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Everything posted by apache25

  1. apache25

    hideout making and more ideas

    i did not mean with a story i meant so that if dayz is released on console people without internet connection can play a singleplayer mode
  2. apache25

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    i suppose that a ww2 map would not be the best
  3. apache25

    Survivor dafe camp?

    this idea has been suggested by 300 people no human NPC'S in dayz whatsoever i like the idea of building bases for groups though
  4. apache25

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    heliman i did not mean more dangerous zombies i meant more hair raising scary screaming zombies like from dead island
  5. apache25

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    i dont even like call of duty i did not even know that there was a call of duty set in stalingrad
  6. i think house building should be added say there are bluprints scattered around the map that can be used to build bunkers or cabins and if you find all the planks/logs sheets of metal and cement you can load it all into a truck and drive to a location and build a house using the bluprints and risk of blood loss or fractured bones when building so construction gear helps. and you should be able to build shelters that do not last very long in storms but these shelters can be built easily out of wood from chopping trees and branches entering these shelters can shelter you from storms and keep you warm and dry but they can collapse if not in a sheltered area like under trees. caves where you can shelter from storms should be added and if sleeping is added safe places to rest unless another player enters. finding rain coats and hoodies to help against rain and storms should be added. a large underground military complex should be added with flickering lights and military zombies but an armory at one part of the base. mini nuclear shelters should be added in forests with a hunting rifle and a box of bullets and a few tins of food and a safe place to hide. more cars should be added that do not need repairing as not every car in chernarus would have been destroyed adding more cars is not such a bad thing. larger hospitals with 4 or 5 floors the hospital could be completely dark but there could be a generator in the basement that you could fuel up to turn on the lights. tools for self transfusion of blood packs should be added so not everybody needs a friend to heal themselves. more areas such as waterfalls and streams (im irish and the landscape is similar to chernarus here). beating zombies to death should be added say you see a zombie you should be able to grab him and punch punch punch or slam his head into a wall rambo style B). pistols such as the makarov need more damage as i met a bandit today and i fired a full mag from my pistol into him and he did not die. but i dont think he was a hacker because it has taken me full clips to kill people before. i think campfire songs should be added that slightly increase the humanity of everyone at the fire. more new maps need to be added lingore island was the best dayz map i've seen so far i think alaska or london or washington D.C would be good maps. a solo mode should be added so players can just play in co op or on their own. i think there should be a new very large dayz map...SET IN WW2 EASTERN FRONT WITH LEE ENFIELDS PPSH'S MP40'S MP44'S MOSIN NAGANT'S AND STALINGRAD OR KURSK. i know this has been suggested before but this game needs the abillity to milk cows and get honey from bees hives and churn butter. lingor island needs more lush jungles with lurking zombies. i always prefer lingor because it has more searchable buildings and loot. hypothermia should be added.
  7. apache25

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    do you like the other ideas?
  8. apache25

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    bandit basterd he had his weapon down i think
  9. apache25

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    i am not getting very many replys...
  10. apache25

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    yeah right he is just my grandfathers son im 17 he's 20 so stop with the 12 years old shit because it really isnt helping
  11. apache25

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    no i am 17 years old to be correct have you got a problem?
  12. apache25

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    me and frank are best buds he is actually my uncle aswell and he is 20 and we usually team up in dayz to find and help new spawns
  13. apache25

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    so i was watching my friend frank play dayz in lingor island he was at an airfield and we saw this jeep and he ran towards it and it drove into a hangar we saw guys gettin out and frank ran towards them and they just shot him to pieces if you are reading this frank was friendly he does not kill people if you killed him i just wanted to say that not everybody is a bandit
  14. apache25

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    i suppose maybe you could roll them out of the way in your car? but with decreased speed imagine being chased by zombies through a town in your car and you see a barricade and your like oh fuck and try to roll the logs out of the way and then bandit snipers are shreading your car to pieces with bullets when you drive past
  15. apache25

    Roaming zombie "hoards"

    i think the zombies should be as deadly and scary as dead islands zombies
  16. apache25

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    atleast 1 person likes my ideas
  17. apache25

    Evacuation mode

    why not just get a chopper and fly where you want to
  18. apache25

    Crashed Helicopter Smoke

    its easier to see them in lingor island servers there is a crashed heli spawn beside an airfield
  19. apache25

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    imagine cutting down 3 trees onto the road and hiding in the bushes with your friends and a few backpacks with 3 cans of beans and water bottles and 2 lee enfields and a makarov for each guy and then a car comes along and you log grenades and shoot the car up
  20. apache25

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    exactly my thinking sumos use the trees for barricading the roads and setting up ambushes with your friends hide in bushes wait for car to stop at barricade then lob grenades and shoot the car to shit
  21. apache25

    Evacuation mode

    the military has been destroyed dumbass thats kind of obvious the game is set 1 or 2 years after the outbreak aswell and what happens if you get to the chopper in evac mode??? huh??? huh??? you get a big fucking gun??? you get a grenade??? the idea is unrealistic and would not make the game any fun the game is to survive not run to waypoints before the time runs out rocket is never going to considire this idea if he used this it would just be another game you buy on the highstreet
  22. apache25

    Crashed Helicopter Smoke

    yeah in the latest update they have huge plumes of smoke at night
  23. apache25

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    i know it was just a joke
  24. apache25

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    sumos if you tried to drive a car into a tree the windscreen burst showering you with glass and potentially destroy the whole car depending on what size it was
  25. apache25

    a long list of dayz ideas.

    thanks for the beans indominator