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Everything posted by apache25

  1. apache25

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    im sorry that was an accident the page wasnt loading so i pressed post 3 times
  2. apache25

    Server Kill/Death Rate

    this game isnt cod kill/death rates do not make the game any better
  3. apache25

    Google Earth maps?

    how do you expect to get to toronto dayz is not set in america it never will be too many games are set in america these days
  4. i dont live in america so the little kids dont say mommy! they say mum or mam or shut your face annoying orange
  5. im not spamming im just hoping someone will look at my ideas instead of ignoring them or moaning about grammar all the time
  6. like it says up there this will stay up untill i get replys
  7. apache25

    Where are all the effing vehicles??

    i meant that there would probably still be atleast a full jerrycans worth of fuel in the stations and if people started stocking up then there could be abandoned cars with a full tank of petrol and anyway there would be cars everywhere with small amounts of fuel in them
  8. if you view this please voice your opinion
  9. note: if you just want to say LOL or TROLOLOLOLOLOL go to that horror called facebook
  10. apache25

    Transport Idea

    nice idea but im an atheist a sinner from your point of view
  11. note:i have used the search function so do not complain
  12. apache25

    A new drink:)

    new drinks are not need what is need is milking cows churning butter eating honey and curing nettle stings
  13. apache25

    Flare gun/ Fireworks

    already suggested by me and 200 other people but a good idea regardless
  14. trying what too hard? go back to advertising your artillery strike shit
  15. apache25

    Clothing sets as rewards for past feats

    this game is nit about unlocking cool outfits for doing different things in real life you find the cloths you want and you wear them not unlock them
  16. foregewolf i like your idea but what iuf you could break down the door of the safehouses?
  17. apache25

    American Weapons and Russian Weapons

    there already is american and british weapons in the game the AS50 british the L85 british AR15 AMERICAN m249 american
  18. already used the search function bro didnt find anything
  19. apache25

    Where are all the effing vehicles??

    i dont think they use skateboards in poor russian countries.....unless.....YOU ARE RAMBO!
  20. that maker of this thread does not use dollars he uses euros
  21. i know about the underground building i just hope you dont need a team to build a underground base p.s hope you like my ideas
  22. apache25

    Where are all the effing vehicles??

    if you keep moving up the coast there is a petrol station where a blue van spawns often good luck