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Everything posted by apache25

  1. apache25

    Idea for ending Sniper abuse

    as50's arent the only threat ya know there are DMR'S aswell
  2. apache25

    Vehicular Armor Idea -{STANDALONE}-

    i posted this already bro i already wrote the idea of bullet proof glass and sheet metal
  3. apache25

    Minigames for actions

    cool ideas i like your thinking
  4. apache25

    How to make a Safehouse... Safe

    stupid ideas why not board up the windows with planks and sheet metal
  5. apache25

    DayZ Scopes

    your grammar is disgusting how old are you 8? its think not tink and what not wat
  6. apache25

    Zombie Über Buff

    the zombies are hard enough as it is without a weapon i have found a british lee enfield rifle many a time and if i aim the rifle it fires in the wrong direction
  7. apache25

    DayZ in Takistan & Zargabad

    what about an alaska map:?
  8. apache25


    spooning? umadbro??
  9. apache25

    One character name ~ DayZ standalone

    you can already choose your own name
  10. Hospitals should have 4 floors that you can explore with different rooms and zombie patients that lurk in the hallways. the hospital should have medical kits bandages and items for self transfusion of blood packs and maybe a snack machine with a few energy bars or cans of coke. Make buildings such as supermarket bigger with more shelves which have 1 or 2 tins of beans and frank and cans of pepsi and maybe a few zombies lurking beside the shelves. police stations that have maybe 2 makarovs and 2 clips. and there should be military checkpoints on the road to citys with basic military gear 2 MRE'S and 1 pistol and 4 makarov mags. abandoned survivor safezones with MRE'S and maybe an ak47 and a few zombies. survivor safehouses like a little underground shelter with a few tins of food and a hunting rifle and a box of bullets and matches and 2 hunting knives. a winter season where players can catch hypothermia unless they stay by fires or find warm jackets parkas or hoodies. abandoned evacuation posts at the coast which have a few military boats and MRE'S and a drivable boat different maps such as alaska where the player has increased chances of hypothermia and frost bite tools for self transfusion of blood packs the ability grab and kick people say a guy goes up to a bandit and presses F he can grab and kick and kill the bandit unless the bandit taps F to counter kill the guy radio sets that can broadcast messages to any player with a radio set homemade weapons such as a pipe bomb that can be crafted or a automatic submachine gun that can fire 5 magazines before it stops working (it uses homemade bullets that dont do very much damage)
  11. apache25

    larger buildings combat moves and more

    if your comment has nothing to do with my suggestions dont post here mgreenwald
  12. apache25

    larger buildings combat moves and more

  13. apache25

    What kind of zombies should be in DayZ

    i prefer the crazed zombies they are scarier and more realistic then the living dead
  14. apache25

    My one wish for standalone.

    i already posted the winter idea bro better luck next time
  15. i've already posted this idea mate go rape your bunny
  16. apache25

    choking mechanic in the game

    stupid idea what about a disarm move where you can kick the gun out of the opponants hands and if he pressses F fast enough he kills you
  17. apache25


    rangers would make the game too much like fallout new vegas or metro2033
  18. apache25

    Carebear mode.

  19. apache25

    Food Supplies

    there isnt enough food in towns as it is i have often ran through towns not finding a single tin of beans and matches are too rare to be able to hunt
  20. idea: let players take blood from zombie corpses to spray on themselves which could let players walk among zombies for 10 minutes. add reinforcable cars such as adding bullet proof wind screens and armoured plating on the side. stores in villages with 2 tins of beans hidden in the backroom and 4 hidden in the front room plus 4 cans of pepsi. add camping shops in the city with 2 water bottles 2 hunting knives and 10 packets of water purification tablets. abandoned military convoys with 2 DMR'S and 4 MRE'S and 2 DMR mags and military zombies in the surrounding area. add create player screen were players can choose to wear hoodies/jackets shirts/t_shirts hats/hoods jeans/cargo pants. players should spawn without a bullet proof vest vests should be found in police stations or military bases. add more realistic weapon damage example 2 shots with a pistol to a player without kevlar=dead. 4 shots from a DMR to a kevlar vest player=dead. the ability to punch or kick zombies. add underground shelters that are hidden in forests with 12 tins of frank and beans 2 hunting rifles and 4 boxes of bullets and 12 cans of pepsi and 5 piles of wood 5 boxes of matches and a water bottle. gunshots . if zombies see the corpses of their fellow infected they should hold their ground untill you start running or shooting. ok thats all please dont complain about my grammar because it only makes you look like a complete douch bag
  21. apache25

    larger buildings combat moves and more

    been there done that
  22. apache25

    From medical point of view

    i like your idea about picking out bullets and bracing legs here is my last tin of beans
  23. apache25

    player allowDamage true

  24. apache25

    zombie scent spray and more

    people just love being jerks about grammar