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Everything posted by apache25

  1. apache25

    deleted fellas

    and not every player would spawn with asthma/diabetes it would be completely random
  2. apache25

    deleted fellas

    no i am not joking asthma would be a common thing to deal with in a devastated world. i have asthma myself
  3. apache25

    Zombie idea.

    read that book "cell" didnt like it but thanks for beans
  4. apache25

    What should our next competition be?

    u wut? dolphin man
  5. apache25

    Random Ideas

    i am a lover of zombie fiction my good man. i agree with you about the fact that ther needs to be larger numbers of infected. but slow head shot zombies would ruin this game. it would be too easy to run and hide in a bush and pick off zombies what needs to be changed with current infected zombies? they need to carry kitchen knives machetes and other melee weapons (excluding hachet/crowbar) they need to roam the entire map in packs of 5 or 6. towns and villages need to have hordes of zombies. the zombies should be more like charlie higsons zombies. his zombies need to sleep need to eat and need to drink. and they work in packs feeding on the older more feeble infected. most of the infected are scared of bright sunlight so they are stronger and have greater numbers in night time,
  6. apache25

    Random Ideas

    the barricading ideas are good the bayonets good idea but romero zombies NO! almost every book and movie is filled with romero zombies they are slow and boring. the current dayz zombies just need a little shaping up. and romero zombies are not real zombies as you call them. zombies have existed in folklore for hundreds of years i know a few tales of the undead. if your american you may not have heard of the celts they were as far as england wales scottland and ireland or hibernia as it used to be called.
  7. apache25

    Stepping on Yellow Jacket nest.

    i wanna get a jar of honey in my bee keepers suit
  8. apache25


    good idea opie but please say you instead of u
  9. apache25

    A realistic suggestion for food and blood

    dont make the game harder on lone players! add tools for administering bloodpacks to yourself and in the standalone make it so that you dont need other people to build underground bases
  10. apache25

    My Super Awesome Idea For DayZ.

    he will just break the windows mate :lol:
  11. apache25

    My Super Awesome Idea For DayZ.

    yeah but they wouldnt put in apache25 cuz thats my dayz forums username.
  12. apache25


    very good idea have a can of beans................now im down to ice cream and sausages
  13. apache25

    dutch friends

    zeppa.................would you kindly remove the copy of wall climbing machetes from your signature i find it insulting my good man.
  14. apache25

    A realistic suggestion for food and blood

    this idea is not realistic if you eat a load of food after getting shot you dont magically heal.
  15. apache25


    i already suggested this jayke but im not sure if anyone else did
  16. apache25

    My Super Awesome Idea For DayZ.

    yo thats my idea for machetes. but people took it the wrong way and thought that it was about a machete that could climb walls
  17. apache25

    20 dayz ideas

    idea 1: make zombies fast indoors but let players have a certain amount of time before the zombies break through the door. (if the door is closed) idea 2: let players push furniture against windows and doors to help prevent zombies getting in. idea 3: a block button should be added so suppose im about to be slashed by a zombie i can press F to block the zombies attack. idea 4: add the abillity to kill zombies from behind by pressing F for an insta kill idea 5: hunting knives should also be a used for killing people and zombies. idea 7: shovels pipes and kitchen knives should be added as weapons. idea 8: houses should be more detailed such as sinks and cupboards in the kitchen forcing players to scrounge through the shelves and the cupboards to find bullets and food. idea 9: more realistic weapon damage on zeds example 2 shots from makarov to zombie=dead after all they arnt those shitty shitty head shot requiring romero zombies. idea 10: container ships stranded off the coast should be added with a large zombie crew but food and medical supplies on board. idea 11: naval ships off the coast or at naval docks with medium grade military loot and MRE'S. idea 12: i know this has been suggested before but roaming packs of zombies should be added. idea 13: (already suggested by me 3 weeks ago) add camping stoves for cooking tinned food to increase the amount of blood you get from the food. (stove requires gas to operate) idea 14: zombies should wander into apartments and houses at night to sleep (on the floor) walking into the zombies resting places can wake them up. idea 15: add pharmacies and clinics which may have antibiotics or bandages. idea 16: make cars alot more common but fuel alot rarer this would encourage a thing i call the fuel wars. idea 17: have solitary packs of more dangerous 28 days later style zombies that kill weaker more feeble zombies in an attempt to get at the food. idea 18: gunshots should not attract zombies as it is unfair the way the zombies keep respawning and you run out of ammo so i like to sneak. idea 19: let players fire assault rifles and pistols while running for reduced accuracy. tip 20: like so many people have suggested before add cannabalism if anyone has seen the road they will know what im talking about. idea 21: get rid of tin cans they are usless and nobody uses them.
  18. apache25

    Motion detector

    would make camping too easy for snipers *sniper hides on hospital and sets up motion sensor. few hours later a man with a lee enfield sneaks up to hospital. man is shot due to sniper being alerted by motion senser
  19. apache25

    Character Customization.

    you used a signature basedon a comment i made how pointless and insulting...........................you have my beans
  20. apache25

    20 dayz ideas

    you gotta dance dance dance dance daaaaance da da da da da da da dance your body up
  21. apache25

    20 dayz ideas

    correction the zombies are not dead they are infected by a virus rocket has said so himself so please get your facts right and you cannot shoot while running i have to stop to fire my gun.
  22. apache25


    ohhhh...........................i used this idea already
  23. apache25

    Zombies should be more deadly

    gah who? heard what?
  24. apache25

    Zombies should be more deadly

    yes stradbally 2013!
  25. apache25

    Zombies should be more deadly

    in deadisland the zombies were fast smart and could wield pipes planks and machetes. in the popular zombie book "the enemy" the zombies are smart they appear to have a leader they can use melee weapons and are affected by sunlight