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Everything posted by apache25

  1. i think being able to shoot while running would be good and add little shops in villages with 5x tins of beans and 5x cans of drink and in the towns there should be camping shops that have 5x water bottles (empty) and 2x tents and 2x hunting knives and 5x boxes of matches and possibly a scoped hunting rifle with a 5x bullets in the inside and ships off the coast that have 5 zombies on them but carry 1x flaregun and 10x flares and 5x bandages add more detailed houses such as boarded up windows turned over tables dead bodys with bullet holes in they're heads and create charecter screen were players can put on black hoodies combat pants boots gasmasks hair styles and select they're age have more realistic weapon damage such as 3 bullets to a human=dead and add more randomized maps such as a dublin city map or a new york map or moscow map or even alaska (alaska would be good ) and let players spawn with a revolver and 1 chamber of rounds and also my other suggestion fix the bugs such as zoms walking through closed doors or the bug where players spawn in a field and lose all they're gear.add reinforcable cars such as screwing sheet metal onto the sides and placing bullet proof glass onto them. players should spawn with no kevlar vests or webbing of any kind bullet proof vests must be scavenged to provide damage resistance or assault webbing could give extra inventory space. add the ability to cannabalize if necassary or the ability to strip meat off dead players to throw to distract zombies. NOTE TO ALL GRAMMER NAZIS PICKING ON MY GRAMMER DOES NOT MAKE YOU SMART COOL OR GOOD
  3. if you dont like my suggestions dont read them. and stop picking on my grammer you EPIC RETARD
  4. dont judge a book by its cover...
  5. HELL YA IRISH PRIDE!!! lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol
  6. excuse me if my grammer fails you (grammer nazi) but if you dont like my ideas dont read this i was only sharing my ideas
  7. lol go down to my local shop and buy a zombie bisuits and a coller
  8. apache25


    how would trains be working in the zombie apocalypse? crashed trains with crates of food and a few flares would be ok but AI bandits inside them? this game is not a game for AI unless their zombies
  9. the pregnancy topic was wrote by me and it was a reasonable suggestion not meant to be a troll joke but you have my beans yours sincerely an irish kid
  10. apache25

    dayz pregnancy

    my idea is simple say you are playing as a woman and a group of bandits :bandit: come along they can force you to make a kid and make you pregnant and after a few days the baby comes unless you find morning after pills but if you have the kid you need to keep it warm and breast feed it and it grows into a ten year old who can follow you and can carry a backpack to store your loot when he grows into teen he will run away