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Everything posted by apache25

  1. apache25

    Martial Law

    maybe barricaded towns where players can set up market stalls without NPC'S because NPC'S would ruin this game
  2. i already suggested this in dayz car dealerships water cans and more
  3. nice picture ilike it good idea too
  4. apache25

    Play as zombie?

    nice idea.....funny sherlock holms dog.
  5. apache25

    Play as zombie?

    good idea
  6. apache25

    gear and radios and more

    how was it useless traveler?
  7. fuckin shit idea why waste time on a beard.... and you cant even spell feature.
  8. apache25

    gear and radios and more

    i apologise if the words are not seperated enough
  9. apache25

    grammar nazis

    the amount of grammar nazis on this site is unbearable they have nothing helpful to say about forums or anything else this has to stop. most infamous grammar nazi: schrapple. i know that my grammar is not perfect but this is no reason to make a fuss over. grammar nazis are merely whinging kids feeling the need to take their grammar Rage out on us self respecting folk! if i get any grammar complaints on this im gonna commit suicide in dayz :murder:
  10. apache25

    grammar nazis

    Good idea fraggle i think i'll do that.
  11. apache25

    grammar nazis

    lol nice post of barrack obama there pussy cat
  12. apache25

    gear and radios and more

    i'll do what i want on my own thread bitches
  13. apache25

    zombie scent spray and more

    schrapple i know i have made grammar mistakes but this forum is not for whining about grammer its about reading suggestions and saying what you think about them not picking on people about grammar
  14. apache25

    zombie scent spray and more

    great just great.....more people complaining about fucking grammar fucking idiots i may not have perfect grammar but some people dont have perfect grammar but thats the way it goes its a fact of life so go back to picking your nose yankee/british/german/japanese/russian/aussie/alien/gorilla/ape/ douch bags
  15. apache25

    Rocket and friends; everyone! Please have a read!

    nice ideas i hope rocket thinks along your lines
  16. apache25

    gear and radios and more

    if you cant bother to read it then go and read something else
  17. apache25

    Point-Buy Character Creation

    dayz isnt a skill/class game its survival not perks
  18. apache25

    gear and radios and more

    irish peacekeepers maybe?
  19. apache25

    Party/ Buddy System

    agreed players should be able to send buddy invitations to players if accepted people cannot be killed if shot at by a buddy you have my last tin of beans sir
  20. apache25

    gear and radios and more

    earth to dayz please respond
  21. apache25


    i agree with you being able to dig crops would only be good if you hade a hideout or digging wells could give you water
  22. apache25

    Perks to reduce PVP

    sgt.asshat the main goal of the game is to survive not kill other players
  23. idea 1: create player screen were players can choose skin colour hair styles and wear hoodies or combat pants and/or shirts and gasmasks or shemags each of which have different stats such as a hoodie has 15% resistance against cold. gasmask lets you go into toxic areas. combat pants give you 4 inventory spaces. shemags give you 5% resistance to cold or good looks if you prefer. every player should spawn with a box of matches with 10 matches and 2 full water bottles and 2 tins of heinz beans (real brand of beans used in ireland). and players should be able to shoot pistols while running. mini food stores should be added in villages with 2 tins of frank and beans and 2 bottles of water (soft drinks such as coke or pepsi dehydrate you). there should be camping shops in the city with 2 tents 2 hunting knives and 4 boxes of matches and water purification pills that can be used to clean water. and movable furniture could be added to barricade doors blood should regenerate over time as new blood cells create. more realistic weapon damage such as 3 bullets from a pistol into another player=dead.
  24. apache25

    dayz clothing stats ideas

    i thank you both for not whinging about grammer as most people do but im glad to have anyperson who likes a few of my ideas