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Everything posted by apache25

  1. apache25

    The goal in Dayz should be survive, not pvp

    cheerleaders not in russia. and this has been suggested hundrds of times
  2. prepare for terrible grammar and punctuation. (1) add the ability to tie flashlights onto guns with tape. (2) add MOLL pouches and ammo carrier vests. (3) add more food types that require different methods of cooking such as soup biscuits fish chicken sausages and potatos and carrots and tomatos and tinned fruit and MRE (4) add bullet proof glass and sheets of metal and machine guns and armoured plating for modifying vehicles (yes yes i know beaten to death). (5) add islands off the coast off chernarus with small fishing villages and harbors and military outposts. (6) add jumpstart kits and winter tires for vehicles and bullet proof tires. (7) add abandoned safezones and survivor hideouts. (8) add a new map of rome. (9) make the map look for apocalyptic by having cracked pavement and grass growing everywhere and have large splatters of blood in the streets with bullet cartridges and barricades thats it. thoughts?
  3. i just thought rome would be an interesting map maybe the vatican could be boarded up and there could be blood everywhere and a dead pope and bullet cartridges everywhere
  4. apache25

    In-depth character customization

    you should know that you can already customize your face. but you should be able to select trousers shirts hoodies jackets shemags bandannas..............
  5. apache25

    Different types of Infected / Zombies

    sounds like s.t.a.l.k.e.r.s zombies damn creepy they were. and they could use adssault rifles and say stuff like help me
  6. apache25

    list of suggestions

    this is a list of suggestions which may or may not improve dayz. (1) campfires cannot be placed in rain or on damp ground after a rain storm. campfires can cause fire to spread if the campfire is placed on high grass or near flamable objects. (2) match boxes should only have 10 matches per box and should take up ordinary inventory spaces. (3) hotels and bars and cafes should be added it would be interesting to find a barricaded hotel and a carebear hiding inside whimpering. (4) sea fishing should be added. players could find a trawler and attach a net to catch large amounts of sea bass cod eels and tuna for gutting cooking and eating. (possibility to get murdered by jawZ) (5) fishing would be a good source of food in dayz people could find different types of bait fishing rods and lines. (6) add radio sets and mp3 players which let players upload a song into dayz to listen to on their radio/mp3. (7) add camping stoves which require gas and kelly kettles for boiling water and cooking food. gas bottles for camping stoves could be found as loot. (8) add wooden boards and sheets of metal for barricading buildings. (9) add underground railway systems and sewers. (10) add news papers and magazines with details of the virus/parasite and pictures of the infected and tanks blowing up bridges or soldiers carrying bodybags. (11) add russian foods. and chocolate bars and packaged foods with russian brand names to add variety. (12) add tooth decay so if a survivor eats alot of energ bars/chocolate or sodas his/her teeth will start to blacken and fall out causing pain and producing eating difficulties. but the teeth can be repaired with alot of dentists equipment. or prevented by brushing teeth. (13) add a character customization screen so people can equip thei character in hoodies/jumpers shirts hats watches shoes and combat vests. (14) add new weapons such as the mauser kar 98 and the mosin nagant and the tokerev. (15) add pencils/pens and notebooks which allow players to detail their adventure or give coordinates to the location of a stash. thoughts?
  7. apache25

    list of suggestions

    need more views people
  8. apache25

    Weapon suggestions.

    browning high power is very good gun it has stopping power
  9. apache25

    list of suggestions

    yo the camping stove idea is mine i used it before
  10. apache25

    zombies meaner

    well the zombies need to be smarter and travel inpacks but NO headshot zombies. if you prefer romero zombies just shoot zombies in the head instead of posting mindless suggestionsabout changing the zombies to make the game boring
  11. apache25

    Bandit skin

    why not let people choose what they wear when they spawn? its a bit strange to look like a sivilian then suddenly look like a german soldier
  12. apache25

    DayZ theme Song

    skyfall and in a heartbeat would make good dayz theme songs................it has to be sad. and vindicator your signature displaying a comment i posted is anoying and rude
  13. apache25

    Dogs Dogs Dogs!!!

    already being added.....sober up :)
  14. apache25

    Short Campaign, Single Player Free Roam

    yes this would be great as you would not have to worry about hackers or snipers in elektro and this would be great for when dayz is ported to console (hopefully on disc) as people without internet connection could play. but...................no objectives or missions. i beileve singleplayer would add the ability to make safehouse building easier so if you were to build a safehouse you could log off and the safehouse would still be there
  15. apache25

    New inventory / Items

    im just going to buy warz because its gotbigger maps and more guns and more things to die like barricade houses and set up bases
  16. apache25

    A Treatise On Survival

    very good ideas you have my beans but...............i have already suggested the gas/liquid cookers so hence it is not original. and baths? you can go for a month or more without smelling bad. yes we should have to wash ourselves but not every three days. and the shopping cart idea is mine too unless its been used in the past. but still very good ideas. goodbye
  17. maybe no military npcs maybe the supermarkets/hospitals could just be fortified and when you go in there is a single npc shop keeper that cannot be killed. and you can buy gear from him even if your a bandit. or maybe players could set up these shops by fortifying supermarkets and putting up a sign saying trading post and when survivors go in they can rob the shop if they want to but you can kill them
  18. maybe people could choose to play as a soldier and gaurd these places? but they would not be able to kill heros or and they would have to kill bandits. and maybe there a limited amount of supplies in the hospitals/supermarkets so when they supplies run out you have to leave the base and go on scavenging missions. so survivors can buy gear and ammo and food
  19. apache25

    Play Dead?

    good idea. you should be able to pull out your hunting knife and stab people if they get too close to you when your playing dead though. (think assassins creed stealth kills)
  20. apache25

    Super fast zombies

    jesus how many times do people keep bringing this up! rocket has said that he wants to keep the fast screaming hungry physchopaths we dont want romero zombies if you want to have to shoot zombies in the head just shoot them in the head or download the undead mod fir arma 2 where you gotta shoot em in the head
  21. apache25

    Making Humanity Points Useful

    no we dont want to punish people who like to play alone or dont have friends who play dayz. bandits with low humanity should see faces in windows see shadows of people who are not there bla bla bla but you should be able to find anti depressive pills and other drugs to stop the hallucinations and stuff (pills would be very rare)
  22. apache25

    DayZ map set in USA?

    ah.....................and what the hell is mineZ the ROMERO ZOMBIES YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME signature is stating my hatred for george romeros zombies i prefer the 28 dayslater zombies.
  23. apache25

    DayZ map set in USA?

    no..................i am not irish in origin i am scottish and i have been to many places in ireland and think they would be good for a zombie apocalypse since ireland is now my home country i have not visted many other countries so i suggested ireland and egypt and all the rest so please stop your anti irish babbble. and i uggested alaska because that would be the only place that i would like in america. by the way have a tin of heinz beans just because you are so laughable