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Everything posted by apache25

  1. apache25

    player allowDamage true

    i agree the weapons need to be more powerfull instead of using full makrov mags to kill people how about 3 shots one kill
  2. apache25

    zombie scent spray and more

    whats your beef with me?
  3. apache25

    zombie scent spray and more

    self phrasing? i dont remember self phrasing
  4. i think that swedish firesteels (a type of flint) should be added as loot they could enable you to build campfires without matches. camping stoves could cook tinned goods to increase the blood they give. (stove requires gas) water purification tablets could be found as loot in petrol stations to purify water from lakes or streams (i came up with this idea in one of my other forums so dont say its already been used because i know). a crashed military cargo plane in mountain would be good it could have MRE'S water bottle's and ak47's and coyote backpack. abandoned ships off the coast with a flare gun 4 bandages and 4 flaregun rounds. the ability to carry water in jerrycans (jerry can needs to be washed with water first). farmhouses that have a DB shotgun and a full box of shells in the cupboards. food should spawn in kitchen cupboards not on the floor this would make players root through cupboards to find tins of beans and sausages and drinks. zombies should sleep in houses at night on the floor and under tables walking into these nests may wake them up. a faction wars system if there is a group of 4 people or more and they clear out a town of zombies they can take it over and find planks of wood sheet metal and wheelie bins to make barricades. zombies can attack these towns in waves a few days after taking it over. in these camps are other players who can trade with you and team up with you. (other groups can take over towns) instead of a baseball cap and office shirt spawn players with a black hoodie black pants and a white shemag or a gray tee shirt and black cargo pants. (maybe not the best idea) that was my last suggestion please leave good comments and dont call me an idiot
  5. apache25

    just a few dayz ideas please read.....

    good idea fraggle
  6. apache25

    Increased difficulty for survival

    alright ideas but surviving in the wilderness is hard enough as it is because matches are so rare
  7. apache25

    just a few dayz ideas please read.....

    :( i'm unhappy people complaining about my grammar all the time especially schrapple he moans and moans all the time just because i dont use symbols like this ',;'""
  8. apache25

    zombie scent spray and more

    how? i may not have perfect grammar but telling me does not help
  9. apache25

    Random Encounters

    this topic has creeped me out i would say that hackers are teleporting to a location near you and using some kind of invisibilty hack
  10. apache25

    zombie scent spray and more

    schrapple not everybody has perfect grammar thats the way it goes get used to it
  11. apache25

    dayz gasmasks

    i think there should be toxic areas or chemical spill areas where you need a gasmask to go to so why not add gasmasks that can be found in firestations and military bases which you can wear to enter the toxic areas
  12. apache25

    dayz gasmasks

    atleast you guys left a few beter then usual comments
  13. apache25

    Slender Man

    lol slenderman would scare the bazeebies out of me here have some beans
  14. apache25

    dayz gasmasks

    what? there are already night vision goggles in the game.........
  15. apache25

    Meat Hooks

    lol good idea
  16. apache25

    New idea for food items???

    i think your ideas are well thought out and would give the game a nice touch you have my last tin of beans
  17. apache25

    A Different Clothing Skin Idea

    why not just let players create they're own guy?
  18. A create player screen where players can choose to wear hoodies jackets combat pants cargo pants and shirts each of which has different stats. Hoodie. 15% resistance to cold. Jacket 25% resistance to cold and 2 inventory spaces (jacket pockets). Shemag 5% resistance to cold (or good looks if you prefer). Cargo pants 5% resistance to cold and 2 pockets. hairstyles and hair colours. camo face paint.
  19. apache25

    dayz create player screen

    i never seen this posted apart from on my own pages
  20. Here are a few ideas i would like to see in dayz. hunger should take 2 ingame days to go to flashing red. More tinned food in villages 2 tins of frank and beans and 2 cans of pepsi should spawn in villages. I think 20 blood should regenerate every ingame hour (as more blood cells create). Not all cars should need to be repaired a few land rovers or cars could spawn undamaged with a full fuel tank. Zombies should only spawn every 4 days. Zombies should not be able to walk through closed doors. Players should be able to push sofas/tables/chairs against doors to prevent zombies from getting in. Every open house should have cupboards that have a 50% chance of holding 2 tins of sardines or makarov magazine or a can of pepsi. each Random zombies should sleep in houses at night potentially walking into these nests can wake them up. Farm houses should have a 30% chance of having a DB shotgun with 2 boxes of shells in the cupboards. Police stations should have a 30% chance of spawning 2 makarov pistols and 2 magazines. Zombies that roam in packs and attack weaker more feeble zombies and deal more damage to the player (reference charlie higsons amazing book the fear). Tinned goods should give more blood points when cooked on a gas camping stove. Radios that can play rock/classical/casual music that increases humanity over time. Disarming technique that can kick the weapon out of your opponants hands forcing him into melee combat. Gas camping stoves which can cook tinned food to increase the blood it gives (requires gas to opperate). The ability to craft your own fishing rods which can let you catch trout/salmon/cod depending on the area each type of fishing rod gives you a different chance of catching a fish. The need to sleep should be added sleeping with a low humanity can result in nightmares which can reduce your humanity slightly. Zombies should have a 12% chance of tripping and cracking their skull if they are running in a tight group. players should be able to grab weapons off other players if the other player does not tap F fast. a starting screen where players can choose hairstyles hoodies pants shemags bandannas tee's and shirts to wear each of which has different cold protection stats (or if you prefer good looks) shemag 5% cold resistance. hoodie 15% resistance to cold. shirt 0% resistance to cold. cargo pants 5% resistance to cold and 2 extra backpack spaces. when dogs are added in the stand alone say if your being chased you can order your dog to distract the zombies the dog will run off bringing a few zombies with him once he has lost them he will come back to you (if hes not dead). the dogs should have to be fed to survive if you do not feed your dog he goes wild and attacks you. their should be new maps in places like alaska or moscow
  21. apache25

    a list of good dayz suggestions....

    get outta here elfe ears
  22. apache25

    a list of good dayz suggestions....

    is it my grammar or what? i just dont get it.....
  23. apache25

    a list of good dayz suggestions....

    ugh my pages never get good comments.....
  24. apache25

    gear and radios and more

    You have not exactly used grammar yourself traveler but i am glad you like a few of my ideas
  25. apache25


    Rocket has said in the standalone zombies can run in houses your wish granted