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Everything posted by apache25

  1. i think it would be good if melee is added fresh spawns should only have a few combat moves available and the longer people survive the more combat moves you can learn such as the car kill car kill involves driving alongside another car and jumping onto it and engaging in a series of QTE'S or if you have a pistol just shooting the driver but he can shoot you too the counter disarm move which is where player 1 tryes to disarm player 2 but player 2 counter disarms player 1 the counter kill move is where player 1 is attacked by player 2 but player 1 can counter kill player 2 if he presses the right key (which key is up to rocket) the silent kill move is where player 1 sneaks up to player 2 and uses his knife or hands to kill player 2 unless player 2 presses the right key just in time the knock out move is a move involving incapacitating a player for a period of time also rendering him incapable of leaving the game untill he wakes up the kick and slam move is where player 2 attacks player 1 and proceeds to grab and kick player 1 then he slams his head against the closest wall or into a fire (sleeping dogs reference) i think character creation would be good with hairstyles beards and clothing to choose from
  2. apache25

    a few good dayz suggestions

    i dont see how it is a hint
  3. yeah my ideals are really dumb..........................U CANT HANDALZ DA PRESHUR UV KACK TIM EVENTS
  4. apache25

    Artillery Strikes

  5. apache25

    a few good dayz suggestions

    you are not making any sense at all pymngrirm stop wasting your time ranting about purses and baggage
  6. apache25

    Dinosaurs !!!

    what about xenomorphs prouling through elektro feeding on bodies
  7. i think there should be a group invite system where you can invite players to join your group joining these groups lets you take over towns taking over a town is simple kill every zombie in the town and you can choose to take it over (you cant take big citys) and taking over these towns (you can only take 1) lets you build wells plant crops and fortify the town in your style such as adding wooden planks fences sheet metal. for players who are not in a group they can select a shop/house/barn/firestation to hide in and fortify disabling all loot spawns in the building.
  8. loot spawns would be disabled in the towns when captured so that players cannot wait for food and ammo to spawn
  9. i did not mean have NPC'S in it i meant actuall other players to trade with
  10. apache25

    books that unlock new skills.

    that is so unrealistic nobody can get skills in real life by reading a book but its a fairly good idea
  11. you can use it as a spawn point when you die but you need a group to take over towns and you can dig wells and plant crops and use it as a forward operating base
  12. choking idea was already suggested a hundred times it was also posted in my other posts
  13. apache25

    Repaired cars and helicopters

    i dont care blodi this is an english speaking website you need to make your words easier to understand
  14. i agree that people should not be able to fly choppers and handle certain weapons unless they get a manuel on how to do it first but everyone is able to stealth kill and kill other people
  15. apache25

    Repaired cars and helicopters

    blodi you need to make your sentences easier to understand or else people will not understand what you wrote and may get all grammar nazi on you
  16. apache25

    Zombie Über Buff

    zombies that take 6 bullets to chest area not good zombies that die like humans good my viw of zombies is that they need to eat they need to sleep they need to crap and they can feel pain and they dont need head shots
  17. but that wasnt an idea it was a video im apologise if i offended you but if you have an idea post it in your own topic thats what i was trying to say
  18. nic ved bro but dat comment haz nuten ta du wet ma post sa get ya ninja ass utta ma post
  19. apache25

    New Endgame Content

    plus i already suggested the town take overs and fortification methods
  20. apache25

    New Endgame Content

    no bro waves of zombies and earning new stuff would make this game too much like dead island or other shitty unrealistic games like left 4 dead
  21. i dont have a playstation 3 so i cant play uncharted but i do have brink great game fallout 3 is good too if not a bit silly and unrealistic
  22. i bet you 2 ignored most of my suggestions on this list
  23. lol sprinter cell i dont play sprinter cell i play assassins creed revelations and brink dumbass never heard of sprinter cell
  24. apache25

    Artillery Strikes

    stupid idea why would survivors have access to an artillery strike? their just civilians and anyway the army of chernarus is gone
  25. apache25

    choking mechanic in the game

    i like the idea of being able to break peoples necks if they dont notice you it would add to the tension and teach players to always be on the look out