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Everything posted by apache25

  1. apache25

    Where are all the effing vehicles??

    cars should be made alot more common if you ask me why would every car be destroyed? there would be cars all over the place
  2. wow all the comments i see are against propere give the guy some respect these are good ideas
  3. apache25


    snake is my sign on the chinese calender
  4. apache25


    so rude............
  5. apache25

    Suggestions for new Inventory Items

    i already suggested trip mines/trip wires and i already suggested the idea of body armor so have 2000 other people but overall good ideas
  6. apache25


    snakes are not present in countries like russia as far as i know
  7. apache25

    Brilliant Idea!

    this idea is a big no no if bandits had access to these dart guns then they would fire it at people then kill them while they are uncounsious
  8. apache25

    zombie spawn nests

    i already had the zombie nest ideas plus zombie bosses would ruin this game
  9. apache25

    Starting character classes?

    artillery would ruin the game
  10. i think there should be cabins in forests that can be choosen as a safehouse and if you choose a cabin as a safehouse you can find planks and sheets of metal to fortify the cabin in an RTS style taking cabins also lets you plant crops and dig wells the crops need sunlight and watering to grow and wells provide you with water. sliding and climbing head high objects should be added. being able to fire pistols while running would be good be running and gunning makes you less accurate. more realistic weapon damage should be added say 3 shots from a makarov and your dead because it has often taken me full makarov mags to kill bandits. survivor safe houses should be added with a few zombies and a tin or 2 of beans and a rifle. if a bandit is in a radius of 20 meters logging off should be prevented. thats all this is subject to change
  11. this is mainly messads ideas mixed with my own because messad has a few good ideas. base building. making groups and selecting a house office or supermarket or firestation or church will disable all loot spawns in the hideout but enable players to barricde their hideout RTS style with planks and sheets of metal and walls and tripwires. players who are not in a group can fortify a small house or supermarket with planks or furniture that they find. players can grow crops which need sunlight and water to grow. wells that can be dug to get water. tripwires that can be placed to blow up attacking humans or zombies. ammunition crafting should be added if the player finds lead brass and other materials he can make bullets for different guns. i think sliding and climbing head high objects should be added. gasmasks and gas grenades should be added. i think the first time the player finds a gun he should get better at shooting the more he fires his gun. i think petrol bombs should be added for ambushing players (like the irish war of independance). i think there should be months and years that go by and every month chernarus will look a little different and grass will start growing through the roads and pavements and zombies will act differently (in ordinary people moods and reactions can change depending on the month). i think abandoned safe houses should be dotted around the map with blood stains on the floor and a few solitary zombies lurking around and maybe a rifle or a tin of food could be in the house. thats all. (note base building is messads idea i just mixed it with a few of my own)
  12. apache25

    climbing sliding and more.......

    i double post to get more publicity for my ideas i you dont like it just stick to makng your own posts
  13. apache25

    list of improvements

    a few good ideas but the zombies are not dead they are merely crazed people the romero zombies are unrealistic as if the brain is the only working part of the body the body requires its lungs and heart and muscles livers and intestines to work and other body parts zombies are not undead they are crazy humans
  14. apache25

    climbing sliding and more.......

    and i give people beans if i agree with their comment or like their post
  15. apache25

    climbing sliding and more.......

    i make different versions to get more views or replies and you seem to like picking on my ideas for no reason
  16. apache25

    Stop kicking for script restrictions.

    not a suggestion fuck off
  17. apache25

    How to salvage the Czeck Vest Pouch

    good suggestion and please stop reading my posts because you have nothing good to say about them
  18. apache25

    Artillery Strikes

    artillery is an ok idea but calling artillery strikes is just retarded and gives players an unfair advantage morters would be good
  19. apache25

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    OMG this idea is so good cry engine 3 would make dayz everything it needs to be
  20. i have searched entire villages not finding a single tin of beans or drink anywhere food needs to be slightly more common and anyway if food was rare where did it all go people are not going to eat every thing in sight you know
  21. apache25

    climbing sliding and safehouses

    we dont need artillery strikes its unrealistic and gives players an unfair advantage
  22. from my point of view zombies do not need head shots because the body cannot function if the brain is the only working thing and i think zombies need to sleep zombies need to drink zombies need to eat zombies kill other zombies
  23. apache25

    prepare mode

    i think if a solo campaign is added there should be a prepare mode where you spawn in a house with 600 roubles and you can go and buy food and bullets and a pistol or a rifle but after awhile the civilians will turn in zeds. i also think that civilian nuclear shelters should be added that are stock piled with food and bullets depending on the size of the bunker. players should be able to shoot while running with pistols and assault rifles. thats all
  24. apache25

    prepare mode

    everyone is able to fire a pistol while running or atleast make aiming and shooting faster and whats wrong with the prepare mode?
  25. apache25

    Way more personal stat tracking

    this is not call of duty this game is not about showing off your trophies this is a survival game