forced to pvp for fear of getting shot every time a guy comes around the corner . its hard for most people to group up if they dont have a mic or skype
  12. apache25

    DayZ Need people to play with im 13!

    in my country (ireland) the rating is 18+
  13. apache25

    Funny ways you've died.

    crawling up the stairs of an apartment then breaking my legs for no reason
  14. apache25

    Zombies: Faster and Headshot Only

    i have to agree with you about most zombies being faster then players or being able to catch up faster but the ROMERO zombies should be in different servers to the ordinary zombies
  15. apache25

    PVE Server

    maybe in PVE servers there could be like 5 groups of 12 survivors and 5 groups of 12 bandits and the survivors would roam the map scavenging and protecting themselves from bandits while the bandits would attack survivor groups
  16. apache25

    Leveling system?

    wow this idea has been battered to death. no skills in dayz and especially the worst idea is the more you eat the less you need to eat. it dont make sense
  17. apache25

    no weapons ok what do i do?

    ever heard of sleeping dogs?
  18. apache25

    Adv Clothing for Women

    oh look at this bra..........ohhhhhh no i think ill wear this dress instead.....no i think ill wear this_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH IM BEING EATEN BY A ZOMBIE SAVE THE BRAS
  19. .............................no dont think so trash yard would be way too 1985
  20. apache25

    Zombies: Faster and Headshot Only

    why thank you sir
  21. not everyone has friends who play dayz ya know and most people cant approach another player without getting their head sliced in 2. alot of players prefer the lone wolf experiance
  22. have to agree with the OP there......................
  23. you mean heinz beans not bostons finest heinz beans is a real brand of beans i think its used in england and ireland
  24. apache25

    Custom Skins in DayZ?

    why not let players choose a variety of clothes when they spawn
  25. apache25

    Tranq guns for standalone

    good idea but it would be too easy to rob people.