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Everything posted by apache25

  1. apache25

    diseases and burning corpses

  2. apache25

    PVE Server

    yeah never know whats gonna happen...........................*sniped in elektro for 50th time* yep this is getin borin i wanna have PVE where i can join other survivors instead of gettin head blown off every 5 seconds
  3. apache25

    Zombies should be more deadly

    no fucking way. thats punishing certain play styles like bandit and lone wolf. and the fast easy to kill zombies are actually quit good the head shot zombies would ruin the scares and immersion fast infected zombies are interesting and can give you a good few scares if they suprise you and they are more plausible then living dead and you feel like your living on the edge. undead romero zombies are boring been there done that. they just get annoying and you can run from them easily and they pose less of a threat because since they are slow you can line up a good head shot. things that need to be changed with current zombies: they need to be faster they need to coordinate ambushes and use melee weapons.
  4. apache25

    Randomly placed suicide corpses

    i would love to go up a hill and find hundreds of corpses hanging from trees. or a dead couple lying hand inhand with a pistol beside them
  5. apache25

    diseases and burning corpses

    i am the mad axe man of grreen mountain
  6. you is bein reported for droppin kiddies of high buildins and rapin pooor defencless grannies who can only wave their handbag
  7. apache25

    New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

    oohhh just smokin weed in the apocalypse man peace man yeah all da man is cool
  8. apache25


    yeah this idea is too good it cant go to graveyard
  9. apache25

    diseases and burning corpses

  10. apache25


    not the graveyard this idea is good!
  11. apache25

    diseases and burning corpses

    ah.....................now i understand........................*vomits*
  12. apache25

    Spawn Protection

    i have never been spawn sniped if you want to get good loot go to low popluation servers where there will be less bandits and less call of duty kiddies
  13. apache25

    Spawn Protection

    any reasons how? the bunkers would be spread around the map and unenterable to other players perhaps the bunkers could spawn randomly so that pople dont know where all the bunkers will be
  14. apache25

    diseases and burning corpses

  15. apache25

    Zombies: Faster and Headshot Only

    the artical you read does not neccassarily mean that is how all zombies operate you cant think romeros zombies were "the start of zombie horror"i have read many celtic tales of of the dead walking and feasting on the living. these celtic undead could be killed anywhere on the body not just the head
  16. apache25

    Spawn Protection

    no ill shut up when i want col.price
  17. apache25

    respawn in zombie 1 time

    shaun of the dead up there said it all
  18. apache25


    what about shopping carts like in "the road" yeah that would be good carrying boxes of m16 mags and cans of beans and MRE and blankets. yeah that would be good...................................
  19. apache25

    New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

    i think lighters that hav limited amount of gas would be a good alternative to matches but good idea dude. you should also be able to get cancer and die
  20. apache25

    Reduce player speed based on carried weight.

    yes i i agree. the players more they carry the slower they get. but they should get faster after awhile because they are used to carrying heavyloads. or else let people carry shopping carts to put gear into
  21. apache25

    Adding big foot to the game?

    good idea banshee would be good too be thats restricted to ireland and scottland
  22. i personally liked the crossbow it has scored me many kills on zombies
  23. apache25

    What should our next competition be?

    ah good idea dolphin
  24. apache25

    Zombies: Faster and Headshot Only

    the current zombies sound more plausible then the living dead zombies and they are more exiting