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Everything posted by apache25

  1. apache25


    YES! this idea is exellent but people should need to sleep anyway apart from when they log off. and if you log off in sleeping bag your hunger/thirst/warmth should not go down. i think this idea would be cool because you would have to find a very good spot for your camp maybe a forest far away from villages and towns. and if you set up a camp you could just sit there and pile logs on the fire and plan your next move. oh yeah radio sets should be added so you can upload a song into dayz and play it on your radio :)
  2. apache25

    Green Mountain radio transmissions

    what about a radio signal from france that says "fuck off you no gettin my snails and frogs legs zumbiez"
  3. i suggested this already probably a few other people did too. and diseases will be in the standalone
  4. cool idea but i already used this
  5. apache25

    Zombie idea.

    i have just read charlie higsons "the enemy" and the type of infected/zombies in it are superb here is a list of the zombies behaviours. They need to eat drink and sleep. They often pick up objects such as machetes or pipes maybe kitchen knives and turn them on survivors. Some of the infected do not like sunlight and will hide in underground subway stations and in buildings until nightfall where they will be at their deadliest. many of the stronger infected hunt by day aswell. Many groups of infected will have a sort of leader who usually has a large vicious packroaming with him. he also gets the most meat off dead survivors. There are a few infected who may try to utter random words. Some infected will not attack survivors and will lumber around harmlessly eyeing nearby zombies or survivors. Some infected may randomly burst open spewing innards and organs giving survivors a high risk of catching a disease if they stay too close. thoughts?.
  6. apache25

    DayZ map set in USA?

    no i did not make a fool of myself alaska is rarely used in movies/games and a vampire movie was set there it would be cool for dayz so no i have not made a fool of myself you fool
  7. apache25

    Zombie idea.

    extra beenz
  8. apache25

    DayZ map set in USA?

    alaska would be the only exeption for a map set in america. personally i think america should be excluded from this game other countries like india japan australia ireland africa egypt brazil would be good starts
  9. apache25

    Directional Threat indicators. ?

    you dont know if he uses pounds or not he may be using dollars or euros or reichmarks (lol)
  10. apache25

    Spawn in groups.

    this would just make pvp easier. its part of the fun going across cherno looking for your friends. so no spawning in groups
  11. apache25

    DayZ map set in USA?

    the only reason we dont like this idea is that america is used hundreds of times in videogames and movies and no other country has really been used much examples. india brazil ireland switzerland finland nigeria belgium the netherlands. are a few
  12. apache25

    deleted fellas

    deleted because of haters
  13. ok here is may idea, what if you were to come across a field with forklifts, pits and piles of hundreds of infected corpses. you would quickly fall to disease. but these diseases could be prevented with special medicines vaccines and masks. mouth-only gasmask. u.s miltary modern full face gasmask. russian PPM-88 gasmask. construction mask. each one of these masks neds filters excluding the contruction mask. the gasmasks can be used not only for preventing diseases but exploring areas underground such as sewers with toxic air. gasmasks can be equiped to protect the user against the effects of tear gas and stun grenades and mustard gas (mustard gas is rarest and deadliest) and laughing gas ha ha ha ha ha. if you have a gasmask, and matches and a can of petrol/diesel, you can burn human/zombie corpses to destroy the corpses, and the diseases with them. thoughts?
  14. apache25

    deleted fellas

    well i did not know i was going to get a hell of an excrement storm from the community zeppa.
  15. apache25

    Zombie idea.

    fuck no i dont want to play as an infected. i would rather strangle on my own tea
  16. apache25

    diseases and burning corpses

    ye would be great if you could capture guy and feed him beans on a spoon while saying "here comes the chu chu train"
  17. apache25

    DayZ map set in USA?

    yeah brazil would be brilliant there would be a alot of guns though because there is very high gang activity in rio
  18. apache25

    deleted fellas

  19. apache25

    Zombie idea.

    exacltly Riem screaming hungry pyschopaths. it would giving players something to fear. if the zombies work in packs and try to ambush their prey accordingly it will make the game much harder. imagine it you are walking along a railway track to cherno stop to take a swig of your water bottle.......................and then suddenly hundreds of infected burst out from the treeline screaming and sprinting for you. you drop the water bottle and run like hell. but you trip on the railway track sleepers. the infected are on you screaming and raging ripping you open. an hour later a survivor stumbles across a half empty waterbottle and a pile of mangled human remains....................
  20. apache25

    DayZ map set in USA?

    no way america is just a big NO! i like to see other countries apart from america use in videogames. heres a few examples. serbia: sorry i dont know anything about serbia ireland: would be great to wonder around the bogs and marshes and set up a tent at the burren in co.clare and see the waterfalls then set up a sniping spot. limerick city ireland: great to set up a base in king johns castle and snipe bandits from across the river. australia: creeping through the outback with a sniper rifle and a fake aussie accent would be great. belfast northern ireland: would be gret to have a dayz map set in the troubles. london: loads of fat zombies loads of beef eater zombies.............and best of all the queen zombie!. alaska: driving a truck while being attacked by hordes of infected would be sweet as a sweet/candy
  21. apache25

    deleted fellas

    some people with asthma woul have a good chance of staying alive if they had the right inhalers and medications i have sthma myself and i can run fast and hard for awhile. but i know that loads of people hate this idea so im gonna remove it
  22. apache25

    Zombie idea.

    ah thank you zeppa i will use tags on this now
  23. apache25

    Stand alone melee mechanics

    assassins creed style melee?
  24. apache25

    deleted fellas

    no the beenz must be saved!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. apache25

    Zombie idea.

    what is the point of tags my very good man?